2019-11-09 20:25:55 -05:00

278 lines
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;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-core-lib.el
(describe "core-lib"
(require 'core-lib))
;; --- Helpers ----------------------------
(describe "doom-unquote"
(it "unquotes a quoted form"
(expect (doom-unquote '(quote hello)) :to-be 'hello))
(it "unquotes nested quoted forms"
(expect (doom-unquote '(quote (quote (a b c)))) :to-equal '(a b c)))
(it "unquotes function-quoted forms"
(expect (doom-unquote '(function a)) :to-be 'a))
(it "does nothing to unquoted forms"
(expect (doom-unquote 'hello) :to-be 'hello)
(expect (doom-unquote 5) :to-be 5)
(expect (doom-unquote t) :to-be t)))
(describe "doom-enlist"
(it "returns nil if given nil"
(expect (doom-enlist nil) :to-be nil))
(it "creates a list out of non-lists"
(expect (doom-enlist 'a) :to-equal '(a)))
(it "returns lists as-is"
(expect (doom-enlist '(a)) :to-equal '(a))))
(describe "doom-keyword-intern"
(it "returns a keyword"
(expect (doom-keyword-intern "test") :to-equal :test))
(it "errors if given anything but a string"
(expect (doom-keyword-intern t) :to-throw 'wrong-type-argument)))
(describe "doom-keyword-name"
(it "returns the string name of a keyword"
(expect (doom-keyword-name :test) :to-equal "test"))
(it "errors if given anything but a keyword"
(expect (doom-keyword-name "test") :to-throw 'wrong-type-argument)))
(describe "doom-partial"
(it "returns a closure"
(expect (functionp (doom-partial #'+ 1))))
(it "returns a partial closure"
(expect (funcall (doom-partial #'+ 1) 2) :to-be 3)))
(describe "doom-rpartial"
(it "returns a closure"
(expect (functionp (doom-rpartial #'+ 1))))
(it "returns a partial closure with right-aligned arguments"
(expect (funcall (doom-rpartial #'/ 2) 10) :to-be 5)))
;; --- Sugars -----------------------------
(describe "lambda!"
(it "returns an interactive function"
(expect (commandp (lambda!)))
(expect (funcall (lambda! 5)) :to-equal 5)))
(describe "lambda!!"
(it "returns an interactive function with a prefix argument"
(expect (commandp (lambda! #'ignore t)))
(expect (funcall (lambda!! (lambda (arg)
(interactive "P")
:to-equal 5)))
(describe "file!"
(it "returns the executing file"
(expect (eval-and-compile (file!))
(eval-and-compile load-file-name))))
(describe "dir!"
(it "returns the executing directory"
(expect (eval-and-compile (dir!))
(directory-file-name (file-name-directory load-file-name))))))
(describe "pushnew!"
(it "pushes values onto a list symbol, in order"
(let ((a '(1 2 3)))
(expect (pushnew! a 9 8 7)
:to-equal '(7 8 9 1 2 3))))
(it "only adds values that aren't already in the list"
(let ((a '(1 symbol 3.14 "test")))
(expect (pushnew! a "test" 'symbol 3.14 1)
:to-equal '(1 symbol 3.14 "test")))))
(describe "prependq!"
(it "prepends a list to a list symbol"
(let ((list '(a b c)))
(expect (prependq! list '(d e f))
:to-equal '(d e f a b c)))))
(describe "append!"
(it "appends a list to a list symbol"
(let ((list '(a b c)))
(expect (appendq! list '(d e f))
:to-equal '(a b c d e f)))))
(describe "nconcq!"
(it "nconc's a list to a list symbol"
(let ((list '(a b c)))
(expect (nconcq! list '(d e f))
:to-equal '(a b c d e f)))))
(describe "delq!"
(it "delete's a symbol from a list"
(let ((list '(a b c)))
(delq! 'b list)
(expect list :to-equal '(a c))))
(it "delete's an element from an alist by key"
(let ((alist '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))))
(delq! 'b alist 'assq)
(expect alist :to-equal '((a 1) (c 3))))))
(describe "hooks"
(describe "add-hook!"
