Henrik Lissner b9933e6637
refactor!: restructure Doom core
BREAKING CHANGE: This restructures the project in preparation for Doom
to be split into two repos. Users that have reconfigured Doom's CLI
stand a good chance of seeing breakage, especially if they've referred
to any core-* feature, e.g.

  (after! core-cli-ci ...)

To fix it, simply s/core-/doom-/, i.e.

  (after! doom-cli-ci ...)

What this commit specifically changes is:
- Renames all core features from core-* to doom-*
- Moves core/core-* -> lisp/doom-*
- Moves core/autoloads/* -> lisp/lib/*
- Moves core/templates -> templates/

Ref: #4273
2022-07-30 22:41:13 +02:00

297 lines
14 KiB

;;; lisp/cli/doctor.el --- userland heuristics and Emacs diagnostics -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(defvar doom-doctor--warnings ())
(defvar doom-doctor--errors ())
;;; DSL
(defun elc-check-dir (dir)
(dolist (file (directory-files-recursively dir "\\.elc$"))
(when (file-newer-than-file-p (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".el")
(warn! "%s is out-of-date" (abbreviate-file-name file)))))
(defmacro assert! (condition message &rest args)
`(unless ,condition
(error! ,message ,@args)))
(defmacro error! (&rest args)
`(progn (unless inhibit-message (print! (error ,@args)))
(push (format! (error ,@args)) doom-doctor--errors)))
(defmacro warn! (&rest args)
`(progn (unless inhibit-message (print! (warn ,@args)))
(push (format! (warn ,@args)) doom-doctor--warnings)))
(defmacro success! (&rest args)
`(print! (green ,@args)))
(defmacro section! (&rest args)
`(print! (bold (blue ,@args))))
(defmacro explain! (&rest args)
`(print-group! (print! (fill (string-join (list ,@args) "\n")))))
;;; CLI commands
(defcli! ((doctor doc)) ()
"Diagnoses common issues on your system.
The Doom doctor is essentially one big, self-contained elisp shell script that
uses a series of simple heuristics to diagnose common issues on your system.
Issues that could intefere with Doom Emacs.
Doom modules may optionally have a doctor.el file to run their own heuristics
:benchmark nil
(print! "The doctor will see you now...\n")
;; REVIEW Refactor me
(print! (start "Checking your Emacs version..."))
((string= ".50" (substring emacs-version -3))
(error! "Emacs development version detected (%s)" emacs-version)
;; There are 2 newlines between each item to fight against
;; the (fill-region) call in `doom--output-autofill'
(explain! "Doom supports this version, but you are using a development version of Emacs! "
"Be prepared for possibly weekly breakages that\n"
"\t- you will have to investigate yourself."
"\t- might appear, or be solved, on any Emacs update."
"\t- might depend subtly on upstream packages updates.\n"
"You might need to unpin packages to get a fix for a specific commit of Emacs, "
"and you should be ready to downgrade Emacs if something is just not fixable."))
(warn! "Emacs %s detected" emacs-version)
(explain! "Doom supports this version, but you are living on the edge! "
"Be prepared for breakages in future versions of Emacs."))
((< emacs-major-version 27)
(error! "Emacs %s detected, Doom only supports 27.1 and newer"
(print! (start "Checking for Doom's prerequisites..."))
(if (not (executable-find "git"))
(error! "Couldn't find git on your machine! Doom's package manager won't work.")
(let* ((version
(cdr (doom-call-process "git" "version")))
(and (string-match "git version \\([0-9]+\\(?:\\.[0-9]+\\)\\{2\\}\\)" version)
(match-string 1 version))))
(if version
(when (version< version "2.23")
(error! "Git %s detected! Doom requires git 2.23 or newer!"
(warn! "Cannot determine Git version. Doom requires git 2.23 or newer!")))))
(unless (executable-find "rg")
(error! "Couldn't find the `rg' binary; this a hard dependecy for Doom, file searches may not work at all")))
(print! (start "Checking for Emacs config conflicts..."))
(when (file-exists-p "~/.emacs")
(warn! "Detected an ~/.emacs file, which may prevent Doom from loading")
