Henrik Lissner 4daa9271a0
Introduce general.el & rewrite map!
+ Now uses an overriding keymap for leader keys, so that it is always
  available, even outside of normal/visual states. In insert/emacs
  states, or in sessions where evil is absent, an alternative prefix is
  used for leader/localleader keys. See these variables:
  + doom-leader-prefix
  + doom-leader-alt-prefix
  + doom-localleader-prefix
  + doom-localleader-alt-prefix
+ Keybinds now support alternative prefixes through the new :alt-prefix
  property. This is useful for non-evil users and non-normal evil
  states. By default, this is M-SPC (leader) and M-SPC m (localleader).
+ Removed +evil-commands flag from config/default (moved to
+ config/default/+bindings.el has been split into
  config/default/+{evil,emacs}-bindings.el, which one is loaded depends
  on whether evil is present or not. The latter is blank, but will soon
  be populated with a keybinding scheme for non-evil users (perhaps
  inspired by #641).
+ The define-key! macro has been replaced; it is now an alias for
+ Added unmap! as an alias for general-unbind.
+ The following modifier key conventions are now enforced for
  consistency, across all OSes:
    alt/option      = meta
    windows/command = super
  It used to be
    alt/option      = alt
    windows/command = meta
  Many of the default keybinds have been updated to reflect this switch,
  but it is likely to affect personal meta/super keybinds!

The map! macro has also been rewritten to use general-define-key. Here
is what has been changed:

+ map! no longer works with characters, e.g. (map! ?x #'do-something) is
  no longer supported. Keys must be kbd-able strings like "C-c x" or
  vectors like [?C-c ?x].
+ The :map and :map* properties are now the same thing. If specified
  keymaps aren't defined when binding keys, it is automatically
+ The way you bind local keybinds has changed:

    ;; Don't do this
    (map! :l "a" #'func-a
          :l "b" #'func-b)
    ;; Do this
    (map! :map 'local "a" #'func-a
                      "b" #'func-b)

+ map! now supports the following new blocks:
  + (:alt-prefix PREFIX KEYS...) -- this prefix will be used for
    non-normal evil states. Equivalent to :non-normal-prefix in general.
+ The way you declare a which-key label for a prefix key has changed:

    ;; before
    (map! :desc "label" :prefix "a" ...)
    ;; now
    (map! :prefix ("a" . "label") ...)

+ It used to be that map! supported binding a key to a key sequence,
  like so:

    (map! "a" [?x])  ; pressing a is like pressing x

  This functionality was removed *temporarily* while I figure out the

Addresses: #448, #814, #860
Mentioned in: #940
2018-12-22 04:14:43 -05:00

80 lines
3.3 KiB

;;; core-os.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; clipboard
(setq x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING)
;; Use a shared clipboard
select-enable-clipboard t
select-enable-primary t)
;; stop copying each visual state move to the clipboard:
;; grokked from:
(advice-add #'evil-visual-update-x-selection :override #'ignore)
(defmacro set-env! (&rest _vars)
"Inject VARS from your shell environment into Emacs.")
;; FIXME obsolete :env
(def-setting! :env (&rest vars)
:obsolete set-env!
(when (featurep 'exec-path-from-shell)
`(exec-path-from-shell-copy-envs ,@vars)))
;; key conventions:
;; alt/option = meta
;; windows/command = super
(cond (IS-MAC
(setq mac-command-modifier 'super
mac-option-modifier 'meta
;; sane trackpad/mouse scroll settings
mac-redisplay-dont-reset-vscroll t
mac-mouse-wheel-smooth-scroll nil
mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(5 ((shift) . 2)) ; one line at a time
mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil ; don't accelerate scrolling
;; Curse Lion and its sudden but inevitable fullscreen mode!
;; NOTE Meaningless to railwaycat's emacs-mac build
ns-use-native-fullscreen nil
;; Don't open files from the workspace in a new frame
ns-pop-up-frames nil)
;; Fix the clipboard in terminal or daemon Emacs (non-GUI)
(when (or (daemonp) (not (display-graphic-p)))
(add-hook 'doom-post-init-hook #'osx-clipboard-mode))
(when (or (daemonp) (display-graphic-p))
;; Syncs ns frame parameters with theme (and fixes mismatching text
;; colr in the frame title)
(require 'ns-auto-titlebar nil t)
;; A known problem with GUI Emacs on MacOS (or daemons started via
;; launchctl or brew services): it runs in an isolated
;; environment, so envvars will be wrong. That includes the PATH
;; Emacs picks up. `exec-path-from-shell' fixes this.
(when (require 'exec-path-from-shell nil t)
(defun set-env! (&rest vars)
"Inject VARS from your shell environment into Emacs."
(exec-path-from-shell-copy-envs vars))
(setq exec-path-from-shell-check-startup-files nil
exec-path-from-shell-arguments (delete "-i" exec-path-from-shell-arguments)
exec-path-from-shell-debug doom-debug-mode
(nconc exec-path-from-shell-variables '("LC_CTYPE" "LC_ALL" "LANG")))
(setq x-gtk-use-system-tooltips nil ; native tooltips are ugly!
x-underline-at-descent-line t ; draw underline lower
x-alt-keysym 'meta))
(setq w32-get-true-file-attributes nil ; fix file io slowdowns
;; map window keys to super
w32-pass-lwindow-to-system nil
w32-lwindow-modifier 'super
w32-pass-rwindow-to-system nil
w32-rwindow-modifier 'super)))
(provide 'core-os)
;;; core-os.el ends here