Henrik Lissner d87310bd55
Replace evil-commentary with evil-nerd-commenter
The latter provides a comment text object and better commenting support
across various languages.
2019-10-10 16:11:42 -04:00

332 lines
12 KiB

;;; editor/evil/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; I'm a vimmer at heart. Its modal philosophy suits me better, and this module
;; strives to make Emacs a much better vim than vim was.
(defvar +evil-want-o/O-to-continue-comments t
"If non-nil, the o/O keys will continue comment lines if the point is on a
line with a linewise comment.")
(defvar +evil-preprocessor-regexp "^\\s-*#[a-zA-Z0-9_]"
"The regexp used by `+evil/next-preproc-directive' and
`+evil/previous-preproc-directive' on ]# and [#, to jump between preprocessor
directives. By default, this only recognizes C directives.")
;; Set these defaults before `evil'; use `defvar' so they can be changed prior
;; to loading.
(defvar evil-want-C-i-jump (or (daemonp) (display-graphic-p)))
(defvar evil-want-C-u-scroll t)
(defvar evil-want-C-w-scroll t)
(defvar evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol t)
(defvar evil-want-abbrev-expand-on-insert-exit nil)
(use-package! evil
:hook (doom-init-modules . evil-mode)
:demand t
(setq evil-want-visual-char-semi-exclusive t
evil-magic t
evil-echo-state t
evil-indent-convert-tabs t
evil-ex-search-vim-style-regexp t
evil-ex-substitute-global t
evil-ex-visual-char-range t ; column range for ex commands
evil-insert-skip-empty-lines t
evil-mode-line-format 'nil
evil-respect-visual-line-mode t
;; more vim-like behavior
evil-symbol-word-search t
;; cursor appearance
evil-default-cursor '+evil-default-cursor-fn
evil-normal-state-cursor 'box
evil-emacs-state-cursor '(box +evil-emacs-cursor-fn)
evil-insert-state-cursor 'bar
evil-visual-state-cursor 'hollow
;; must be set before evil/evil-collection is loaded
evil-want-keybinding (not (featurep! +everywhere)))
(evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
(put 'evil-define-key* 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
;; stop copying each visual state move to the clipboard:
;; grokked from:
(advice-add #'evil-visual-update-x-selection :override #'ignore)
;; Start help-with-tutorial in emacs state
(advice-add #'help-with-tutorial :after (lambda (&rest _) (evil-emacs-state +1)))
;; Done in a hook to ensure the popup rules load as late as possible
(add-hook! 'doom-init-modules-hook
(defun +evil--init-popup-rules-h ()
'(("^\\*evil-registers" :size 0.3)
("^\\*Command Line" :size 8)))))
;; Change the cursor color in emacs state. We do it this roundabout way
;; instead of changing `evil-default-cursor' (or `evil-emacs-state-cursor') so
;; it won't interfere with users who have changed these variables.
(defvar +evil--default-cursor-color "#ffffff")
(defvar +evil--emacs-cursor-color "#ff9999")
(add-hook! 'doom-load-theme-hook
(defun +evil-update-cursor-color-h ()
(setq +evil--default-cursor-color (face-background 'cursor)
+evil--emacs-cursor-color (face-foreground 'warning))))
(defun +evil-default-cursor-fn ()
(evil-set-cursor-color +evil--default-cursor-color))
(defun +evil-emacs-cursor-fn ()
(evil-set-cursor-color +evil--emacs-cursor-color))
(setq-hook! 'after-change-major-mode-hook evil-shift-width tab-width)
;; --- keybind fixes ----------------------
(after! wgrep
;; A wrapper that invokes `wgrep-mark-deletion' across lines you use
;; `evil-delete' in wgrep buffers.
(define-key wgrep-mode-map [remap evil-delete] #'+evil-delete))
(add-hook! 'doom-escape-hook
(defun +evil-disable-ex-highlights-h ()
"Disable ex search buffer highlights."
