Henrik Lissner c7254e7bdc
Major optimization refactor, across the board
+ enable lexical-scope everywhere (lexical-binding = t): ~5-10% faster
  startup; ~5-20% general boost
+ reduce consing, function calls & garbage collection by preferring
  cl-loop & dolist over lambda closures (for mapc[ar], add-hook, and
  various cl-lib filter/map/reduce functions) -- where possible
+ prefer functions with dedicated opcodes, like assq (see byte-defop's
  in bytecomp.el for more)
+ prefer pcase & cond (faster) over cl-case
+ general refactor for code readability
+ ensure naming & style conventions are adhered to
+ appease byte-compiler by marking unused variables with underscore
+ defer minor mode activation to after-init, emacs-startup or
  window-setup hooks; a customization opportunity for users + ensures
  custom functionality won't interfere with startup.
2017-06-09 00:47:45 +02:00

104 lines
3.2 KiB

;;; lang/php/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; (def-package! hack-mode
;; :mode "\\.hh$"
;; :config
;; (set! :company-backend 'hack-mode '(company-capf)))
(def-package! php-mode
:mode ("\\.php[s345]?$" "\\.inc$")
:interpreter "php"
(add-hook! 'php-mode-hook
#'(ac-php-core-eldoc-setup flycheck-mode))
(setq php-template-compatibility nil)
(set! :repl 'php-mode #'php-boris)
;; ac-php provides custom autocompletion, php-extras provides autocompletion
;; for built-in libraries
(set! :company-backend 'php-mode '(company-ac-php-backend php-extras-company))
;; default is 10; this optimizes `smartparens' performance, but limits sp
;; pairs to 6 characters.
(add-hook! php-mode (setq-local sp-max-pair-length 6))
(sp-with-modes '(php-mode)
(sp-local-pair "/* " "*/" :post-handlers '(("||\n[i] " "RET") ("| " "SPC")))
(sp-local-pair "<? " " ?>")
(sp-local-pair "<?php " " ?>")
(sp-local-pair "<?=" " ?>")
(sp-local-pair "<?" "?>" :when '(("RET")) :post-handlers '("||\n[i]"))
(sp-local-pair "<?php" "?>" :when '(("RET")) :post-handlers '("||\n[i]")))
(map! :map php-mode-map
(:prefix "r"
:n "cv" #'php-refactor--convert-local-to-instance-variable
:n "u" #'php-refactor--optimize-use
:v "xm" #'php-refactor--extract-method
:n "rv" #'php-refactor--rename-local-variable)
(:prefix "t"
:n "r" #'phpunit-current-project
:n "a" #'phpunit-current-class
:n "s" #'phpunit-current-test)))
(def-package! php-extras
:after php-mode
;; company will set up itself
(advice-add #'php-extras-company-setup :override #'ignore)
(setq php-extras-eldoc-functions-file
(concat doom-etc-dir "php-extras-eldoc-functions"))
;; Make expensive php-extras generation async
(unless (file-exists-p (concat php-extras-eldoc-functions-file ".el"))
(message "Generating PHP eldoc files...")
(async-start `(lambda ()
,(async-inject-variables "\\`\\(load-path\\|php-extras-eldoc-functions-file\\)$")
(require 'php-extras-gen-eldoc)
(php-extras-generate-eldoc-1 t))
(lambda (_)
(load (concat php-extras-eldoc-functions-file ".el"))
(message "PHP eldoc updated!")))))
(def-package! php-refactor-mode
:commands php-refactor-mode
:init (add-hook 'php-mode-hook #'php-refactor-mode))
(def-package! phpunit
:commands (phpunit-current-test phpunit-current-class phpunit-current-project))
(def-package! php-boris :commands php-boris)
(def-package! company-php
:when (featurep! :completion company)
:commands (company-ac-php-backend ac-php-remake-tags ac-php-remake-tags-all ac-php-core-eldoc-setup)
(unless (executable-find "phpctags")
(warn "php-mode: phpctags isn't installed, auto-completion will be gimped"))
(setq ac-php-tags-path (concat doom-cache-dir "ac-php/")))
;; Projects
(def-project-mode! +php-laravel-mode
:modes (php-mode yaml-mode web-mode nxml-mode js2-mode scss-mode)
:files (and "artisan" "server.php"))
(def-project-mode! +php-composer-mode
:modes (web-mode php-mode)
:files "composer.json")