Henrik Lissner 1e81a35461
Minimize dependence on map!
This is in preparation for general.el integration coming in 2.1.1. It is
very likely that map! will change (and even more, be split into several
macros). Not much, but change none-the-less. Specifically, the state
keywords (e.g. :nvi, :n, :i) will be removed in favor of a :state
property that takes a list, e.g. (normal visual insert).

In any case, both map! and general are also relatively expensive
compared to define-key and evil-define-key* (and the new define-key!
macro), so use that when we can.

This also means changes to either API won't affect Doom's modules in the
long term.
2018-06-03 15:46:00 +02:00

224 lines
8.2 KiB

;;; app/irc/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +irc-left-padding 13
"By how much spaces the left hand side of the line should be padded.
Below a value of 12 this may result in uneven alignment between the various
types of messages.")
(defvar +irc-truncate-nick-char ?…
"Character to displayed when nick > `+irc-left-padding' in length.")
(defvar +irc-scroll-to-bottom-on-commands
'(self-insert-command yank hilit-yank)
"If these commands are called pre prompt the buffer will scroll to `point-max'.")
(defvar +irc-disconnect-hook nil
"Runs each hook when circe noticies the connection has been disconnected.
Useful for scenarios where an instant reconnect will not be successful.")
(defvar +irc-bot-list '("fsbot" "rudybot")
"Nicks listed have `circe-fool-face' applied and will not be tracked.")
(defvar +irc-time-stamp-format "%H:%M"
"The format of time stamps.
See `format-time-string' for a full description of available
formatting directives. ")
(defvar +irc-notifications-watch-strings nil
"A list of strings which can trigger a notification. You don't need to put
your nick here.
See `circe-notifications-watch-strings'.")
(defvar +irc-defer-notifications nil
"How long to defer enabling notifications, in seconds (e.g. 5min = 300).
Useful for ZNC users who want to avoid the deluge of notifications during buffer
(def-setting! :irc (server letvars)
"Registers an irc server for circe."
`(after! circe
(push (cons ,server ,letvars) circe-network-options)))
(defvar +irc--defer-timer nil)
(defsubst +irc--pad (left right)
(format (format "%%%ds | %%s" +irc-left-padding)
(concat "*** " left) right))
;; Plugins
(def-package! circe
:commands (circe circe-server-buffers)
:init (setq circe-network-defaults nil)
(setq circe-default-quit-message nil
circe-default-part-message nil
circe-use-cycle-completion t
circe-reduce-lurker-spam t
circe-format-say (format "{nick:+%ss} │ {body}" +irc-left-padding)
circe-format-self-say circe-format-say
circe-format-action (format "{nick:+%ss} * {body}" +irc-left-padding)
circe-format-self-action circe-format-action
(let ((left "-Server-")) (concat (make-string (- +irc-left-padding (length left)) ? )
(concat left " _ {body}")))
circe-format-notice (format "{nick:%ss} _ {body}" +irc-left-padding)
(+irc--pad "Topic" "{userhost}: {topic-diff}")
(+irc--pad "Join" "{nick} ({userinfo}) joined {channel}")
(+irc--pad "Join" "{nick} ({userinfo})")
(+irc--pad "Part" "{nick} ({userhost}) left {channel}: {reason}")
(+irc--pad "Quit" "{nick} ({userhost}) left IRC: {reason}]")
(+irc--pad "Quit" "{nick} ({userhost}) left {channel}: {reason}]")
(+irc--pad "Re-join" "{nick} ({userhost}), left {departuredelta} ago")
(+irc--pad "Netmerge" "{split}, split {ago} ago (Use /WL to see who's still missing)")
(+irc--pad "Nick" "{old-nick} ({userhost}) is now known as {new-nick}")
(+irc--pad "Nick" "You are now known as {new-nick} ({old-nick})")
(+irc--pad "Nick" "{old-nick} ({userhost}) is now known as {new-nick}")
(+irc--pad "Mode" "{change} on {target} by {setter} ({userhost})")
(+irc--pad "Lurk" "{nick} joined {joindelta} ago"))
