Henrik Lissner 3853dff5e1
tweak: disable ahead-of-time native compilation
Rather than impose a 10-45min compilation step on users, I've disabled
ahead-of-time compilation for deferred compilation. In exchange, it will
eat up some CPU time the first time each uncompiled package is loaded,
but as this happens asynchronously (and are then quietly loaded in the
background), I think this is acceptable.

An --aot switch (or similar) will be added to `doom sync` and `doom
build` in the future, in case folks prefer the old behavior.
2022-09-06 22:55:47 +02:00

634 lines
28 KiB

;;; lisp/doom-packages.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Emacs package management is opinionated, and so is Doom. Doom uses `straight'
;; to create a declarative, lazy-loaded and (nominally) reproducible package
;; management system. We use `straight' over `package' because the latter is
;; tempermental. ELPA sources suffer downtime occasionally and often fail to
;; build packages when GNU Tar is unavailable (e.g. MacOS users start with BSD
;; tar). Known gnutls errors plague the current stable release of Emacs (26.x)
;; which bork TLS handshakes with ELPA repos (mainly See
;; What's worse, you can only get the latest version of packages through ELPA.
;; In an ecosystem that is constantly changing, this is more frustrating than
;; convenient. Straight (and Doom) can do rolling release, but it is opt-in.
;; Interacting with this package management system is done through Doom's
;; bin/doom script. Find out more about it by running 'doom help' (I highly
;; recommend you add the script to your PATH). Here are some highlights:
;; + `bin/doom install`: a wizard that guides you through setting up Doom and
;; your private config for the first time.
;; + `bin/doom sync`: your go-to command for making sure Doom is in optimal
;; condition. It ensures all unneeded packages are removed, all needed ones
;; are installed, and all metadata associated with them is generated.
;; + `bin/doom upgrade`: upgrades Doom Emacs and your packages to the latest
;; versions. There's also 'bin/doom sync -u' for updating only your packages.
;; How this works is: the system reads packages.el files located in each
;; activated module, your private directory (`doom-user-dir'), and one in
;; `doom-core-dir'. These contain `package!' declarations that tell DOOM what
;; plugins to install and where from.
;; All that said, you can still use package.el's commands, but 'bin/doom sync'
;; will purge ELPA packages.
(defvar doom-packages ()
"A list of enabled packages. Each element is a sublist, whose CAR is the
package's name as a symbol, and whose CDR is the plist supplied to its
`package!' declaration. Set by `doom-initialize-packages'.")
(defvar doom-disabled-packages ()
"A list of packages that should be ignored by `use-package!' and `after!'.")
(defvar doom-packages-file "packages"
"The basename of packages file for modules.
Package files are read whenever Doom's package manager wants a manifest of all
desired packages. They are rarely read in interactive sessions (unless the user
uses a straight or package.el command directly).")
;;; package.el
;; Ensure that, if we do need package.el, it is configured correctly. You really
;; shouldn't be using it, but it may be convenient for quickly testing packages.
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil
package-user-dir (concat doom-local-dir "elpa/")
package-gnupghome-dir (expand-file-name "gpg" package-user-dir))
(after! package
(let ((s (if gnutls-verify-error "s" "")))
(prependq! package-archives
;; I omit Marmalade because its packages are manually submitted
;; rather than pulled, and so often out of date.
`(("melpa" . ,(format "http%s://" s))
("org" . ,(format "http%s://" s))))))
;; Refresh package.el the first time you call `package-install', so it can still
;; be used (e.g. to temporarily test packages). Remember to run 'doom sync' to
;; purge them; they can conflict with packages installed via straight!
(add-transient-hook! 'package-install (package-refresh-contents))
;;; Straight
(setq straight-base-dir (file-truename doom-local-dir)
straight-repository-branch "develop"
;; Since byte-code is rarely compatible across different versions of
;; Emacs, it's best we build them in separate directories, per emacs
;; version.
straight-build-dir (format "build-%s" emacs-version)
straight-cache-autoloads nil ; we already do this, and better.
