2020-02-02 03:16:53 -05:00

122 lines
3.8 KiB

;;; lang/ocaml/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(when (featurep! +lsp)
(add-hook! '(tuareg-mode-local-vars-hook reason-mode-local-vars-hook)
(after! tuareg
;; tuareg-mode has the prettify symbols itself
(set-pretty-symbols! 'tuareg-mode :alist
(append tuareg-prettify-symbols-basic-alist
;; harmless if `prettify-symbols-mode' isn't active
(setq tuareg-prettify-symbols-full t)
;; Use opam to set environment
(setq tuareg-opam-insinuate t)
(tuareg-opam-update-env (tuareg-opam-current-compiler))
;; Spell-check comments
(when (featurep! :checkers spell)
(add-hook 'tuareg-mode-local-vars-hook #'flyspell-prog-mode))
;; Ensure asterixes in block comments have at least one space of indentation
(setq-hook! 'tuareg-mode-hook
comment-line-break-function #'+ocaml/comment-indent-new-line)
(map! :localleader
:map tuareg-mode-map
"a" #'tuareg-find-alternate-file)
(use-package! utop
:when (featurep! :tools eval)
:hook (tuareg-mode . +ocaml-init-utop-h)
(set-repl-handler! 'tuareg-mode #'utop)
(set-eval-handler! 'tuareg-mode #'utop-eval-region)
(defun +ocaml-init-utop-h ()
(when (executable-find "utop")
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*utop\\*" :quit nil)))
(use-package! merlin
:unless (featurep! +lsp)
:hook (tuareg-mode . +ocaml-init-merlin-h)
(defun +ocaml-init-merlin-h ()
"Activate `merlin-mode' if the ocamlmerlin executable exists."
(when (executable-find "ocamlmerlin")
(after! tuareg
(set-company-backend! 'tuareg-mode 'merlin-company-backend)
(set-lookup-handlers! 'tuareg-mode :async t
:definition #'merlin-locate
:references #'merlin-occurrences
:documentation #'merlin-document))
(setq merlin-completion-with-doc t)
(map! :localleader
:map tuareg-mode-map
"t" #'merlin-type-enclosing)
(use-package! flycheck-ocaml
:when (featurep! :checkers syntax)
:hook (merlin-mode . +ocaml-init-flycheck-h)
(defun +ocaml-init-flycheck-h ()
"Activate `flycheck-ocaml`"
;; Disable Merlin's own error checking
(setq merlin-error-after-save nil)
;; Enable Flycheck checker
(use-package! merlin-eldoc
:hook (merlin-mode . merlin-eldoc-setup))
(use-package! merlin-iedit
:when (featurep! :editor multiple-cursors)
:defer t
(map! :map tuareg-mode-map
:v "R" #'merlin-iedit-occurrences))
(use-package! merlin-imenu
:when (featurep! :emacs imenu)
:hook (merlin-mode . merlin-use-merlin-imenu)))
(use-package! ocp-indent
;; must be careful to always defer this, it has autoloads that adds hooks
;; which we do not want if the executable can't be found
:hook (tuareg-mode . +ocaml-init-ocp-indent-h)
(defun +ocaml-init-ocp-indent-h ()
"Run `ocp-setup-indent', so long as the ocp-indent binary exists."
(when (executable-find "ocp-indent")
(use-package! ocamlformat
:when (featurep! :editor format)
:commands ocamlformat
:hook (tuareg-mode . +ocaml-init-ocamlformat-h)
(set-formatter! 'ocamlformat #'ocamlformat
:modes '(caml-mode tuareg-mode))
;; TODO Fix region-based formatting support
(defun +ocaml-init-ocamlformat-h ()
(setq +format-with 'ocp-indent)
(when (and (executable-find "ocamlformat")
(locate-dominating-file default-directory ".ocamlformat"))
(let ((ext (file-name-extension buffer-file-name t)))
(cond ((equal ext ".eliom")
(setq-local ocamlformat-file-kind 'implementation))
((equal ext ".eliomi")
(setq-local ocamlformat-file-kind 'interface))))
(setq +format-with 'ocamlformat))))