Henrik Lissner b9933e6637
refactor!: restructure Doom core
BREAKING CHANGE: This restructures the project in preparation for Doom
to be split into two repos. Users that have reconfigured Doom's CLI
stand a good chance of seeing breakage, especially if they've referred
to any core-* feature, e.g.

  (after! core-cli-ci ...)

To fix it, simply s/core-/doom-/, i.e.

  (after! doom-cli-ci ...)

What this commit specifically changes is:
- Renames all core features from core-* to doom-*
- Moves core/core-* -> lisp/doom-*
- Moves core/autoloads/* -> lisp/lib/*
- Moves core/templates -> templates/

Ref: #4273
2022-07-30 22:41:13 +02:00

814 lines
37 KiB

;;; lisp/cli/packages.el --- package management commands -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
;;; Variables
;; None yet!
;;; Commands
(defcli! (:before (build b purge p)) (&context context)
(require 'comp nil t)
;; DEPRECATED Replace with "doom sync --rebuild"
(defcli! ((build b))
((rebuild-p ("-r") "Only rebuild packages that need rebuilding")
(jobs ("-j" "--jobs" num) "How many CPUs to use for native compilation"))
"Byte-compiles & symlinks installed packages.
This ensures that all needed files are symlinked from their package repo and
their elisp files are byte-compiled. This is especially necessary if you upgrade
Emacs (as byte-code is generally not forward-compatible)."
:benchmark t
(when jobs
(setq native-comp-async-jobs-number (truncate jobs)))
(when (doom-packages-build (not rebuild-p))
;; TODO Rename to "doom gc" and move to its own file
(defcli! ((purge p))
((nobuilds-p ("-b" "--no-builds") "Don't purge unneeded (built) packages")
(noelpa-p ("-p" "--no-elpa") "Don't purge ELPA packages")
(norepos-p ("-r" "--no-repos") "Don't purge unused straight repos")
(noeln-p ("-e" "--no-eln") "Don't purge old ELN bytecode")
(noregraft-p ("-g" "--no-regraft") "Regraft git repos (ie. compact them)"))
"Deletes orphaned packages & repos, and compacts them.
Purges all installed ELPA packages (as they are considered temporary). Purges
all orphaned package repos and builds. If -g/--regraft is supplied, the git
repos among them will be regrafted and compacted to ensure they are as small as
It is a good idea to occasionally run this doom purge -g to ensure your package
list remains lean."
:benchmark t
(when (doom-packages-purge
(not noelpa-p)
(not norepos-p)
(not nobuilds-p)
(not noregraft-p)
(not noeln-p))
(defstub! rollback) ; TODO Implement me post-3.0
;;; Library
;; FIXME Enforce naming conventions for all functions below
(defun doom-packages--same-commit-p (abbrev-ref ref)
(and (stringp abbrev-ref)
(stringp ref)
(string-match-p (concat "^" (regexp-quote abbrev-ref))
(defun doom-packages--abbrev-commit (commit &optional full)
(if full commit (substring commit 0 7)))
(defun doom-packages--commit-log-between (start-ref end-ref)
"git" "log" "--oneline" "--no-merges"
end-ref (concat "^" (regexp-quote start-ref)))
(if success
(string-trim-right (or stdout ""))
(format "ERROR: Couldn't collect commit list because: %s" stderr))))
(defmacro doom-packages--straight-with (form &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
(let* ((buffer (straight--process-buffer))
(start (with-current-buffer buffer (point-max)))
(retval ,form)
(output (with-current-buffer buffer (buffer-substring start (point-max)))))
(list (cons 'it retval)
(cons 'stdout (substring-no-properties output))
(cons 'success (if (string-match "\n+\\[Return code: \\([0-9-]+\\)\\]\n+" output)
(string-to-number (match-string 1 output))))
(cons 'output (string-trim output
"^\\(\\$ [^\n]+\n\\)*\n+"
"\n+\\[Return code: [0-9-]+\\]\n+")))))
(defun doom-packages--barf-if-incomplete ()
(let ((straight-safe-mode t))
(condition-case _ (straight-check-all)
(error (user-error "Package state is incomplete. Run 'doom sync' first")))))
(defmacro doom-packages--with-recipes (recipes binds &rest body)
(declare (indent 2))
(let ((recipe-var (make-symbol "recipe"))
(recipes-var (make-symbol "recipes")))
`(let* ((,recipes-var ,recipes)
(built ())
(cons (lambda (pkg &rest _) (cl-pushnew pkg built :test #'equal))
(dolist (,recipe-var ,recipes-var (nreverse built))
(cl-block nil
(straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe ,recipe-var) ,recipe-var)
,(doom-enlist binds)
(defvar doom-packages--cli-updated-recipes nil)
(defun doom-packages--cli-recipes-update ()
"Updates straight and recipe repos."