;; Doom doesn't encourage you to modify packages in place. Disabling this
;; makes 'doom sync' instant (once everything set up), which is much nicer
;; UX than the several seconds modification checks.
straight-check-for-modifications nil
;; We handle package.el ourselves (and a little more comprehensively)
straight-enable-package-integration nil
;; Before switching to straight, `doom-local-dir' would average out at
;; around 100mb with half Doom's modules at ~230 packages. Afterwards, at
;; around 1gb. With shallow cloning, that is reduced to ~400mb. This has
;; no affect on packages that are pinned, however (run 'doom purge' to
;; compact those after-the-fact). Some packages break when shallow cloned
;; (like magit and org), but we'll deal with that elsewhere.
straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth '(1 single-branch))
(with-eval-after-load 'straight
;; HACK Doom relies on deferred compilation, which spares the user 20-50min of
;; compilation at install time, but subjects them to ~50% CPU activity when
;; starting Emacs for the first time. To complete this, straight.el needs to
;; be told not to do native-compilation, but it won't obey
;; `straight-disable-native-compile'.
;; It *will* obey `straight--native-comp-available', though. Trouble is:
;; it's a constant; it resets itself when straight is loaded, so it must be
;; changed afterwards.
(setq straight--native-comp-available nil)
;; `let-alist' is built into Emacs 26 and onwards
(add-to-list 'straight-built-in-pseudo-packages 'let-alist))
(defadvice! doom--read-pinned-packages-a (fn &rest args)
"Read `:pin's in `doom-packages' on top of straight's lockfiles."
:around #'straight--lockfile-read-all
(append (apply fn args) ; lockfiles still take priority
;;; native-comp
(when (featurep 'native-compile)
(after! comp
;; HACK Disable native-compilation for some troublesome packages
(mapc (doom-partial #'add-to-list 'native-comp-deferred-compilation-deny-list)
(list "/emacs-jupyter.*\\.el\\'"
;; Remove unwanted $EMACSDIR/eln-cache/ directory.
(cl-callf2 delete (file-name-concat doom-emacs-dir "eln-cache/")
;;; Bootstrappers
(defun doom--ensure-straight (recipe pin)
(letenv! (("GIT_CONFIG" nil)
(let ((repo-dir (doom-path straight-base-dir "straight/repos/straight.el"))
(repo-url (concat "http" (if gnutls-verify-error "s")
(or (plist-get recipe :repo) "radian-software/straight.el")))
(branch (or (plist-get recipe :branch) straight-repository-branch))
(call (if init-file-debug
(lambda (&rest args)
(print! "%s" (cdr (apply #'doom-call-process args))))
(lambda (&rest args)
(apply #'doom-call-process args)))))
(unless (file-directory-p repo-dir)
(unless (executable-find "git")
(user-error "Git isn't present on your system. Cannot proceed."))
(let* ((version (cdr (doom-call-process "git" "version")))
(and (string-match "\\_<[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)\\_>" version)
(match-string 0 version))))
(if version
(when (version< version "2.23")
(user-error "Git %s detected! Doom requires git 2.23 or newer!"
(print! (start "Installing straight..."))
(cl-destructuring-bind (depth . options)
(ensure-list straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth)
(let ((branch-switch (if (memq 'single-branch options)
((eq 'full depth)
(funcall call "git" "clone" "--origin" "origin"
branch-switch repo-url repo-dir))
((integerp depth)
(if (null pin)
(when (file-directory-p repo-dir)
(delete-directory repo-dir 'recursive))
(funcall call "git" "clone" "--origin" "origin" repo-url
"--no-checkout" repo-dir
"--depth" (number-to-string depth)
"--branch" straight-repository-branch))
(make-directory repo-dir 'recursive)
(let ((default-directory repo-dir))
(funcall call "git" "init")
(funcall call "git" "branch" "-m" straight-repository-branch)
(funcall call "git" "remote" "add" "origin" repo-url
"--master" straight-repository-branch)
(funcall call "git" "fetch" "origin" pin
"--depth" (number-to-string depth)
(funcall call "git" "reset" "--hard" pin)))))))))
(require 'straight (concat repo-dir "/straight.el"))
(doom-log "Initializing recipes")
(mapc #'straight-use-recipes
'((org-elpa :local-repo nil)
(melpa :type git :host github
:repo "melpa/melpa"
:build nil)
(nongnu-elpa :type git
:repo ""
:local-repo "nongnu-elpa"
:build nil)
(gnu-elpa-mirror :type git :host github
:repo "emacs-straight/gnu-elpa-mirror"
:build nil)
(el-get :type git :host github
:repo "dimitri/el-get"
:build nil)
(emacsmirror-mirror :type git :host github
:repo "emacs-straight/emacsmirror-mirror"
:build nil))))))
(defun doom--ensure-core-packages (packages)
(doom-log "Installing core packages")
(dolist (package packages)
(let* ((name (car package))
(repo (symbol-name name)))
(when-let (recipe (plist-get (cdr package) :recipe))
(straight-override-recipe (cons name recipe))
(when-let (local-repo (plist-get recipe :local-repo))
(setq repo local-repo)))
;; Only clone the package, don't build them. Straight hasn't been fully
;; configured by this point.