(add-hook 'circe-channel-mode-hook #'turn-on-visual-line-mode)
(defun +irc*circe-disconnect-hook (&rest _)
(run-hooks '+irc-disconnect-hook))
(advice-add 'circe--irc-conn-disconnected :after #'+irc*circe-disconnect-hook)
;; Let `+irc/quit' and `circe' handle buffer cleanup
(define-key circe-mode-map [remap kill-buffer] #'bury-buffer)
(defun +irc*circe-truncate-nicks ()
"Truncate long nicknames in chat output non-destructively."
(when-let* ((beg (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) 'lui-format-argument 'nick)))
(goto-char beg)
(let ((end (next-single-property-change beg 'lui-format-argument))
(nick (plist-get (plist-get (text-properties-at beg) 'lui-keywords)
(when (> (length nick) +irc-left-padding)
(compose-region (+ beg +irc-left-padding -1) end
(add-hook 'lui-pre-output-hook #'+irc*circe-truncate-nicks)
(defun +irc|circe-message-option-bot (nick &rest ignored)
"Fontify known bots and mark them to not be tracked."
(when (member nick +irc-bot-list)
'((text-properties . (face circe-fool-face lui-do-not-track t)))))
(add-hook 'circe-message-option-functions #'+irc|circe-message-option-bot)
(after! solaire-mode
;; distinguish chat/channel buffers from server buffers.
(add-hook 'circe-chat-mode-hook #'solaire-mode)))
(def-package! circe-color-nicks
:hook (circe-channel-mode . enable-circe-color-nicks)
(setq circe-color-nicks-min-constrast-ratio 4.5
circe-color-nicks-everywhere t))
(def-package! circe-new-day-notifier
:after circe
(setq circe-new-day-notifier-format-message
(+irc--pad "Day" "Date changed [{day}]")))
(def-package! circe-notifications
:commands enable-circe-notifications
(if +irc-defer-notifications
(add-hook! 'circe-server-connected-hook
(setq +irc--defer-timer
(run-at-time +irc-defer-notifications nil
(add-hook 'circe-server-connected-hook #'enable-circe-notifications))
(setq circe-notifications-watch-strings +irc-notifications-watch-strings
circe-notifications-emacs-focused nil
(cond (IS-MAC 'osx-notifier)
(IS-LINUX 'libnotify))))
(def-package! lui
:commands lui-mode
(define-key lui-mode-map "\C-u" #'lui-kill-to-beginning-of-line)
(when (featurep! :feature spellcheck)
(setq lui-flyspell-p t
lui-fill-type nil))
(after! evil
(defun +irc|evil-insert ()
"Ensure entering insert mode will put us at the prompt, unless editing
after prompt marker."
(when (> (marker-position lui-input-marker) (point))
(goto-char (point-max))))
(add-hook! 'lui-mode-hook
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-entry-hook #'+irc|evil-insert nil t))
(mapc (lambda (cmd) (push cmd +irc-scroll-to-bottom-on-commands))
'(evil-paste-after evil-paste-before evil-open-above evil-open-below)))
(defun +irc|preinput-scroll-to-bottom ()
"Go to the end of the buffer in all windows showing it.
Courtesy of esh-mode.el"
(when (memq this-command +irc-scroll-to-bottom-on-commands)
(let* ((selected (selected-window))
(current (current-buffer)))
(when (> (marker-position lui-input-marker) (point))
(lambda (window)
(when (eq (window-buffer window) current)
(select-window window)
(goto-char (point-max))
(select-window selected))))
nil t)))))
(add-hook! 'lui-mode-hook
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'+irc|preinput-scroll-to-bottom nil t))
(defun +irc|init-lui-margins ()
(setq lui-time-stamp-position 'right-margin
lui-time-stamp-format +irc-time-stamp-format
right-margin-width (length (format-time-string lui-time-stamp-format))))
(defun +irc|init-lui-wrapping ()
(setq fringes-outside-margins t
word-wrap t
wrap-prefix (make-string (+ +irc-left-padding 3) ? )))
(add-hook! 'lui-mode-hook #'(+irc|init-lui-margins +irc|init-lui-wrapping)))
(def-package! lui-logging
:after lui
:config (enable-lui-logging))
(def-package! lui-autopaste
:hook (circe-channel-mode . enable-lui-autopaste))