2020-07-31 01:39:24 -04:00

92 lines
3.6 KiB

;;; lang/org/contrib/roam.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;;###if (featurep! +roam)
(defvar +org-roam-open-buffer-on-find-file t
"If non-nil, open the org-roam buffer when opening an org roam file.")
;;; Packages
(use-package! org-roam
:hook (org-load . org-roam-mode)
:hook (org-roam-backlinks-mode . turn-on-visual-line-mode)
:commands (org-roam-buffer-toggle-display
;; Set this to nil so we can later detect whether the user has set a custom
;; directory for it, and default to `org-directory' if they haven't.
(defvar org-roam-directory nil)
(map! :after org
:map org-mode-map
:prefix ("m" . "org-roam")
"b" #'org-roam-switch-to-buffer
"f" #'org-roam-find-file
"g" #'org-roam-graph
"i" #'org-roam-insert
"I" #'org-roam-insert-immediate
"m" #'org-roam
(:prefix ("d" . "by date")
:desc "Arbitrary date" "d" #'org-roam-dailies-date
:desc "Today" "t" #'org-roam-dailies-today
:desc "Tomorrow" "m" #'org-roam-dailies-tomorrow
:desc "Yesterday" "y" #'org-roam-dailies-yesterday))
(setq org-roam-directory
(expand-file-name (or org-roam-directory "roam")
org-roam-verbose nil ;
;; Make org-roam buffer sticky; i.e. don't replace it when opening a
;; file with an *-other-window command.
org-roam-buffer-window-parameters '((no-delete-other-windows . t))
(cond ((featurep! :completion helm) 'helm)
((featurep! :completion ivy) 'ivy)
((featurep! :completion ido) 'ido)
;; Normally, the org-roam buffer doesn't open until you explicitly call
;; `org-roam'. If `+org-roam-open-buffer-on-find-file' is non-nil, the
;; org-roam buffer will be opened for you when you use `org-roam-find-file'
;; (but not `find-file', to limit the scope of this behavior).
(add-hook! 'find-file-hook
(defun +org-roam-open-buffer-maybe-h ()
(and +org-roam-open-buffer-on-find-file
(memq 'org-roam-buffer--update-maybe post-command-hook)
(not (window-parameter nil 'window-side)) ; don't proc for popups
(not (eq 'visible (org-roam-buffer--visibility)))
(with-current-buffer (window-buffer)
;; Hide the mode line in the org-roam buffer, since it serves no purpose. This
;; makes it easier to distinguish among other org buffers.
(add-hook 'org-roam-buffer-prepare-hook #'hide-mode-line-mode)
;; REVIEW Fixes an unhelpful "wrong-type-argument: stringp" error which occurs
;; if sqlite3 isn't installed. Remove this once addressed upstream.
(defadvice! +org-fail-gracefully-when-sqlite-is-absent-a (orig-fn &rest args)
:around #'org-roam-mode
(let ((emacsql-sqlite3-executable
(or (bound-and-true-p emacsql-sqlite3-executable)
(apply orig-fn args))))
;; Since the org module lazy loads org-protocol (waits until an org URL is
;; detected), we can safely chain `org-roam-protocol' to it.
(use-package! org-roam-protocol
:after org-protocol)
(use-package! company-org-roam
:when (featurep! :completion company)
:after org-roam
(set-company-backend! 'org-mode '(company-org-roam company-yasnippet company-dabbrev)))