(explain! "If Emacs finds an ~/.emacs file, it will ignore ~/.emacs.d, where Doom is "
"typically installed. If you're seeing a vanilla Emacs splash screen, this "
"may explain why. If you use Chemacs, you may ignore this warning."))
(print! (start "Checking for great Emacs features..."))
(unless (functionp 'json-serialize)
(warn! "Emacs was not built with native JSON support")
(explain! "Users will see a substantial performance gain by building Emacs with "
"jansson support (i.e. a native JSON library), particularly LSP users. "
"You must install a prebuilt Emacs binary with this included, or compile "
"Emacs with the --with-json option."))
(when EMACS28+
(warn! "Emacs was not built with native compilation support")
(explain! "Users will see a substantial performance gain by building Emacs with "
"native compilation support, availible in emacs 28+."
"You must install a prebuilt Emacs binary with this included, or compile "
"Emacs with the --with-native-compilation option.")))
(print! (start "Checking for private config conflicts..."))
(let* ((xdg-dir (concat (or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
(doom-dir (or (getenv "DOOMDIR")
(dir (if (file-directory-p xdg-dir)
(when (file-equal-p dir doom-emacs-dir)
(print! (error "Doom was cloned to %S, not ~/.emacs.d or ~/.config/emacs"
(path dir)))
(explain! "Doom's source and your private Doom config have to live in separate directories. "
"Putting them in the same directory (without changing the DOOMDIR environment "
"variable) will cause errors on startup."))
(when (and (not (file-equal-p xdg-dir doom-dir))
(file-directory-p xdg-dir)
(file-directory-p doom-dir))
(print! (warn "Detected two private configs, in %s and %s")
(abbreviate-file-name xdg-dir)
(explain! "The second directory will be ignored, as it has lower precedence.")))
(print! (start "Checking for stale elc files..."))
(elc-check-dir doom-emacs-dir)
(print! (start "Checking for problematic git global settings..."))
(if (executable-find "git")
(when (zerop (car (doom-call-process "git" "config" "--global" "--get-regexp" "^url\\.git://github\\.com")))
(warn! "Detected insteadOf rules in your global gitconfig.")
(explain! "Doom's package manager heavily relies on git. In particular, many of its packages "
"are hosted on github. Rewrite rules like these will break it:\n\n"
" [url \"git://\"]\n"
" insteadOf =\n\n"
"Please remove them from your gitconfig or use a conditional includeIf rule to "
"only apply your rewrites to specific repositories. See "
"'' for more information."))
(error! "Couldn't find the `git' binary; this a hard dependecy for Doom!"))
(print! (start "Checking Doom Emacs..."))
(condition-case-unless-debug ex
(let ((noninteractive nil)
(defvar doom-reloading-p nil)
(require 'doom-start)
(print! (success "Initialized Doom Emacs %s") doom-version)
(if (hash-table-p doom-modules)
(success "Detected %d modules" (hash-table-count doom-modules))
(warn "Failed to load any modules. Do you have an private init.el?")))
(print! (success "Detected %d packages") (length doom-packages))
(print! (start "Checking Doom core for irregularities..."))
;; Check for oversized problem files in cache that may cause unusual/tremendous
;; delays or freezing. This shouldn't happen often.
(dolist (file (list "savehist" "projectile.cache"))
(when-let (size (ignore-errors (doom-file-size file doom-cache-dir)))
(when (> size 1048576) ; larger than 1mb
(warn! "%s is too large (%.02fmb). This may cause freezes or odd startup delays"
file (/ size 1024 1024.0))
(explain! "Consider deleting it from your system (manually)"))))
(unless (ignore-errors (executable-find doom-projectile-fd-binary))
(warn! "Couldn't find the `fd' binary; project file searches will be slightly slower"))
(require 'projectile)
(when (projectile-project-root "~")
(warn! "Your $HOME is recognized as a project root")
