Henrik Lissner a79275a476 Bump :lang
200ok-ch/counsel-jq@f5bfed8 -> 200ok-ch/counsel-jq@153d70b
Andersbakken/rtags@63a7d9b -> Andersbakken/rtags@aa4c827
MatthewFluet/company-mlton@b87e363 -> MatthewFluet/company-mlton@9b09d20
NixOS/nix-mode@e32c6bf -> NixOS/nix-mode@0023fc5
OmniSharp/omnisharp-emacs@e26ff8b -> OmniSharp/omnisharp-emacs@8ec5929
ProofGeneral/PG@702f5b9 -> ProofGeneral/PG@bdb6782
Wilfred/elisp-def@da1f763 -> Wilfred/elisp-def@dfca043
agda/agda@5070bd8 -> agda/agda@9d08edb
ananthakumaran/exunit.el@c77b039 -> ananthakumaran/exunit.el@5bb115f
ananthakumaran/tide@a43a37b -> ananthakumaran/tide@7f7334b
asok/projectile-rails@7a256b1 -> asok/projectile-rails@8d6b373
brotzeit/rustic@f7d5ac0 -> brotzeit/rustic@61d600e
clojure-emacs/cider@1a34f89 -> clojure-emacs/cider@815204f
clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el@9dcc50d -> clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el@b24ce76
clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@53ef8ac -> clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@f26379b
crystal-lang-tools/emacs-crystal-mode@f9e4db1 -> crystal-lang-tools/emacs-crystal-mode@1599814
cython/cython@17e03b8 -> cython/cython@9a761a6
dgutov/robe@f04dcc7 -> dgutov/robe@3ef165c
diml/utop@7bc5117) -> diml/utop@a5ff52b)
dominikh/go-mode.el@fdf46fe -> dominikh/go-mode.el@49a5380
elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@b78e7f7 -> elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@9de08c1
emacs-csharp/csharp-mode@4916829 -> emacs-csharp/csharp-mode@09b4d57
emacs-ess/ESS@d013616 -> emacs-ess/ESS@5169b0d
emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@b81b1ec -> emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@71902ca
emacs-lsp/lsp-haskell@4d85cb3 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-haskell@7efbef3
emacs-lsp/lsp-java@f43b00a -> emacs-lsp/lsp-java@5f6d357
emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@31dafff -> emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@c76eeb6
emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@71ff088 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@65fb141
emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@5470ada -> emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@689f6cf
emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@948c3a3 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@ff204ed
emacs-php/php-mode@7e5722c -> emacs-php/php-mode@8cdc727
emacs-straight/auctex@fb062a3 -> emacs-straight/auctex@384c4b9
emacs-straight/csv-mode@eb3ec00 -> emacs-straight/csv-mode@8da54e8
emacs-straight/org-mode@9e98e9a -> emacs-straight/org-mode@0b117f7
emacs-typescript/typescript.el@54f14c4 -> emacs-typescript/typescript.el@1043025
emacsmirror/cmake-mode@e58c411 -> emacsmirror/cmake-mode@d5d77de
ericdallo/hover.el@3f07a18 -> ericdallo/hover.el@c9c0593
erlang/otp@8fc0641 -> erlang/otp@af06b43
eschulte/jump.el@e4f1372 -> eschulte/jump.el@55caa66