(straight-use-package name nil t))
;; In case the package hasn't been built yet.
(or (member (directory-file-name (straight--build-dir (symbol-name name)))
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (straight--repos-dir repo)))))))
(defun doom-initialize-core-packages (&optional force-p)
"Ensure `straight' is installed and was compiled with this version of Emacs."
(when (or force-p (null (bound-and-true-p straight-recipe-repositories)))
(doom-log "Initializing straight")
(let ((packages (doom-package-list nil 'core)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key recipe pin &allow-other-keys)
(alist-get 'straight packages)
(doom--ensure-straight recipe pin))
(doom--ensure-core-packages packages))))
(defun doom-initialize-packages (&optional force-p)
"Process all packages, essential and otherwise, if they haven't already been.
If FORCE-P is non-nil, do it anyway.
This ensures `doom-packages' is populated and `straight' recipes are properly
(doom-initialize-core-packages force-p)
(when (or force-p (not (bound-and-true-p package--initialized)))
(doom-log "Initializing package.el")
(require 'package)
(unless package--initialized
(error "Failed to initialize package.el")))
(when (or force-p (null doom-packages))
(doom-log "Initializing straight.el")
(setq doom-disabled-packages nil
doom-packages (doom-package-list))
(let (packages)
(dolist (package doom-packages)
(name &key recipe disable ignore &allow-other-keys) package
(if ignore
(straight-override-recipe (cons name '(:type built-in)))
(if disable
(cl-pushnew name doom-disabled-packages)
(when recipe
(straight-override-recipe (cons name recipe)))
(appendq! packages (cons name (straight--get-dependencies name)))))))
(dolist (package (cl-delete-duplicates packages :test #'equal))
(straight-register-package package)
(let ((name (symbol-name package)))
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (straight--build-dir name)))
(straight--load-package-autoloads name))))))
;;; Package management API
(defun doom-package-get (package &optional prop nil-value)
"Returns PACKAGE's `package!' recipe from `doom-packages'."
(let ((plist (cdr (assq package doom-packages))))
(if prop
(if (plist-member plist prop)
(plist-get plist prop)
(defun doom-package-set (package prop value)
"Set PROPERTY in PACKAGE's recipe to VALUE."
(setf (alist-get package doom-packages)
(plist-put (alist-get package doom-packages)
prop value)))
(defun doom-package-recipe (package &optional prop nil-value)
"Returns the `straight' recipe PACKAGE was registered with."
(let* ((recipe (straight-recipes-retrieve package))
(plist (doom-plist-merge
(plist-get (alist-get package doom-packages) :recipe)
(cdr (if (memq (car recipe) '(quote \`))
(eval recipe t)
(if prop
(if (plist-member plist prop)
(plist-get plist prop)
(defun doom-package-recipe-repo (package)
"Resolve and return PACKAGE's (symbol) local-repo property."
(if-let* ((recipe (copy-sequence (doom-package-recipe package)))
(recipe (if (and (not (plist-member recipe :type))
(memq (plist-get recipe :host) '(github gitlab bitbucket)))
(plist-put recipe :type 'git)
(repo (if-let (local-repo (plist-get recipe :local-repo))
(directory-file-name local-repo)
(ignore-errors (straight-vc-local-repo-name recipe)))))
(symbol-name package)))
(defun doom-package-build-recipe (package &optional prop nil-value)
"Returns the `straight' recipe PACKAGE was installed with."
(let ((plist (nth 2 (gethash (symbol-name package) straight--build-cache))))
(if prop
(if (plist-member plist prop)
(plist-get plist prop)
(defun doom-package-dependencies (package &optional recursive noerror)
"Return a list of dependencies for a package.
If RECURSIVE is `tree', return a tree of dependencies.
If RECURSIVE is nil, only return PACKAGE's immediate dependencies.
If NOERROR, return nil in case of error."
(cl-check-type package symbol)
(let ((deps (straight-dependencies (symbol-name package))))
(pcase recursive
(`tree deps)
(`t (flatten-list deps))
(`nil (cl-remove-if #'listp deps)))))
(defun doom-package-depending-on (package &optional noerror)
"Return a list of packages that depend on PACKAGE.
