
65 lines
2.2 KiB

;;; completion/ido/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(def-package! ido
(setq ido-ignore-buffers
'("\\` " "^\\*ESS\\*" "^\\*Messages\\*" "^\\*Help\\*" "^\\*Buffer"
"^\\*.*Completions\\*$" "^\\*Ediff" "^\\*tramp" "^\\*cvs-"
"_region_" " output\\*$" "^TAGS$" "^\*Ido")
ido-use-faces nil
ido-confirm-unique-completion t
ido-case-fold t
ido-enable-tramp-completion nil
ido-enable-flex-matching t
ido-create-new-buffer 'always
ido-enable-tramp-completion t
ido-enable-last-directory-history t
ido-save-directory-list-file (concat doom-cache-dir "ido.last"))
(push "\\`.DS_Store$" ido-ignore-files)
(push "Icon\\?$" ido-ignore-files)
(ido-mode 1)
(ido-everywhere 1)
(require 'ido-completing-read+)
(ido-ubiquitous-mode 1)
(defun +ido|init ()
(require 'ido-vertical-mode)
(ido-vertical-mode 1)
(require 'flx-ido)
(flx-ido-mode +1)
(require 'crm-custom)
(crm-custom-mode +1)
(map! :map (ido-common-completion-map ido-completion-map ido-file-completion-map)
"C-n" #'ido-next-match
"C-p" #'ido-prev-match
"C-w" #'ido-delete-backward-word-updir))
(add-hook 'ido-setup-hook #'+ido|init)
(defun +ido*sort-mtime ()
"Sort ido filelist by mtime instead of alphabetically."
(setq ido-temp-list
(sort ido-temp-list
(lambda (a b)
(sixth (file-attributes (concat ido-current-directory b)))
(sixth (file-attributes (concat ido-current-directory a)))))))
(ido-to-end ;; move . files to end (again)
(cl-loop for x in ido-temp-list
if (char-equal (string-to-char x) ?.)
collect x)))
(advice-add #'ido-sort-mtime :override #'+ido*sort-mtime)
(add-hook! (ido-make-file-list ido-make-dir-list) #'+ido*sort-mtime)
(defun +ido|setup-home-keybind ()
"Go to $HOME with ~"
(define-key ido-file-completion-map (kbd "~")
(λ! (if (looking-back "/" (point-min))
(insert "~/")
(call-interactively #'self-insert-command)))))
(add-hook 'ido-setup-hook #'+ido|setup-home-keybind))