Henrik Lissner d8b1e469bc
Introduce autodefs to replace some settings
+ :popup -> set-popup-rule!
+ :popups -> set-popup-rules!
+ :company-backend -> set-company-backend!
+ :evil-state -> set-evil-initial-state!

I am slowly phasing out the setting system (def-setting! and set!),
starting with these.

What are autodefs? These are functions that are always defined, whether
or not their respective modules are enabled. However, when their modules
are disabled, they are replaced with macros that no-op and don't
waste time evaluating their arguments.

The old set! function will still work, for a while.
2018-06-15 03:42:01 +02:00

93 lines
3.2 KiB

;;; tools/ein/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +ein-notebook-dir "~/"
"Default directory from where Jupyter notebooks are to be opened.")
;; Plugins
(after! ein
(setq ein:notebook-modes
;; Slice images into rows; easier to navigate around images
ein:slice-image t)
'(("\\*ein: .*" :ignore t)
("\\*ein:tb .*"
((side . bottom) (size . 0.3))
((quit . t) (transient) (select)))
("\\*ein:notebooklist *"
((side . left) (size . 50))
(when (featurep! :completion company)
;; Code completion with company
(setq ein:completion-backend 'ein:use-company-backend)
(set-company-backend! '(ein:notebook-multilang-mode
(after! ein-jupyter
(setq ein:jupyter-server-args '("--no-browser"))
(unless ein:jupyter-default-notebook-directory
(setq ein:jupyter-default-notebook-directory "~/")))
(defun +ein-buffer-p (buf)
(string-match-p "^\\*ein: .*" (buffer-name buf)))
(add-to-list 'doom-real-buffer-functions #'+ein-buffer-p nil #'eq)
;; Ace-link on notebook list buffers
(after! ein-notebooklist
(define-key ein:notebooklist-mode-map "o" #'+ein/ace-link-ein))
;; add hydra
(defhydra +ein/hydra (:hint t :color red)
Operations on Cells^^^^^^ Other
----------------------------^^^^^^ ----------------------------------^^^^
[_k_/_j_]^^ select prev/next [_t_]^^ toggle output
[_K_/_J_]^^ move up/down [_C-l_/_C-S-l_] clear/clear all output
[_C-k_/_C-j_]^^ merge above/below [_C-o_]^^ open console
[_O_/_o_]^^ insert above/below [_C-s_/_C-r_] save/rename notebook
[_y_/_p_/_d_] copy/paste [_x_]^^ close notebook
[_u_]^^^^ change type [_q_]^^ quit
[_RET_]^^^^ execute
("q" nil :exit t)
("h" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-prev-or-last)
("j" ein:worksheet-goto-next-input)
("k" ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input)
("l" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-next-or-first)
("H" ein:notebook-worksheet-move-prev)
("J" ein:worksheet-move-cell-down)
("K" ein:worksheet-move-cell-up)
("L" ein:notebook-worksheet-move-next)
("t" ein:worksheet-toggle-output)
("d" ein:worksheet-kill-cell)
("R" ein:worksheet-rename-sheet)
("y" ein:worksheet-copy-cell)
("p" ein:worksheet-yank-cell)
("o" ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below)
("O" ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above)
("u" ein:worksheet-change-cell-type)
("RET" ein:worksheet-execute-cell-and-goto-next)
;; Output
("C-l" ein:worksheet-clear-output)
("C-S-l" ein:worksheet-clear-all-output)
("C-o" ein:console-open :exit t)
;; Merge and split cells
("C-k" ein:worksheet-merge-cell)
("C-j" spacemacs/ein:worksheet-merge-cell-next)
("s" ein:worksheet-split-cell-at-point)
;; Notebook
("C-s" ein:notebook-save-notebook-command)
("C-r" ein:notebook-rename-command)
("x" ein:notebook-close :exit t)))