:var (fake-mode-hook other-mode-hook some-mode-hook)
(setq fake-mode-hook '(first-hook)
other-mode-hook nil
some-mode-hook '(first-hook second-hook)))
(it "resolves quoted hooks literally"
(expect '(add-hook! 'fake-mode-hook #'ignore) :to-expand-into
`(add-hook 'fake-mode-hook #'ignore nil nil)))
(it "resolves unquoted modes to their hook variables"
(expect '(add-hook! fake-mode #'ignore) :to-expand-into
`(add-hook 'fake-mode-hook #'ignore nil nil)))
(it "adds one-to-one hook"
(add-hook! fake-mode #'hook-2)
(add-hook! 'fake-mode-hook #'hook-1)
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 first-hook)))
(it "adds one-to-many hook"
(add-hook! (fake-mode other-mode some-mode) #'hook-2)
(add-hook! '(fake-mode-hook other-mode-hook some-mode-hook) #'hook-1)
(add-hook! (fake-mode other-mode some-mode) :append #'last-hook)
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 first-hook last-hook))
(expect other-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 last-hook))
(expect some-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 first-hook second-hook last-hook)))
(it "adds many-to-many hooks and preserve provided order"
(add-hook! (fake-mode other-mode some-mode) #'(hook-3 hook-4))
(add-hook! '(fake-mode-hook other-mode-hook some-mode-hook) #'(hook-1 hook-2))
(add-hook! '(fake-mode-hook other-mode-hook some-mode-hook) :append #'(last-hook-1 last-hook-2))
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 hook-3 hook-4 first-hook last-hook-1 last-hook-2))
(expect other-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 hook-3 hook-4 last-hook-1 last-hook-2))
(expect some-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 hook-3 hook-4 first-hook second-hook last-hook-1 last-hook-2)))
(it "adds implicit lambda to one hook"
(add-hook! fake-mode (progn))
(add-hook! 'other-mode-hook (ignore))
(add-hook! 'some-mode-hook :append (ignore))
(expect (caar fake-mode-hook) :to-be 'lambda)
(expect (caar other-mode-hook) :to-be 'lambda)
(expect (caar (last other-mode-hook)) :to-be 'lambda))
(it "handles inline defuns as hook symbols"
(add-hook! fake-mode (defun hook-a ()))
(add-hook! 'other-mode-hook
(defun hook-b ())
(defun hook-c ()))
(expect (car fake-mode-hook) :to-be 'hook-a)
(expect other-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-b hook-c))))
(describe "remove-hook!"
:var (fake-mode-hook)
(setq fake-mode-hook '(first-hook second-hook third-hook fourth-hook)))
(it "removes one hook"
(remove-hook! fake-mode #'third-hook)
(remove-hook! 'fake-mode-hook #'second-hook)
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-equal '(first-hook fourth-hook)))
(it "removes multiple hooks"
(remove-hook! fake-mode #'(first-hook third-hook))
(remove-hook! 'fake-mode-hook #'(second-hook fourth-hook))
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-be nil)))
(describe "add-transient-hook!"
(it "adds a transient function to hooks"
(let (hooks value)
(add-transient-hook! 'hooks (setq value t))
(run-hooks 'hooks)
(expect value)
(expect hooks :to-be nil)))
(it "advises a function with a transient advisor"
(let (value)
(add-transient-hook! #'ignore (setq value (not value)))
(ignore t)
(expect value)
;; repeat to ensure it was only run once
(ignore t)
(expect value))))
(describe "(un)setq-hook!"
:var (fake-hook x y z)
(setq x 10 y 20 z 30))
(it "sets variables buffer-locally"
(setq-hook! 'fake-hook x 1)
(run-hooks 'fake-hook)
(expect (local-variable-p 'x))
(expect (= x 1)))
(expect (= x 10)))
(it "overwrites earlier hooks"
(setq-hook! 'fake-hook x 1 y 0)
(setq-hook! 'fake-hook x 5 y -1)
(run-hooks 'fake-hook)
(expect (= x 5))
(expect (= y -1))))
(it "unset setq hooks"
(setq-hook! 'fake-hook x 1 y 0)
(unsetq-hook! 'fake-hook y)
(run-hooks 'fake-hook)
(expect (local-variable-p 'x))
(expect (= x 1))
(expect (not (local-variable-p 'y)))
(expect (= y 20))))))
(describe "load!"
(spy-on 'load :and-return-value t))
(it "loads a file relative to the current directory"
(load! "path")
(expect 'load :to-have-been-called)
(expect 'load :to-have-been-called-with
(expand-file-name "path" (eval-when-compile (dir!))) nil 'nomessage))
(it "loads a file relative to a specified directory"
(load! "path" doom-etc-dir)
(expect 'load :to-have-been-called-with
(expand-file-name "path" doom-etc-dir) nil 'nomessage)))
(describe "quiet!"
:var (doom-debug-mode)
(setq doom-debug-mode nil))
(it "suppresses output from message"
(expect (message "hello world") :to-output "hello world\n")
(expect (message "hello world") :to-output)
(let (doom-interactive-mode)
(expect (quiet! (message "hello world")) :not :to-output))
(let ((doom-interactive-mode t))
(expect (quiet! inhibit-message))
(expect (quiet! save-silently))))
(it "suppresses load messages from `load' & `load-file'"
(let ((tmpfile (make-temp-file "test" nil ".el")))
(with-temp-file tmpfile)
(let (doom-interactive-mode)
(expect (load-file tmpfile) :to-output (format "Loading %s (source)...\n" tmpfile))
(expect (quiet! (load-file tmpfile)) :not :to-output))
(delete-file tmpfile)))
(it "won't suppress output in debug mode"
(let ((doom-debug-mode t)
(tmpfile (make-temp-file "test" nil ".el")))
(dolist (doom-interactive-mode (list t nil))
(expect (quiet! (message "hello world"))
:to-output "hello world\n")
(with-temp-file tmpfile)
(expect (quiet! (load-file tmpfile))
:to-output (format "Loading %s (source)...\n" tmpfile)))))))