(when (evil-ex-hl-active-p 'evil-ex-search)
;; --- evil hacks -------------------------
(unless noninteractive
(setq save-silently t)
(add-hook! 'after-save-hook
(defun +evil-display-vimlike-save-message-h ()
"Shorter, vim-esque save messages."
(message "\"%s\" %dL, %dC written"
(if buffer-file-name
(file-relative-name (file-truename buffer-file-name) (doom-project-root))
(count-lines (point-min) (point-max))
;; Make ESC (from normal mode) the universal escaper. See `doom-escape-hook'.
(advice-add #'evil-force-normal-state :after #'+evil-escape-a)
;; Don't move cursor when indenting
(advice-add #'evil-indent :around #'+evil--static-reindent-a)
;; monkey patch `evil-ex-replace-special-filenames' to improve support for
;; file modifiers like %:p:h. This adds support for most of vim's modifiers,
;; and one custom one: %:P (expand to the project root).
(advice-add #'evil-ex-replace-special-filenames :override #'+evil-resolve-vim-path-a)
;; make `try-expand-dabbrev' (from `hippie-expand') work in minibuffer
(add-hook 'minibuffer-inactive-mode-hook #'+evil--fix-dabbrev-in-minibuffer-h)
;; Focus and recenter new splits
(advice-add #'evil-window-split :override #'+evil-window-split-a)
(advice-add #'evil-window-vsplit :override #'+evil-window-vsplit-a)
;; In evil, registers 2-9 are buffer-local. In vim, they're global, so...
(advice-add #'evil-global-marker-p :around #'+evil--make-numbered-markers-global-a)
;; Make o/O continue comments (see `+evil-want-o/O-to-continue-comments')
(advice-add #'evil-open-above :around #'+evil--insert-newline-above-and-respect-comments-a)
(advice-add #'evil-open-below :around #'+evil--insert-newline-below-and-respect-comments-a)
;; Recenter screen after most searches
(dolist (fn '(evil-visualstar/begin-search-forward
(advice-add fn :after #'doom-recenter-a))
;; --- custom interactive codes -----------
;; These arg types will highlight matches in the current buffer
(evil-ex-define-argument-type regexp-match
:runner (lambda (flag &optional arg) (+evil-ex-regexp-match flag arg 'inverted)))
(evil-ex-define-argument-type regexp-global-match
:runner +evil-ex-regexp-match)
(defun +evil--regexp-match-args (arg)
(when (evil-ex-p)
(cl-destructuring-bind (&optional arg flags)
(evil-delimited-arguments arg 2)
(list arg (string-to-list flags)))))
;; Other commands can make use of this
(evil-define-interactive-code "<//>"
:ex-arg regexp-match
(+evil--regexp-match-args evil-ex-argument))
(evil-define-interactive-code "<//!>"
:ex-arg regexp-global-match
(+evil--regexp-match-args evil-ex-argument))
;; Forward declare these so that ex completion works, even if the autoloaded
;; functions aren't loaded yet.