(unless doom-packages--cli-updated-recipes
(print! (start "Updating recipe repos..."))
nil (mapcar (doom-rpartial #'gethash straight--repo-cache)
(mapcar #'symbol-name straight-recipe-repositories)))
(recipe package type local-repo)
(let ((esc (unless init-file-debug "\033[1A"))
(ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo))
newref output)
(print! (start "\033[KUpdating recipes for %s...%s") package esc)
(doom-packages--straight-with (straight-vc-fetch-from-remote recipe)
(when .it
(setq output .output)
(straight-merge-package package)
(unless (equal ref (setq newref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo)))
(print! (success "\033[K%s updated (%s -> %s)")
(doom-packages--abbrev-commit ref)
(doom-packages--abbrev-commit newref))
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(print-group! (print! (item "%s" output))))))))))
(setq straight--recipe-lookup-cache (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
doom-packages--cli-updated-recipes t)))
(defvar doom-packages--eln-output-expected nil)
(defvar doom-packages--eln-output-path (car (bound-and-true-p native-comp-eln-load-path)))
(defun doom-packages--eln-file-name (file)
"Return the short .eln file name corresponding to `file'."
(concat comp-native-version-dir "/"
(comp-el-to-eln-filename file))))
(defun doom-packages--eln-output-file (eln-name)
"Return the expected .eln file corresponding to `eln-name'."
(concat doom-packages--eln-output-path eln-name))
(defun doom-packages--eln-error-file (eln-name)
"Return the expected .error file corresponding to `eln-name'."
(concat doom-packages--eln-output-path eln-name ".error"))
(defun doom-packages--find-eln-file (eln-name)
"Find `eln-name' on the `native-comp-eln-load-path'."
(cl-some (lambda (eln-path)
(let ((file (concat eln-path eln-name)))
(when (file-exists-p file)
(defun doom-packages--elc-file-outdated-p (file)
"Check whether the corresponding .elc for `file' is outdated."
(let ((elc-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)))
;; NOTE Ignore missing elc files, they could be missing due to
;; `no-byte-compile'. Rebuilding unnecessarily is expensive.
(when (and (file-exists-p elc-file)
(file-newer-than-file-p file elc-file))
(doom-log "%s is newer than %s" file elc-file)
(defun doom-packages--eln-file-outdated-p (file)
"Check whether the corresponding .eln for `file' is outdated."
(let* ((eln-name (doom-packages--eln-file-name file))
(eln-file (doom-packages--find-eln-file eln-name))
(error-file (doom-packages--eln-error-file eln-name)))
(cond (eln-file
(when (file-newer-than-file-p file eln-file)
(doom-log "%s is newer than %s" file eln-file)
((file-exists-p error-file)
(when (file-newer-than-file-p file error-file)
(doom-log "%s is newer than %s" file error-file)
(doom-log "%s doesn't exist" eln-name)
(defun doom-packages--native-compile-done-h (file)
"Callback fired when an item has finished async compilation."
(when file
(let* ((eln-name (doom-packages--eln-file-name file))
(eln-file (doom-packages--eln-output-file eln-name))
(error-file (doom-packages--eln-error-file eln-name)))
(if (file-exists-p eln-file)
(doom-log "Compiled %s" eln-file)
(make-directory (file-name-directory error-file) 'parents)
(write-region "" nil error-file)
(doom-log "Wrote %s" error-file)))))
(defun doom-packages--native-compile-jobs ()
"How many async native compilation jobs are queued or in-progress."
(if (featurep 'comp)
(+ (length comp-files-queue)
(defun doom-packages--wait-for-native-compile-jobs ()
"Wait for all pending async native compilation jobs."