(explain! "Emacs will assume $HOME is the root of any project living under $HOME. If this isn't\n"
"desired, you will need to remove \".git\" from `projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up'\n"
"(a variable), e.g.\n\n"
" (after! projectile\n"
" (setq projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up\n"
" (remove \".git\" projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up)))"))
;; There should only be one
(when (and (file-equal-p doom-private-dir "~/.config/doom")
(file-directory-p "~/.doom.d"))
(print! (warn "Both %S and '~/.doom.d' exist on your system")
(path doom-private-dir))
(explain! "Doom will only load one of these (~/.config/doom takes precedence). Possessing\n"
"both is rarely intentional; you should one or the other."))
;; Check for fonts
(if (not (executable-find "fc-list"))
(warn! "Warning: unable to detect fonts because fontconfig isn't installed")
;; all-the-icons fonts
(when (and (pcase system-type
(`gnu/linux (concat (or (getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME")
(`darwin "~/Library/Fonts/"))
(require 'all-the-icons nil t))
(let ((errors 0))
(cl-destructuring-bind (status . output)
(doom-call-process "fc-list" "" "file")
(if (not (zerop status))
(print! (error "There was an error running `fc-list'. Is fontconfig installed correctly?"))
(insert (cdr (doom-call-process "fc-list" "" "file")))
(dolist (font all-the-icons-font-names)
(if (save-excursion (re-search-backward font nil t))
(success! "Found font %s" font)
(print! (warn "Warning: couldn't find %S font") font)))
(when (> errors 0)
(explain! "Some all-the-icons fonts were missing.\n\n"
"You can install them by running `M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts' within Emacs.\n"
"This could also mean you've installed them in non-standard locations, in which "
"case feel free to ignore this warning.")))))))))
(print! (start "Checking for stale elc files in your DOOMDIR..."))
(when (file-directory-p doom-private-dir)
(elc-check-dir doom-private-dir)))
(when doom-modules
(print! (start "Checking your enabled modules..."))
(advice-add #'require :around #'doom-shut-up-a)
(maphash (lambda (key plist)
(let (doom-local-errors
(let (doom-doctor--errors
(condition-case-unless-debug ex
(let ((doctor-file (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "doctor.el"))
(packages-file (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")))
(cl-loop with doom-output-indent = 6
for name in (let (doom-packages
(load packages-file 'noerror 'nomessage)
(mapcar #'car doom-packages))
unless (or (doom-package-get name :disable)
(eval (doom-package-get name :ignore))
(plist-member (doom-package-get name :recipe) :local-repo)
(locate-library (symbol-name name))
(doom-package-built-in-p name)
(doom-package-installed-p name))
do (print! (error "Missing emacs package: %S") name))
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(load doctor-file 'noerror 'nomessage)))
(file-missing (error! "%s" (error-message-string ex)))
(error (error! "Syntax error: %s" ex)))
(when (or doom-doctor--errors doom-doctor--warnings)
(print! (start (bold "%s %s")) (car key) (cdr key))
(print! "%s" (string-join (append doom-doctor--errors doom-doctor--warnings) "\n")))
(setq doom-local-errors doom-doctor--errors
doom-local-warnings doom-doctor--warnings)))
(appendq! doom-doctor--errors doom-local-errors)
(appendq! doom-doctor--warnings doom-local-warnings)))
(warn! "Attempt to load DOOM failed\n %s\n"
(or (cdr-safe ex) (car ex)))
(setq doom-modules nil)))
;; Final report
(dolist (msg (list (list doom-doctor--warnings "warning" 'yellow)
(list doom-doctor--errors "error" 'red)))
(when (car msg)
(print! (color (nth 2 msg)
(if (cdr msg)
"There are %d %ss!"
"There is %d %s!")
(length (car msg)) (nth 1 msg)))))
(unless (or doom-doctor--errors doom-doctor--warnings)
(success! "Everything seems fine, happy Emacs'ing!"))
(exit! :pager? "+G"))
(provide 'doom-cli-doctor)
;;; doctor.el ends here