ethereum/emacs-solidity@d166a86 -> ethereum/emacs-solidity@b4fd719
factor/factor@94a922a -> factor/factor@1928e60
fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@13fbf4c -> fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@78898a1
fxbois/web-mode@890e837 -> fxbois/web-mode@8ef4793
godotengine/emacs-gdscript-mode@75fe658 -> godotengine/emacs-gdscript-mode@16c631c
greghendershott/racket-mode@3563081 -> greghendershott/racket-mode@75ea8f6
haskell/haskell-mode@0d39c84 -> haskell/haskell-mode@3a019e6
hhvm/hack-mode@9079bc3) -> hhvm/hack-mode@847fd91)
hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@9d3b56e -> hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@402d6df
idris-hackers/idris-mode@b77eadd -> idris-hackers/idris-mode@80aabd2
immerrr/lua-mode@d2ff304 -> immerrr/lua-mode@2d9a468
iyefrat/evil-tex@ac313ef -> iyefrat/evil-tex@5f0d6fb
jaor/geiser@cd00be6 -> jaor/geiser@26dd2f4
jcollard/elm-mode@363da4b -> jcollard/elm-mode@188b9c7
joaotavora/sly@3278819 -> joaotavora/sly@fb84318
jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@2f24a44 -> jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@1de6be4
jrblevin/markdown-mode@dcad557 -> jrblevin/markdown-mode@0517340
jwiegley/emacs-async@14f48de -> jwiegley/emacs-async@d7e7f79
jyp/attrap@9c88154 -> jyp/attrap@778382e
jyp/dante@e2acbf6 -> jyp/dante@7b1ab64
kaushalmodi/ox-hugo@04f41ca -> kaushalmodi/ox-hugo@a05667e
leanprover/lean-mode@cc1f5fa -> leanprover/lean-mode@15bee87
ledger/ledger-mode@805507f -> ledger/ledger-mode@3495d12
mooz/js2-mode@f7816bd -> mooz/js2-mode@29979e5
nonsequitur/inf-ruby@b012457 -> nonsequitur/inf-ruby@1fc972e
ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@860266b -> ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@7db8d13
ocaml/dune@4d097cd -> ocaml/dune@f839fc1
ocaml/merlin@28193d5 -> ocaml/merlin@36d0aef
pezra/rspec-mode@f1029ca -> pezra/rspec-mode@92ef785
polymode/poly-R@51ffeb6 -> polymode/poly-R@c42ff3a
polymode/polymode@3284ff1 -> polymode/polymode@b3871e9
purescript-emacs/psc-ide-emacs@663f4e2 -> purescript-emacs/psc-ide-emacs@ce97d71
purescript-emacs/purescript-mode@154ad16 -> purescript-emacs/purescript-mode@8410baf
pwalsh/pipenv.el@f516a1a -> pwalsh/pipenv.el@8f50c68
pythonic-emacs/anaconda-mode@b1875a5 -> pythonic-emacs/anaconda-mode@081f9d8
racer-rust/emacs-racer@a0bdf77 -> racer-rust/emacs-racer@f17f9d7
rubocop-hq/rubocop-emacs@03bf155 -> rubocop-hq/rubocop-emacs@1372ee3
seagle0128/grip-mode@91da46f -> seagle0128/grip-mode@1aebf9c
senny/rvm.el@b2498a4 -> senny/rvm.el@c1f2642
swift-emacs/swift-mode@0bc8d8d -> swift-emacs/swift-mode@95ff004
takaxp/org-tree-slide@04b5a9d -> takaxp/org-tree-slide@c9487e5
technomancy/fennel-mode@fa56106 -> technomancy/fennel-mode@bebc9dd
tpapp/julia-repl@d073acb -> tpapp/julia-repl@7ce38a9
wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@3fadf1f -> wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@31ae5e0
wwwjfy/emacs-fish@db257db -> wwwjfy/emacs-fish@a7c953b