(cl-loop with previous = 0
with timeout = 30
with timer = 0
for pending = (doom-packages--native-compile-jobs)
while (not (zerop pending))
if (/= previous pending) do
(print! (start "\033[KNatively compiling %d files...\033[1A" pending))
(setq previous pending
timer 0)
else do
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(if (> timer timeout)
(cl-loop for file-name being each hash-key of comp-async-compilations
for prc = (gethash file-name comp-async-compilations)
unless (process-live-p prc)
do (setq timer 0)
and do (print! (warn "Native compilation of %S timed out" (path file-name)))
and return (kill-process prc))
(cl-incf timer 0.1))
(sleep-for 0.1))))
(defun doom-packages--write-missing-eln-errors ()
"Write .error files for any expected .eln files that are missing."
(cl-loop for file in doom-packages--eln-output-expected
for eln-name = (doom-packages--eln-file-name file)
for eln-file = (doom-packages--eln-output-file eln-name)
for error-file = (doom-packages--eln-error-file eln-name)
unless (or (file-exists-p eln-file)
(file-newer-than-file-p error-file file))
do (make-directory (file-name-directory error-file) 'parents)
(write-region "" nil error-file)
(doom-log "Wrote %s" error-file))
(setq doom-packages--eln-output-expected nil)))
(defun doom-packages--compile-site-files ()
"Queue async compilation for all non-doom Elisp files."
(cl-loop with paths = (cl-loop for path in load-path
unless (string-prefix-p doom-local-dir path)
collect path)
for file in (doom-files-in paths :match "\\.el\\(?:\\.gz\\)?$")
if (and (file-exists-p (byte-compile-dest-file file))
(not (doom-packages--find-eln-file (doom-packages--eln-file-name file)))
(not (cl-some (lambda (re)
(string-match-p re file))
native-comp-deferred-compilation-deny-list))) do
(doom-log "Compiling %s" file)
(native-compile-async file))))
(defun doom-packages-install ()
"Installs missing packages.
This function will install any primary package (i.e. a package with a `package!'
declaration) or dependency thereof that hasn't already been."
(print! (start "Installing packages..."))
(let ((pinned (doom-package-pinned-list)))
(add-hook 'native-comp-async-cu-done-functions #'doom-packages--native-compile-done-h)
(if-let (built
(doom-packages--with-recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)
(recipe package type local-repo)
(unless (file-directory-p (straight--repos-dir local-repo))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let ((straight-use-package-pre-build-functions
(cons (lambda (pkg &rest _)
(when-let (commit (cdr (assoc pkg pinned)))
(print! (item "Checked out %s: %s") pkg commit)))
(straight-use-package (intern package))
;; HACK Line encoding issues can plague repos with dirty
;; worktree prompts when updating packages or "Local
;; variables entry is missing the suffix" errors when
;; installing them (see hlissner/doom-emacs#2637), so
;; have git handle conversion by force.
(when (and IS-WINDOWS (stringp local-repo))
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir local-repo)))
(when (file-in-directory-p default-directory straight-base-dir)
(straight--process-run "git" "config" "core.autocrlf" "true")))))
(signal 'doom-package-error (list package e))))))
(print! (success "\033[KInstalled %d packages") (length built)))
(print! (item "No packages need to be installed"))
(defun doom-packages-build (&optional force-p)
"(Re)build all packages."