If PACKAGE (a symbol) isn't installed, throw an error, unless NOERROR is
(cl-check-type package symbol)
;; can't get dependencies for built-in packages
(unless (or (doom-package-build-recipe package)
(error "Couldn't find %s, is it installed?" package))
(straight-dependents (symbol-name package)))
;;; Predicate functions
(defun doom-package-built-in-p (package)
"Return non-nil if PACKAGE (a symbol) is built-in."
(eq (doom-package-build-recipe package :type)
(defun doom-package-installed-p (package)
"Return non-nil if PACKAGE (a symbol) is installed."
(file-directory-p (straight--build-dir (symbol-name package))))
(defun doom-package-is-type-p (package type)
(memq type (ensure-list (doom-package-get package :type))))
(defun doom-package-in-module-p (package category &optional module)
"Return non-nil if PACKAGE was installed by the user's private config."
(when-let (modules (doom-package-get package :modules))
(or (and (not module) (assq :user modules))
(member (cons category module) modules))))
(defun doom-package-backend (package)
"Return 'straight, 'builtin, 'elpa or 'other, depending on how PACKAGE is
(cond ((gethash (symbol-name package) straight--build-cache)
((or (doom-package-built-in-p package)
(assq package package--builtins))
((assq package package-alist)
((locate-library (symbol-name package))
;;; Package getters
(defun doom--read-packages (file &optional noeval noerror)
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(with-temp-buffer ; prevent buffer-local state from propagating
(if (not noeval)
(load file noerror 'nomessage 'nosuffix)
(when (file-exists-p file)
(insert-file-contents file)
(let (emacs-lisp-mode) (emacs-lisp-mode))
;; Scrape `package!' blocks from FILE for a comprehensive listing of
;; packages used by this module.
(while (search-forward "(package!" nil t)
(let ((ppss (save-excursion (syntax-ppss))))
;; Don't collect packages in comments or strings
(unless (or (nth 3 ppss)
(nth 4 ppss))
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(cl-destructuring-bind (_ name . plist)
(read (current-buffer))
(push (cons
name (plist-put
plist :modules
(list (doom-module-from-path file))))
(user-error (error-message-string e)))
(signal 'doom-package-error
(list (doom-module-from-path file)
file e)))))
(defun doom-package-list (&optional all-p core-only-p)
"Retrieve a list of explicitly declared packages from enabled modules.
If ALL-P, gather packages unconditionally across all modules, including disabled
(let ((packages-file (concat doom-packages-file ".el"))
(doom-path doom-core-dir packages-file) all-p 'noerror)
(unless core-only-p
(let ((private-packages (doom-path doom-user-dir packages-file))
(doom-modules (doom-module-list)))
(if all-p
(mapc #'doom--read-packages
(doom-files-in doom-modules-dir
:depth 2
:match "/packages\\.el$"))
;; We load the private packages file twice to populate
;; `doom-disabled-packages' disabled packages are seen ASAP, and a
;; second time to ensure privately overridden packages are properly
;; overwritten.
(let (doom-packages)
(doom--read-packages private-packages nil 'noerror))
(cl-loop for key being the hash-keys of doom-modules
for path = (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) packages-file)
for doom--current-module = key
do (doom--read-packages path nil 'noerror)))
(doom--read-packages private-packages all-p 'noerror)))
(if core-only-p
(lambda (pkg) (eq (plist-get (cdr pkg) :type) 'core))
(nreverse doom-packages))))
(defun doom-package-pinned-list ()
"Return an alist mapping package names (strings) to pinned commits (strings)."
(let (alist)
(dolist (package doom-packages alist)
(cl-destructuring-bind (name &key disable ignore pin unpin &allow-other-keys)
(when (and (not ignore)
(not disable)
(or pin unpin))
(setf (alist-get (file-name-nondirectory (doom-package-recipe-repo name))
alist nil 'remove #'equal)
(unless unpin pin)))))))
(defun doom-package-recipe-list ()
"Return straight recipes for non-builtin packages with a local-repo."
(let (recipes)
(dolist (recipe (hash-table-values straight--recipe-cache))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key local-repo type &allow-other-keys)
(unless (or (null local-repo)
(eq type 'built-in))
(push recipe recipes))))
(nreverse recipes)))
;;; Module package macros
(cl-defmacro package!
(name &rest plist &key built-in recipe ignore _type _pin _disable)
"Declares a package and how to install it (if applicable).
This macro is declarative and does not load nor install packages. It is used to
populate `doom-packages' with metadata about the packages Doom needs to keep
track of.