Fix #4695
Close #4529
Close #4576
2021-02-25 10:46:46 -05:00



This module adds JavaScript and TypeScript support.

  • Code completion (tide)
  • REPL support (nodejs-repl)
  • Refactoring commands (js2-refactor)
  • Syntax checking (flycheck)
  • Browser code injection with skewer-mode
  • Coffeescript & JSX support
  • Jump-to-definitions and references support (xref)

Module Flags

  • +lsp Enables LangServer support for this module. You must have :tools lsp enabled for this to work, as well as the langserver (e.g. typescript-language-server) installed on your system.


Many of this modules' plugins require node and either npm or yarn installed.


brew install node

Arch Linux

sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S nodejs npm


sudo zypper install nodejs npm


tide-sort-completions-by-kind isn't respected

The :completion company module uses company-prescient to sort completion by frecency, which overrules specialized sorting provided by some company backends (like company-tide).




command key / ex command description
+javascript/open-repl :repl Open the NodeJS REPL (or send the current selection to it)
+javascript/skewer-this-buffer SPC m S Attaches a browser to the current buffer


command key / ex command description
tide-restart-server SPC m R Restart tide server
tide-reformat SPC m f Reformat region
tide-rename-symbol SPC m r s Rename symbol at point
tide-organize-imports SPC m r o i Organize imports

Refactoring (js2-refactor-mode)

command key / ex command description
js2r-expand-node-at-point SPC m r e e Expand bracketed list according to node type at point
js2r-contract-node-at-point SPC m r c c Contract bracketed list according to node type at point
js2r-extract-function SPC m r e f Extracts the marked expressions out into a new named function.
js2r-extract-method SPC m r e m Extracts the marked expressions out into a new named method in an object literal.
js2r-toggle-function-expression-and-declaration SPC m r t f Toggle between function name() {} and var name = function ();
js2r-toggle-arrow-function-and-expression SPC m r t a Toggle between function expression to arrow function.
js2r-toggle-function-async SPC m r t s Toggle between an async and a regular function.
js2r-introduce-parameter SPC m r i p Changes the marked expression to a parameter in a local function.
js2r-localize-parameter SPC m r l p Changes a parameter to a local var in a local function.
js2r-wrap-buffer-in-iife SPC m r w i Wraps the entire buffer in an immediately invoked function expression
js2r-inject-global-in-iife SPC m r i g Creates a shortcut for a marked global by injecting it in the wrapping immediately invoked function expression
js2r-add-to-globals-annotation SPC m r a g Creates a *global * annotation if it is missing, and adds the var at point to it.
js2r-extract-var SPC m r e v Takes a marked expression and replaces it with a var.
js2r-extract-let SPC m r e l Similar to extract-var but uses a let-statement.
js2r-extract-const SPC m r e c Similar to extract-var but uses a const-statement.
js2r-inline-var SPC m r i v Replaces all instances of a variable with its initial value.
js2r-rename-var SPC m r r v Renames the variable on point and all occurrences in its lexical scope.
js2r-var-to-this SPC m r v t Changes local var a to be this.a instead.
js2r-arguments-to-object SPC m r a o Replaces arguments to a function call with an object literal of named arguments.
js2r-ternary-to-if SPC m r 3 i Converts ternary operator to if-statement.
js2r-split-var-declaration SPC m r s v Splits a var with multiple vars declared, into several var statements.
js2r-split-string SPC m r s s Splits a string.
js2r-string-to-template SPC m r s t Converts a string into a template string.
js2r-unwrap SPC m r u w Replaces the parent statement with the selected region.
js2r-log-this SPC m r l t Adds a console.log() statement for what is at point (or region). With a prefix argument, use JSON pretty-printing.
js2r-debug-this SPC m r d t Adds a debug() statement for what is at point (or region).
js2r-forward-slurp SPC m r s l Moves the next statement into current function, if-statement, for-loop or while-loop.
js2r-forward-barf SPC m r b a Moves the last child out of current function, if-statement, for-loop or while-loop.
js2r-kill SPC m r k Kills to the end of the line, but does not cross semantic boundaries.


command key / ex command description
skewer-eval-last-expression SPC m s E Evaluate last expression
skewer-eval-defun SPC m s e Evaluate function definition at point
skewer-load-buffer SPC m s f Load buffer into REPL
command key / ex command description
skewer-css-eval-current-declaration SPC m s e Evaluate declaration at point
skewer-css-eval-current-rule SPC m s r Evaluate rule at point
skewer-css-eval-buffer SPC m s b Evaluate buffer
skewer-css-clear-all SPC m s c Clear all rules
command key / ex command description
skewer-html-eval-tag SPC m s e Evaluate tag at point


command key / ex command description
npm-mode-npm-init SPC m n n Initialize npm project
npm-mode-npm-install SPC m n i Install npm package
npm-mode-npm-install-save SPC m n s Install npm package and save to package.json
npm-mode-npm-install-save-dev SPC m n d Install npm package and save to package.json as a dev dependency
npm-mode-npm-uninstall SPC m n u Uninstall npm package
npm-mode-npm-list SPC m n l List npm packages
npm-mode-npm-run SPC m n r Run npm task
npm-mode-visit-project-file SPC m n v Find file in npm project