(print! (start "(Re)building %spackages...") (if force-p "all " ""))
(let ((straight-check-for-modifications
(when (file-directory-p (straight--modified-dir))
(and straight-check-for-modifications
(executable-find straight-find-executable)
(or straight--packages-not-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(or (if force-p :all straight--packages-to-rebuild)
(make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)))
(add-hook 'native-comp-async-cu-done-functions #'doom-packages--native-compile-done-h)
(unless force-p
(if-let (built
(doom-packages--with-recipes recipes (package local-repo recipe)
(unless force-p
;; Ensure packages with outdated files/bytecode are rebuilt
(let* ((build-dir (straight--build-dir package))
(repo-dir (straight--repos-dir local-repo))
(build (if (plist-member recipe :build)
(plist-get recipe :build)
(or (eq build t)
(memq 'compile build)))
(or (eq build t)
(memq 'native-compile build))))
(and (eq (car-safe build) :not)
(setq want-byte-compile (not want-byte-compile)
want-native-compile (not want-native-compile)))
(setq want-native-compile nil))
(and (or want-byte-compile want-native-compile)
(or (file-newer-than-file-p repo-dir build-dir)
(file-exists-p (straight--modified-dir (or local-repo package)))
(cl-loop with outdated = nil
for file in (doom-files-in build-dir :match "\\.el$" :full t)
if (or (if want-byte-compile (doom-packages--elc-file-outdated-p file))
(if want-native-compile (doom-packages--eln-file-outdated-p file)))
do (setq outdated t)
(when want-native-compile
(push file doom-packages--eln-output-expected))
finally return outdated))
(puthash package t straight--packages-to-rebuild))))
(straight-use-package (intern package))))
;; HACK Every time you save a file in a package that straight tracks,
;; it is recorded in ~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/modified/.
;; Typically, straight will clean these up after rebuilding, but
;; Doom's use-case circumnavigates that, leaving these files
;; there and causing a rebuild of those packages each time `doom
;; sync' or similar is run, so we clean it up ourselves:
(delete-directory (straight--modified-dir) 'recursive)
(print! (success "\033[KRebuilt %d package(s)") (length built)))
(print! (item "No packages need rebuilding"))
(defun doom-packages-update ()
"Updates packages."
(let* ((repo-dir (straight--repos-dir))
(pinned (doom-package-pinned-list))
(recipes (doom-package-recipe-list))
(packages-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(repos-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(total (length recipes))
(esc (unless init-file-debug "\033[1A"))
(i 0)
(print! (start "Updating packages (this may take a while)..."))
(doom-packages--with-recipes recipes (recipe package type local-repo)
(cl-incf i)
(unless (straight--repository-is-available-p recipe)
(print! (error "(%d/%d) Couldn't find local repo for %s") i total package)
(when (gethash local-repo repos-to-rebuild)
(puthash package t packages-to-rebuild)
(print! (success "(%d/%d) %s was updated indirectly (with %s)") i total package local-repo)
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir local-repo)))
(unless (file-in-directory-p default-directory repo-dir)
(print! (warn "(%d/%d) Skipping %s because it is local") i total package)
(when (eq type 'git)
(unless (file-exists-p ".git")
(error "%S is not a valid repository" package)))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let ((ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo))
(cdr (or (assoc local-repo pinned)
(assoc package pinned))))
(or (cond
((not (stringp target-ref))
(print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Fetching %s...%s") i total package esc)
(doom-packages--straight-with (straight-vc-fetch-from-remote recipe)
(when .it
(straight-merge-package package)
;; (condition-case e
;; (straight-merge-package package)
;; (wrong-type-argument
;; (if (not (equal (cdr e) '(arrayp nil)))
;; (signal (car e) (cdr e))
;; (delete-directory (straight--build-dir local-repo) t)
;; (straight-use-package (intern package)))))
(setq target-ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo))
(setq output (doom-packages--commit-log-between ref target-ref)
commits (length (split-string output "\n" t)))
(or (not (doom-packages--same-commit-p target-ref ref))
((doom-packages--same-commit-p target-ref ref)
(print! (item "\033[K(%d/%d) %s is up-to-date...%s") i total package esc)
((if (straight-vc-commit-present-p recipe target-ref)
(print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Checking out %s (%s)...%s")
i total package (doom-packages--abbrev-commit target-ref) esc)