(evil-add-command-properties '+evil:align :ex-arg 'regexp-match)
(evil-add-command-properties '+evil:align-right :ex-arg 'regexp-match)
(evil-add-command-properties '+multiple-cursors:evil-mc :ex-arg 'regexp-global-match)
;; `evil-collection'
(when (and (featurep! +everywhere)
(not doom-reloading-p))
(load! "+everywhere"))
;; Lazy load evil ex commands
(delq! 'evil-ex features)
(add-transient-hook! 'evil-ex (provide 'evil-ex))
(after! evil-ex (load! "+commands")))
;;; Packages
(use-package! evil-easymotion
:commands evilem-create evilem-default-keybindings
;; Use evil-search backend, instead of isearch
(evilem-make-motion evilem-motion-search-next #'evil-ex-search-next
:bind ((evil-ex-search-highlight-all nil)))
(evilem-make-motion evilem-motion-search-previous #'evil-ex-search-previous
:bind ((evil-ex-search-highlight-all nil)))
(evilem-make-motion evilem-motion-search-word-forward #'evil-ex-search-word-forward
:bind ((evil-ex-search-highlight-all nil)))
(evilem-make-motion evilem-motion-search-word-backward #'evil-ex-search-word-backward
:bind ((evil-ex-search-highlight-all nil))))
(use-package! evil-embrace
:commands embrace-add-pair embrace-add-pair-regexp
:hook (LaTeX-mode . embrace-LaTeX-mode-hook)
:hook (org-mode . embrace-org-mode-hook)
:hook ((ruby-mode enh-ruby-mode) . embrace-ruby-mode-hook)
:hook (emacs-lisp-mode . embrace-emacs-lisp-mode-hook)
:hook ((lisp-mode emacs-lisp-mode clojure-mode racket-mode)
. +evil-embrace-lisp-mode-hook-h)
:hook ((org-mode LaTeX-mode) . +evil-embrace-latex-mode-hook-h)
:hook ((c++-mode rust-mode rustic-mode csharp-mode java-mode swift-mode typescript-mode)
. +evil-embrace-angle-bracket-modes-hook-h)
(after! evil-surround
(setq evil-embrace-show-help-p nil)
(defun +evil-embrace-latex-mode-hook-h ()
(embrace-add-pair-regexp ?l "\\[a-z]+{" "}" #'+evil--embrace-latex))
(defun +evil-embrace-lisp-mode-hook-h ()
(push (cons ?f (make-embrace-pair-struct
:key ?f
:read-function #'+evil--embrace-elisp-fn
:left-regexp "([^ ]+ "
:right-regexp ")"))
(defun +evil-embrace-angle-bracket-modes-hook-h ()
(set (make-local-variable 'evil-embrace-evil-surround-keys)
(delq ?< evil-embrace-evil-surround-keys))
(push (cons ?< (make-embrace-pair-struct
:key ?<
:read-function #'+evil--embrace-angle-brackets
:left-regexp "\\[a-z]+<"
:right-regexp ">"))
;; Add escaped-sequence support to embrace
(setf (alist-get ?\\ (default-value 'embrace--pairs-list))
:key ?\\
:read-function #'+evil--embrace-escaped
:left-regexp "\\[[{(]"
:right-regexp "\\[]})]")))
(use-package! evil-escape
:commands evil-escape
:after-call pre-command-hook
(setq evil-escape-excluded-states '(normal visual multiedit emacs motion)
evil-escape-excluded-major-modes '(neotree-mode treemacs-mode vterm-mode)
evil-escape-key-sequence "jk"
evil-escape-delay 0.15)
(evil-define-key* '(insert replace visual operator) 'global "\C-g" #'evil-escape)
;; no `evil-escape' in minibuffer
(add-hook 'evil-escape-inhibit-functions #'minibufferp)
;; so that evil-escape-mode-hook runs, and can be toggled by evil-mc
(evil-escape-mode +1))
(use-package! evil-exchange
:commands evil-exchange
(add-hook! 'doom-escape-hook
(defun +evil--escape-exchange-h ()
(when evil-exchange--overlays
(use-package! evil-nerd-commenter
:commands (evilnc-comment-operator
(use-package! evil-snipe
:commands (evil-snipe-mode
:after-call pre-command-hook
(setq evil-snipe-smart-case t
evil-snipe-scope 'line
evil-snipe-repeat-scope 'visible
evil-snipe-char-fold t)
(pushnew! evil-snipe-disabled-modes 'Info-mode 'calc-mode)
(evil-snipe-mode +1)
(evil-snipe-override-mode +1))
(use-package! evil-surround
:commands (global-evil-surround-mode
:config (global-evil-surround-mode 1))
(use-package! evil-traces
:after evil-ex
(pushnew! evil-traces-argument-type-alist
'(+evil:align . evil-traces-global)
'(+evil:align-right . evil-traces-global))
;; Allows you to use the selection for * and #
(use-package! evil-visualstar
:commands (evil-visualstar/begin-search
(evil-define-key* 'visual 'global
"*" #'evil-visualstar/begin-search-forward
"#" #'evil-visualstar/begin-search-backward))
;;; Text object plugins
(use-package! exato
:commands evil-outer-xml-attr evil-inner-xml-attr)