Henrik Lissner 76cacb5bfe
💥 Rename def-package! -> use-package!
Calling this pivotal macro "def-package!" has frequently been a source
of confusion. It is a thin wrapper around use-package, and it should be
obvious that it is so. For this reason, and to match the naming
convention used with other convenience macros/wrappers, it is now

Also changes def-package-hook! -> use-package-hook!

The old macros are now marked obsolete and will be removed when straight
integration is merged.
2019-07-23 12:50:45 +02:00

26 lines
847 B

;;; tools/ansible/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(use-package! ansible
:commands ansible-auto-decrypt-encrypt
(put 'ansible-vault-password-file 'safe-local-variable #'stringp)
(setq ansible-section-face 'font-lock-variable-name-face
ansible-task-label-face 'font-lock-doc-face)
(map! :map ansible-key-map
:desc "Decrypt buffer" "d" #'ansible-decrypt-buffer
:desc "Encrypt buffer" "e" #'ansible-encrypt-buffer
:desc "Look up in Ansible docs" "h" #'ansible-doc))
(after! ansible-doc
(set-evil-initial-state! '(ansible-doc-module-mode) 'emacs))
(use-package! jinja2-mode
:mode "\\.j2$")
(def-project-mode! +ansible-yaml-mode
:modes '(yaml-mode)
:add-hooks '(ansible ansible-auto-decrypt-encrypt ansible-doc-mode)
:files ("roles/"))