(print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Fetching %s...%s") i total package esc)
(and (straight-vc-fetch-from-remote recipe)
(straight-vc-commit-present-p recipe target-ref)))
(straight-vc-check-out-commit recipe target-ref)
(or (not (eq type 'git))
(setq output (doom-packages--commit-log-between ref target-ref)
commits (length (split-string output "\n" t))))
(doom-packages--same-commit-p target-ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo)))
((print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Re-cloning %s...") i total local-repo esc)
(let ((repo (straight--repos-dir local-repo))
(straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 'full))
(delete-directory repo 'recursive)
(straight-use-package (intern package) nil 'no-build))
(prog1 (file-directory-p repo)
(or (not (eq type 'git))
(setq output (doom-packages--commit-log-between ref target-ref)
commits (length (split-string output "\n" t))))))))
(print! (warn "\033[K(%d/%d) Failed to fetch %s")
i total local-repo)
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(print-group! (print! (item "%s" output))))
(puthash local-repo t repos-to-rebuild)
(puthash package t packages-to-rebuild)
(print! (success "\033[K(%d/%d) %s: %s -> %s%s")
i total local-repo
(doom-packages--abbrev-commit ref)
(doom-packages--abbrev-commit target-ref)
(if (and (integerp commits) (> commits 0))
(format " [%d commit(s)]" commits)
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(let ((lines (split-string output "\n")))
(setq output
(if (> (length lines) 20)
(concat (string-join (cl-subseq (butlast lines 1) 0 20) "\n")
(print-group! (print! "%s" (indent output 2)))))
(signal 'user-error (error-message-string e)))
(signal 'doom-package-error (list package e)))))))
(princ "\033[K")
(if (hash-table-empty-p packages-to-rebuild)
(ignore (print! (success "All %d packages are up-to-date") total))
(let ((default-directory (straight--build-dir)))
(mapc (doom-rpartial #'delete-directory 'recursive)
(hash-table-keys packages-to-rebuild)))
(print! (success "Updated %d package(s)")
(hash-table-count packages-to-rebuild))
;;; PURGE (for the emperor)
(defun doom-packages--purge-build (build)
(let ((build-dir (straight--build-dir build)))
(delete-directory build-dir 'recursive)
(if (file-directory-p build-dir)
(ignore (print! (error "Failed to purg build/%s" build)))
(print! (success "Purged build/%s" build))
(defun doom-packages--purge-builds (builds)
(if (not builds)
(prog1 0
(print! (item "No builds to purge")))
(print! (start "Purging straight builds..." (length builds)))
(delq nil (mapcar #'doom-packages--purge-build builds))))))
(cl-defun doom-packages--regraft-repo (repo)
(unless repo
(error "No repo specified for regrafting"))
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir repo)))
(unless (file-directory-p ".git")
(print! (warn "\033[Krepos/%s is not a git repo, skipping" repo))
(unless (file-in-directory-p default-directory straight-base-dir)
(print! (warn "\033[KSkipping repos/%s because it is local" repo))
(let ((before-size (doom-directory-size default-directory)))
(doom-call-process "git" "reset" "--hard")
(doom-call-process "git" "clean" "-ffd")
(if (not (zerop (car (doom-call-process "git" "replace" "--graft" "HEAD"))))
(print! (item "\033[Krepos/%s is already compact\033[1A" repo))
(doom-call-process "git" "reflog" "expire" "--expire=all" "--all")
(doom-call-process "git" "gc" "--prune=now")
(let ((after-size (doom-directory-size default-directory)))
(if (equal after-size before-size)
(print! (success "\033[Krepos/%s cannot be compacted further" repo))
(print! (success "\033[KRegrafted repos/%s (from %0.1fKB to %0.1fKB)")
repo before-size after-size)))))
(defun doom-packages--regraft-repos (repos)
(if (not repos)
(prog1 0
(print! (item "No repos to regraft")))
(print! (start "Regrafting %d repos..." (length repos)))
(let ((before-size (doom-directory-size (straight--repos-dir))))
(prog1 (delq nil (mapcar #'doom-packages--regraft-repo repos))
(princ "\033[K")
(let ((after-size (doom-directory-size (straight--repos-dir))))
(print! (success "Finished regrafting. Size before: %0.1fKB and after: %0.1fKB (%0.1fKB)")
before-size after-size
(- after-size before-size))))))))
(defun doom-packages--purge-repo (repo)
(let ((repo-dir (straight--repos-dir repo)))
(when (file-directory-p repo-dir)
(delete-directory repo-dir 'recursive)
(delete-file (straight--modified-file repo))
(if (file-directory-p repo-dir)
(ignore (print! (error "Failed to purge repos/%s" repo)))
(print! (success "Purged repos/%s" repo))
(defun doom-packages--purge-repos (repos)
(if (not repos)
(prog1 0
(print! (item "No repos to purge")))
(print! (start "Purging straight repositories..."))
