2014-11-29 20:21:03 -05:00

80 lines
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;;; Emacs for the jaded vimmer
;; Author: Henrik Lissner <henrik@lissner>
;; URL:
;; My emacs.d, which sets out to rustle emacs users' jimmies by making
;; emacs as vim-like as possible.
;;; Code:
;; instead of /
(cd "~")
(setq use-package-verbose t) ; for debug purposes
(require 'cask)
(setq user-mail-address "")
(defconst *dir (file-name-directory load-file-name))
(defconst *init-dir (concat *dir "init/"))
(defconst *themes-dir (concat *dir "themes/"))
(defconst *elisp-dir (concat *dir "elisp/"))
(defconst *snippets-dir (concat *dir "snippets/"))
(defconst *ac-dicts-dir (concat *dir "ac-dict/"))
(defconst *tmp-dir (concat *dir "tmp/"))
(defconst *theme 'brin)
(defconst *font
(if (string-equal system-name "ganymede.local")
"Ubuntu Mono-12" ; Use smaller font on my laptop
"Ubuntu Mono-14")) ; And larger font everywhere else
(add-to-list 'load-path *init-dir)
;; Just the... bear necessities...
(mapc 'require
core-defuns ; Defun library
core-editor ; Global editor behavior (w/ evil)
core-ui ; User interface layout & behavior
core-osx ; Mac-specific config
;; Essential plugins & modules
init-ido ; Ido setup
init-project ; Project nav+search tools (projectile, helm, ag)
init-snippets ; Snippet engine
init-git ; GIT tools/settings
init-fly ; Syntax & spell checker
init-auto-complete ; Auto-complete engine
init-auto-insert ; File auto-insert templates
init-cscope ; Global code indexing
;; Modes & environments
init-text ; Plain text editing (markdown, text)
init-sh ; Shell script editing (sh, zsh)
init-org ; Org-mode: personal gtd/notes
init-dev ; Generic dev tools & environment for all programming
init-webdev ; Environment for webdev (SCSS, PHP, Rails, Javascript)
init-love ; gamedev
init-cpp ; C++ gamedev
init-java ; Java-specific settings (including eclim)
;; init-go ; Go-lang
;; init-swift ; iOS/Mac dev environment for swift
;; init-csharp ; Emacs as a Csharp/Unity IDE
;; My homebaked packages
my-commands ; Ex commands & evil operators/commands
my-coderunner ; Code/REPL runners
;; Personal settings (must be last!)
my-settings ; Any other custom settings
my-keymaps ; My keybindings
;; I've created a monster!