2018-03-02 23:26:58 -05:00

137 lines
6.9 KiB

;;; feature/file-templates/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(require! :feature snippets)
(defvar +file-templates-dir
(expand-file-name "templates/" (file-name-directory load-file-name))
"The path to a directory of yasnippet folders to use for file templates.")
(def-setting! :file-template (regexp trigger mode &optional project-only-p)
"Register a file template (associated with TRIGGER, the uuid of the target
snippet) for empty files that match REGEXP in MODE (a major mode symbol).
If PROJECT-ONLY-P is non-nil, the template won't be expanded if the buffer isn't
in a project."
`(+file-templates-add (list ,regexp ,trigger ,mode ,project-only-p)))
;; Plugins
(def-package! autoinsert ; built-in
:commands (auto-insert-mode auto-insert)
(setq auto-insert-query nil ; Don't prompt before insertion
auto-insert-alist nil) ; Tabula rasa
(after! yasnippet
(push '+file-templates-dir yas-snippet-dirs))
;; load autoinsert as late as possible
(defun +file-templates|init ()
(and (not buffer-read-only)
(bobp) (eobp)
(remove-hook 'find-file-hook #'+file-templates|init)
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'+file-templates|init)
(auto-insert-mode 1)
(defun +file-templates--expand (key &optional mode project-only)
"Auto insert a yasnippet snippet into the blank file."
(when (if project-only (doom-project-p) t)
(require 'yasnippet)
(unless yas-minor-mode
(when (and yas-minor-mode
(cl-find key (yas--all-templates (yas--get-snippet-tables mode))
:key #'yas--template-key :test #'equal)))
(and (featurep 'evil) evil-mode)
(and yas--active-field-overlay
(overlay-buffer yas--active-field-overlay)
(overlay-get yas--active-field-overlay 'yas--field)))
(evil-initialize-state 'insert))))
(defun +file-templates-add (args)
(cl-destructuring-bind (regexp trigger &optional mode project-only-p) args
(push `(,regexp . (lambda () (+file-templates--expand ,trigger ',mode ,project-only-p)))
(mapc #'+file-templates-add
(let ((doom (concat "/" (regexp-opt '(".emacs.d" ".doom.d" "doom-emacs" "doom")) "/.*")))
`(;; General
("/\\.gitignore$" "__" gitignore-mode)
("/Dockerfile$" "__" dockerfile-mode)
("/docker-compose.yml$" "__" yaml-mode)
("/Makefile$" "__" makefile-gmake-mode)
;; elisp
("\\.el$" "__initfile" emacs-lisp-mode)
("/.dir-locals.el$" nil)
("-test\\.el$" "__" emacs-ert-mode)
(,(concat doom "/.+\\.el$") "__doom-module" emacs-lisp-mode)
(,(concat doom "/packages\\.el$") "__doom-packages" emacs-lisp-mode)
(,(concat doom "/test/.+\\.el$") "__doom-test" emacs-lisp-mode)
(snippet-mode "__" snippet-mode)
;; C/C++
("\\.h$" "__h" c-mode)
("\\.c$" "__c" c-mode)
("\\.h\\(h\\|pp|xx\\)$" "__hpp" c++-mode)
("\\.\\(cc\\|cpp\\)$" "__cpp" c++-mode)
("/main\\.\\(cc\\|cpp\\)$" "__main.cpp" c++-mode)
("/win32_\\.\\(cc\\|cpp\\)$" "__winmain.cpp" c++-mode)
;; go
("\\.go$" "__.go" go-mode)
("/main\\.go$" "__main.go" go-mode t)
;; web-mode
("\\.html$" "__.html" web-mode)
("\\.scss$" "__" scss-mode)
("/master\\.scss$" "__master.scss" scss-mode)
("/normalize\\.scss$" "__normalize.scss" scss-mode)
;; java
("/src/.+\\.java$" "__" java-mode)
("/main\\.java$" "__main" java-mode)
("/build\\.gradle$" "__build.gradle" android-mode)
;; javascript
("\\.\\(json\\|jshintrc\\)$" "__" json-mode)
("/package\\.json$" "__package.json" json-mode)
("/bower\\.json$" "__bower.json" json-mode)
("/gulpfile\\.js$" "__gulpfile.js" js-mode)
("/webpack\\.config\\.js$" "__webpack.config.js" js-mode)
;; Lua
("/main\\.lua$" "__main.lua" love-mode)
("/conf\\.lua$" "__conf.lua" love-mode)
;; Markdown
("\\.md$" "__" markdown-mode)
;; Org
("\\.org$" "__" org-mode)
(,(concat doom "/README\\.org$") "__doom-readme" org-mode)
;; PHP
("\\.php$" "__" php-mode)
("\\.class\\.php$" "__.class.php" php-mode)
;; Python
;;("tests?/test_.+\\.py$" "__" nose-mode)
;;("/setup\\.py$" "" python-mode)
("\\.py$" "__" python-mode)
;; Ruby
("\\.rb$" "__" ruby-mode)
("/Rakefile$" "__Rakefile" ruby-mode t)
("/Gemfile$" "__Gemfile" ruby-mode t)
("/\\.rspec$" "__.rspec" rspec-mode)
("\\.gemspec$" "__.gemspec" ruby-mode t)
("/spec_helper\\.rb$" "__helper" rspec-mode t)
("/lib/.+\\.rb$" "__module" ruby-mode t)
("_spec\\.rb$" "__" rspec-mode t)
;; Rust
("/main\\.rs$" "" rust-mode)
("/Cargo.toml$" "__Cargo.toml" rust-mode)
;; Slim
("/\\(index\\|main\\)\\.slim$" "__" slim-mode)
;; Shell scripts
("\\.z?sh$" "__" sh-mode)
("\\.fish$" "__" fish-mode)
("\\.zunit$" "__zunit" sh-mode)))))