Henrik Lissner 2ae9b155ad Clean up
2016-04-08 16:15:37 -04:00

187 lines
7.4 KiB

;;; core.el --- The heart of the beast
;;; Naming conventions:
;; narf-... A public variable/constant or function
;; narf--... An internal variable or function (non-interactive)
;; narf/... An autoloaded interactive function
;; narf:... An ex command
;; narf|... A hook
;; narf*... An advising function
;; narf.... Custom prefix commands
;; ...! Macro
;; You will find all autoloaded function in {core,modules}/defuns/defuns-*.el
ad-redefinition-action 'accept ; silence the advised function warnings
compilation-always-kill t ; kill compilation process before spawning another
compilation-ask-about-save nil ; save all buffers before compiling
compilation-scroll-output t ; scroll with output while compiling
delete-by-moving-to-trash t
echo-keystrokes 0.02 ; show me what I type
ediff-diff-options "-w"
ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally ; side-by-side diffs
ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain ; no extra frames
enable-recursive-minibuffers nil ; no minibufferception
history-length 1000
idle-update-delay 2 ; update a little less often
inhibit-startup-echo-area-message "hlissner" ; username shuts up emacs
inhibit-startup-screen t ; don't show emacs start screen
initial-major-mode 'text-mode ; initial scratch buffer mode
initial-scratch-message nil
major-mode 'text-mode
ring-bell-function 'ignore ; silence of the bells!
save-interprogram-paste-before-kill nil
sentence-end-double-space nil
;; remove annoying ellipsis when printing sexp in message buffer
eval-expression-print-length nil
eval-expression-print-level nil
'(read-only t point-entered minibuffer-avoid-prompt face minibuffer-prompt)
bookmark-save-flag t
bookmark-default-file (concat narf-temp-dir "/bookmarks")
;; Disable all backups (that's what git/dropbox are for)
auto-save-default nil
auto-save-list-file-name (concat narf-temp-dir "/autosave")
make-backup-files nil
create-lockfiles nil
backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,(concat narf-temp-dir "/backup/")))
;; Remember undo history
undo-tree-auto-save-history nil
undo-tree-history-directory-alist `(("." . ,(concat narf-temp-dir "/undo/"))))
;; UTF-8 please
(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8) ; pretty
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8) ; pretty
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8) ; pretty
(set-selection-coding-system 'utf-8) ; please
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) ; with sugar on top
(set-charset-priority 'unicode)
(setq default-process-coding-system '(utf-8-unix . utf-8-unix))
;; Variables
(defvar narf-leader-prefix "," "Prefix key for <leader> maps")
(defvar narf-localleader-prefix "\\" "Prefix key for <localleader> maps")
;; Buffers/Files
(defvar narf-unreal-buffers '("^ ?\\*.+\\*"
"A list of regexps or modes whose buffers are considered unreal, and will be
ignored when using `narf:next-real-buffer' and `narf:previous-real-buffer', and
killed by `narf/kill-unreal-buffers'.
`narf:kill-this-buffer' will also gloss over these buffers when finding a new
buffer to display.")
(defvar narf-ignore-buffers '("*Completions*" "*Compile-Log*" "*inferior-lisp*"
"*Fuzzy Completions*" "*Apropos*" "*Help*" "*cvs*"
"*Buffer List*" "*Ibuffer*" "*esh command on file*"
"*WoMan-Log*" "*compilation*" "*use-package*"
"*quickrun*" "*eclim: problems*" "*Flycheck errors*"
"*popwin-dummy*" " *NeoTree*"
;; Helm
"*helm*" "*helm recentf*" "*helm projectile*" "*helm imenu*"
"*helm company*" "*helm buffers*" "*Helm Css SCSS*"
"*helm-ag*" "*helm-ag-edit*" "*Helm Swoop*"
"*helm M-x*" "*helm mini*" "*Helm Completions*"
"*Helm Find Files*" "*helm mu*" "*helm mu contacts*"
"*helm-mode-describe-variable*" "*helm-mode-describe-function*"
;; Org
"*Org todo*" "*Org Links*" "*Agenda Commands*")
"List of buffer names to ignore when using `winner-undo', or `winner-redo'")
(defvar narf-cleanup-processes-alist '(("pry" . ruby-mode)
("irb" . ruby-mode)
("ipython" . python-mode))
"An alist of (process-name . major-mode), that `narf:cleanup-processes' checks
before killing processes. If there are no buffers with matching major-modes, it
gets killed.")
(defvar narf-project-root-files
'(".git" ".hg" ".svn" ".project" "" ""
"rebar.config" "project.clj" "SConstruct" "pom.xml" "build.sbt"
"build.gradle" "Gemfile" "requirements.txt" "tox.ini" "package.json"
"gulpfile.js" "Gruntfile.js" "bower.json" "composer.json" "Cargo.toml"
"A list of files that count as 'project files', which determine whether a
folder is the root of a project or not.")
;; Fringe/margins
(defvar narf-fringe-size 6 "Default width to use for the fringes.")
;; Bootstrap
(autoload 'use-package "use-package" "" nil 'macro)
(unless (require 'autoloads nil t)
(load (concat narf-emacs-dir "/scripts/generate-autoloads.el"))
(require 'autoloads))
(require 'core-defuns)
(setq use-package-verbose nil)
;; Make any folders needed
(mapc (lambda (dir)
(let ((path (concat narf-temp-dir dir)))
(unless (file-exists-p path)
(make-directory path t))))
'("" "/undo" "/backup")))
(use-package persistent-soft
:commands (persistent-soft-store
:init (defvar pcache-directory (concat narf-temp-dir "/pcache/")))
(use-package async
:commands (async-start
(require (cond (IS-MAC 'core-os-osx)
(IS-LINUX 'core-os-linux)
(IS-WINDOWS 'core-os-win32)))
;; We add this to `after-init-hook' to allow errors to stop this advice
(add-hook! after-init
(defadvice save-buffers-kill-emacs (around no-query-kill-emacs activate)
"Prevent annoying \"Active processes exist\" query when you quit Emacs."
(cl-flet ((process-list ())) ad-do-it)))
(when (display-graphic-p)
(require 'server)
(unless (server-running-p)
(defun display-startup-echo-area-message ()
(message ":: Loaded in %s" (emacs-init-time)))
(provide 'core)
;;; core.el ends here