Only use this macro in a module's packages.el file.
Accepts the following properties:
:type core|local|built-in|virtual
Specifies what kind of package this is. Can be a symbol or a list thereof.
`core' = this is a protected package and cannot be disabled!
`local' = this package is being modified in-place. This package's repo is
unshallowed and will be skipped when you update packages.
`built-in' = this package is already built-in (otherwise, will be
`virtual' = this package is not tracked by Doom's package manager. It won't
be installed or uninstalled. Use this to pin 2nd order dependencies.
:recipe RECIPE
Specifies a straight.el recipe to allow you to acquire packages from external
sources. See
for details on this recipe.
:disable BOOL
Do not install or update this package AND disable all of its `use-package!'
and `after!' blocks.
:ignore FORM
Do not install this package.
:pin STR|nil
Pin this package to commit hash STR. Setting this to nil will unpin this
package if previously pinned.
:built-in BOOL|'prefer
Same as :ignore if the package is a built-in Emacs package. This is more to
inform help commands like `doom/help-packages' that this is a built-in
package. If set to 'prefer, the package will not be installed if it is
already provided by Emacs.
Returns t if package is successfully registered, and nil if it was disabled
(declare (indent defun))
(when (and recipe (keywordp (car-safe recipe)))
(cl-callf plist-put plist :recipe `(quote ,recipe)))
;; :built-in t is basically an alias for :ignore (locate-library NAME)
(when built-in
(when (and (not ignore)
(equal built-in '(quote prefer)))
(setq built-in `(locate-library ,(symbol-name name) nil (get 'load-path 'initial-value))))
(cl-callf map-delete plist :built-in)
(cl-callf plist-put plist :ignore built-in))
`(let* ((name ',name)
(plist (cdr (assq name doom-packages))))
;; Record what module this declaration was found in
(let ((module-list (plist-get plist :modules))
(module ',(doom-module-from-path)))
(unless (member module module-list)
(cl-callf plist-put plist :modules
(append module-list
(list module)
(when (file-in-directory-p ,(dir!) doom-user-dir)
'((:user . modules)))
;; Merge given plist with pre-existing one
(cl-loop for (key value) on (list ,@plist) by 'cddr
when value
do (cl-callf plist-put plist key value))
;; Some basic key validation; throws an error on invalid properties
(condition-case e
(when-let (recipe (plist-get plist :recipe))
(&key local-repo _files _flavor _build _pre-build _post-build
_includes _type _repo _host _branch _protocol _remote
_nonrecursive _fork _depth _source _inherit)
;; Expand :local-repo from current directory
(when local-repo
(cl-callf plist-put plist :recipe
(plist-put recipe :local-repo
(let ((local-path (expand-file-name local-repo ,(dir!))))
(if (file-directory-p local-path)
(signal 'doom-package-error
(cons ,(symbol-name name)
(error-message-string e)))))
;; These are the only side-effects of this macro!
(setf (alist-get name doom-packages) plist)
(if (plist-get plist :disable)
(add-to-list 'doom-disabled-packages name)
(cons name plist)))))
(defmacro disable-packages! (&rest packages)
"A convenience macro for disabling packages in bulk.
Only use this macro in a module's (or your private) packages.el file."
(mapcar (lambda (p) `(package! ,p :disable t))
(defmacro unpin! (&rest targets)
"Unpin packages in TARGETS.
This unpins packages, so that 'doom upgrade' downloads their latest version. It
can be used one of five ways:
- To disable pinning wholesale: (unpin! t)
- To unpin individual packages: (unpin! packageA packageB ...)
- To unpin all packages in a group of modules: (unpin! :lang :tools ...)
- To unpin packages in individual modules:
(unpin! (:lang python javascript) (:tools docker))
Or any combination of the above.
This macro should only be used from the user's private packages.el. No module
should use it!"
(if (memq t targets)
`(mapc (doom-rpartial #'doom-package-set :unpin t)
(mapcar #'car doom-packages))
(lambda (target)
(when target
`(doom-package-set ',target :unpin t)))
(cl-loop for target in targets
if (or (keywordp target) (listp target))
(cl-loop with (category . modules) = (ensure-list target)
for (name . plist) in doom-packages
for pkg-modules = (plist-get plist :modules)
if (and (assq category pkg-modules)
(or (null modules)
(cl-loop for module in modules
if (member (cons category module) pkg-modules)
return t))
collect it)
else if (symbolp target)
collect target)))))
(provide 'doom-packages)
;;; doom-packages.el ends here