(delq nil (mapcar #'doom-packages--purge-repo repos))))))
(defun doom-packages--purge-elpa ()
(require 'doom-packages)
(let ((dirs (doom-files-in package-user-dir :type t :depth 0)))
(if (not dirs)
(prog1 0
(print! (item "No ELPA packages to purge")))
(print! (start "Purging ELPA packages..."))
(dolist (path dirs (length dirs))
(condition-case e
(if (file-directory-p path)
(delete-directory path 'recursive)
(delete-file path))
(print! (success "Deleted %s") (filename path)))
(print! (error "Failed to delete %s because: %s")
(filename path)
(defun doom-packages--purge-eln ()
(if-let (dirs
(cl-delete (expand-file-name comp-native-version-dir doom-packages--eln-output-path)
(directory-files doom-packages--eln-output-path t "^[^.]" t)
:test #'file-equal-p))
(print! (start "Purging old native bytecode..."))
(dolist (dir dirs)
(print! (item "Deleting %S") (relpath dir doom-packages--eln-output-path))
(delete-directory dir 'recursive))
(print! (success "Purged %d directory(ies)" (length dirs))))
(length dirs))
(print! (item "No ELN directories to purge"))
(defun doom-packages-purge (&optional elpa-p builds-p repos-p regraft-repos-p eln-p)
"Auto-removes orphaned packages and repos.
An orphaned package is a package that isn't a primary package (i.e. doesn't have
a `package!' declaration) or isn't depended on by another primary package.
If BUILDS-P, include straight package builds.
If REPOS-P, include straight repos.
If ELPA-P, include packages installed with package.el (M-x package-install)."
(print! (start "Purging orphaned packages (for the emperor)..."))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&optional builds-to-purge repos-to-purge repos-to-regraft)
(let ((rdirs
(and (or repos-p regraft-repos-p)
(straight--directory-files (straight--repos-dir) nil nil 'sort))))
(list (when builds-p
(let ((default-directory (straight--build-dir)))
(seq-filter #'file-directory-p
(seq-remove (doom-rpartial #'gethash straight--profile-cache)
(straight--directory-files default-directory nil nil 'sort)))))
(when repos-p
(seq-remove (doom-rpartial #'straight--checkhash straight--repo-cache)
(when regraft-repos-p
(seq-filter (doom-rpartial #'straight--checkhash straight--repo-cache)
nil (list
(if (not builds-p)
(ignore (print! (item "Skipping builds")))
(and (/= 0 (doom-packages--purge-builds builds-to-purge))
(if (not elpa-p)
(ignore (print! (item "Skipping elpa packages")))
(/= 0 (doom-packages--purge-elpa)))
(if (not repos-p)
(ignore (print! (item "Skipping repos")))
(/= 0 (doom-packages--purge-repos repos-to-purge)))
(if (not regraft-repos-p)
(ignore (print! (item "Skipping regrafting")))
(doom-packages--regraft-repos repos-to-regraft))
(if (not eln-p)
(ignore (print! (item "Skipping native bytecode")))
;;; Hacks
;; Straight was designed primarily for interactive use, in an interactive Emacs
;; session, but Doom does its package management in the terminal. Some things
;; must be modified get straight to behave and improve its UX for our users.
(defvar doom-cli--straight-auto-options
'(("has diverged from"
. "^Reset [^ ]+ to branch")
("but recipe specifies a URL of"
. "Delete remote \"[^\"]+\", re-create it with correct URL")
("has a merge conflict:"
. "^Abort merge$")
("has a dirty worktree:"
. "^Discard changes$")
("^In repository \"[^\"]+\", [^ ]+ (on branch \"main\") is ahead of default branch \"master\""
. "^Checkout branch \"master\"")
("^In repository \"[^\"]+\", [^ ]+ (on branch \"[^\"]+\") is ahead of default branch \"[^\"]+\""
. "^Checkout branch \"")
("^In repository "
. "^Reset branch \\|^Delete remote [^,]+, re-create it with correct URL"))
"A list of regexps, mapped to regexps.
Their CAR is tested against the prompt, and CDR is tested against the presented
option, and is used by `straight-vc-git--popup-raw' to select which option to
It may not be obvious to users what they should do for some straight prompts,
so Doom will recommend the one that reverts a package back to its (or target)
original state.")
