2017-05-25 20:09:12 +02:00

52 lines
2.0 KiB
Org Mode

* :lang cc
This module adds support for the C-family of languages: C, C++, and Objective-C.
+ Code completion (~company-irony~)
+ eldoc support (~irony-eldoc~)
+ Syntax-checking (~flycheck-irony~)
+ Code navigation (~irony~)
+ File Templates ([[../../feature/file-templates/templates/c-mode][c-mode]], [[../../feature/file-templates/templates/c++-mode][c++-mode]])
+ Snippets ([[][cc-mode]], [[][c-mode]], [[][c++-mode]])
C contends with Haskell and Ruby for my favorite language. It's hard to beat this combination of simplicity and power. I've used C for my work since 2009, and it (along with C++) is a personal favorite for game development (with SDL, SFML or, more recently, cocos2d).
The module provides nominal support for Objective-C, which I really only use to inspect generated glue code for iOS mobile apps. Otherwise, I prefer Swift.
** Install
This module requires ~irony-server~ for most of its features, which depends on ~cmake~ and ~libclang~.
*** MacOS
Due to linking issues, MacOS users must compile irony-server manually:
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle (if (doom-system-os 'macos) "yes")
brew install cmake
brew install llvm # 1gb+ installation! May take a while!
git clone irony-mode
mkdir irony-mode/server/build
pushd irony-mode/server/build
cmake --build . --use-stderr --config Release --target install
install_name_tool -change @rpath/libclang.dylib \
/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib/libclang.dylib \
# cleanup
rm -rf irony-mode
*** Arch Linux
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle (if (doom-system-os 'arch) "yes")
sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S clang cmake
Then run ~M-x irony-install-server~ in Emacs.