Henrik Lissner fb831a3bcf
Bump :app
abo-abo/avy@3bf8314 -> abo-abo/avy@509471b
kidd/org-gcal.el@6821e34 -> kidd/org-gcal.el@1667aba
skeeto/elfeed@d0405e6 -> remyhonig/elfeed-org@77b6bbf

We're also transitioning from abbreviated SHA1 hashes to full ones. See
45cdfb125 for why.
2020-04-30 01:28:02 -04:00



Enjoy twitter from emacs.

  • View various timelines side by side, e.g. user's timeline, home, etc.
  • Post new tweets
  • Send direct messages
  • Retweet
  • Follow and un-follow users
  • Favorite tweets

Module Flags

This module provides no flags.

TODO Hacks

{A list of internal modifications to included packages}


  • For SSL connection (required by Twitter's API), one of the followings is required:

  • GnuPG is required for keeping the OAuth token encrypted in local storage.
  • twittering-icon-mode converts retrieved icons into XPM by default. To achieve this and for displaying icons in formats that are not supported by Emacs as well as for resizing icon images, ImageMagick is required. To build emacs with ImageMagick support the --with-imagemagick flag needs to be passed to the configure script, e.g. ./configure --with-imagemagick. For detailed instruction on how to build Emacs from source please refer to INSTALL in Emacs' savannah repository.
  • For keeping retrieved icons in local storage, gzip is required.

TODO Features

An in-depth list of features, how to use them, and their dependencies.

TODO Configuration

How to configure this module, including common problems and how to address them.


Currently twittering-mode binds SPC, breaking its functionality as a leader key. To work around this issue you may use M-SPC instead when in twittering-mode.


Commands & Keybindings

Here is a list of available commands and their default keybindings (defined in config.el).

command key / ex command description
+twitter/quit q Close current window
+twitter/quit-all Q Close all twitter windows and buffers, and delete workspace

And when :editor evil +everywhere is active:

command key / ex command description
twittering-favorite f Favorite/Like a tweet
twittering-unfavorite F Un-favorite/Un-like a tweet
twittering-follow C-f Follow user
twittering-unfollow C-F Un-follow user
twittering-delete-status d Delete a tweet
twittering-retweet r Retweet
twittering-toggle-or-retrieve-replied-statuses R Toggle or retrieve replies
twittering-update-status-interactive o Update tweets
+twitter/ace-link O Open some visible link from a twittering-mode buffer using ace
twittering-search / Search
twittering-goto-next-status J Go to next tweet
twittering-goto-previous-status K Go to previous tweet
twittering-goto-first-status gg Go to first tweet
twittering-goto-last-status G Go to last tweet
twittering-goto-next-status-of-user gj Go to next tweet of user
twittering-goto-previous-status-of-user))) gk Go to previous tweet of user