;; FIXME Replace with a -j/--jobs option in 'doom sync' et co
(defadvice! doom-cli--comp-use-all-cores-a (&rest _)
"Default to using all cores, rather than half.
Doom compiles packages ahead-of-time, in a dedicated noninteractive session, so
it doesn't make sense to slack."
:before #'comp-effective-async-max-jobs
(setq comp-num-cpus (doom-system-cpus)))
;; HACK Remove dired & magit options from prompt, since they're inaccessible in
;; noninteractive sessions.
(advice-add #'straight-vc-git--popup-raw :override #'straight--popup-raw)
;; HACK Replace GUI popup prompts (which hang indefinitely in tty Emacs) with
;; simple prompts.
(defadvice! doom-cli--straight-fallback-to-y-or-n-prompt-a (fn &optional prompt noprompt?)
:around #'straight-are-you-sure
(or noprompt?
(if noninteractive
(y-or-n-p (format! "%s" (or prompt "")))
(funcall fn prompt))))
(defun doom-cli--straight-recommended-option-p (prompt option)
(cl-loop for (prompt-re . opt-re) in doom-cli--straight-auto-options
if (string-match-p prompt-re prompt)
return (string-match-p opt-re option)))
(defadvice! doom-cli--straight-fallback-to-tty-prompt-a (fn prompt actions)
"Modifies straight to prompt on the terminal when in noninteractive sessions."
:around #'straight--popup-raw
(if (bound-and-true-p async-in-child-emacs)
(error "Straight prompt: %s" prompt)
(let ((doom-cli--straight-auto-options doom-cli--straight-auto-options))
;; We can't intercept C-g, so no point displaying any options for this key
;; when C-c is the proper way to abort batch Emacs.
(delq! "C-g" actions 'assoc)
;; HACK These are associated with opening dired or magit, which isn't
;; possible in tty Emacs, so...
(delq! "e" actions 'assoc)
(delq! "g" actions 'assoc)
(if (doom-cli-context-suppress-prompts-p doom-cli--context)
(cl-loop for (_key desc func) in actions
when desc
when (doom-cli--straight-recommended-option-p prompt desc t)
return (funcall func))
(print! (start "%s") (red prompt))
(let (recommended options)
(print! " 1) Abort")
(cl-loop for (_key desc func) in actions
when desc
do (push func options)
and do
(print! "%2s) %s" (1+ (length options))
(if (doom-cli--straight-recommended-option-p prompt desc)
(setq doom-cli--straight-auto-options nil
recommended (length options))
(green (concat desc " (Choose this if unsure)")))
(let* ((options
(cons (lambda ()
(let ((doom-output-indent 0))
(print! (warn "Aborted")))
(doom-cli--exit 1))
(nreverse options)))
(format! "How to proceed? (%s%s) "
(mapconcat #'number-to-string
(number-sequence 1 (length options))
", ")
(if (not recommended) ""
(format "; don't know? Pick %d" (1+ recommended)))))
answer fn)
(while (null (nth (setq answer (1- (read-number prompt))) options))
(print! (warn "%s is not a valid answer, try again.") answer))
(funcall (nth answer options)))))))))
(setq straight-arrow " > ")
(defadvice! doom-cli--straight-respect-print-indent-a (string &rest objects)
"Same as `message' (which see for STRING and OBJECTS) normally.
However, in batch mode, print to stdout instead of stderr."
:override #'straight--output
(let ((msg (apply #'format string objects)))
(when (string-match (format "^%s\\(.+\\)$" (regexp-quote straight-arrow)) msg)
(setq msg (match-string 1 msg))))
(and (string-match-p "^\\(Cloning\\|\\(Reb\\|B\\)uilding\\) " msg)
(not (string-suffix-p "...done" msg))
(doom-print (concat "> " msg)))))
(defadvice! doom-cli--straight-ignore-gitconfig-a (fn &rest args)
"Prevent user and system git configuration from interfering with git calls."
:around #'straight--process-call
(letenv! (("GIT_CONFIG" nil)
(apply fn args)))
(provide 'doom-cli-packages)
;;; packages.el ends here