2017-08-21 20:13:31 +02:00

:feature eval

This modules adds support for REPLs, build tasks and code evaluation.


This module has no external dependencies. However, specific languages may require additional setup.

Check the in that language's module for details.


  • REPLs Invoked via:

    • :repl (evil ex-command)
    • <leader> o r in normal mode (or visual mode, which sends the selection to the open REPL)
    • M-x +eval/repl
    • M-x +eval/repl-send-region while a selection (and REPL) is active
  • Build Tasks You will be prompted to select a task. Only the ones that meet the predicate will be listed.

    • :build (evil ex-command)
    • M-b (by default)
    • <leader> o b in normal mode
    • M-x +eval/build
  • Code Evaluation Quickrun can be invoked via:

    • M-x +eval/buffer (or gR, or M-r)
    • M-x +eval/region
    • M-x +eval/region-and-replace
    • Evil users can use the gr operator to select and run a region.



REPLs are defined for most of the languages Doom supports (check its to see if it does).

Otherwise, you can define your own for a specified major-mode with the :repl setting.


FUNCTION must return the repl buffer. Any window changes are ignored, then handed off to shackle (assuming shackle-mode is on) to display in a popup window.

(defun +emacs-lisp/repl ()
   (or (get-buffer "*ielm*")
       (progn (ielm)
              (let ((buf (get-buffer "*ielm*")))
                (bury-buffer buf)

(set! :repl 'emacs-lisp-mode #'+emacs-lisp/repl)

Build Tasks

A build task is little more than a major-mode-local interactive command that performs a task, such as compiling the current project or running unit tests. A predicate function can be supplied to ensure a command is only available when it is appropriate.

(defun +lua/run-love ()
  "Run the current project in love 10.0."
   (format "/usr/bin/love %s"
           (shell-quote-argument (doom-project-root)))))

(defun +lua/build ()
  "Run a build script in the project root."
  (let ((default-directory (doom-project-root)))
    (compile "luajit build.lua")))

(defun +lua/generate-docs ()
  "Generate project documentation."
  (let ((default-directory (doom-project-root)))
    (compile "luadoc *.lua")))

(defun +lua-love-p ()
  "Returns non-nil if the current project is a love project."
  (doom-project-has! (and "main.lua" "config.lua")))

(set! :build 'run           'lua-mode #'+lua/run-love :when (+lua-love-p))
(set! :build 'build-project 'lua-mode #'+lua/build    :when (+lua-love-p))
(set! :build 'generate-docs 'lua-mode #'+lua/generate-docs)

Code Evaluation

Run regions or entire buffers with Quickrun. Output will be sent to a popup window.

Quickrun includes support for many languages, but occasionally, you'll find a language without support, such as Crystal. A "runner" can be defined like so:

(set! :eval 'crystal-mode
      '((:command     . "crystal")
        (:exec        . "%c %s")
        (:description . "Run Crystal script")))

A simpler version is simply to use the path to the binary:

(set! :eval 'groovy-mode "groovy")

Or if you'd rather run an elisp command:

(set! :eval 'emacs-lisp-mode #'+emacs-lisp-eval)