2019-11-23 01:21:25 -05:00

344 lines
13 KiB

;;; core/autoload/files.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom--resolve-path-forms (spec &optional directory)
"Converts a simple nested series of or/and forms into a series of
`file-exists-p' checks.
For example
'(or A (and B C))
Returns (approximately):
'(let* ((_directory \"~\")
(A (expand-file-name A _directory))
(B (expand-file-name B _directory))
(C (expand-file-name C _directory)))
(or (and (file-exists-p A) A)
(and (if (file-exists-p B) B)
(if (file-exists-p C) C))))
This is used by `file-exists-p!' and `project-file-exists-p!'."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(let ((exists-fn (if (fboundp 'projectile-file-exists-p)
(if (and (listp spec)
(memq (car spec) '(or and)))
(cons (car spec)
(mapcar (doom-rpartial #'doom--resolve-path-forms directory)
(cdr spec)))
(let ((filevar (make-symbol "file")))
`(let* ((file-name-handler-alist nil)
(,filevar ,spec))
(and (stringp ,filevar)
,(if directory
`(let ((default-directory ,directory))
(,exists-fn ,filevar))
(list exists-fn filevar))
(defun doom--path (&rest segments)
(let (file-name-handler-alist)
(let ((dir (pop segments)))
(unless segments
(setq dir (expand-file-name dir)))
(while segments
(setq dir (expand-file-name (car segments) dir)
segments (cdr segments)))
(defun doom-glob (&rest segments)
"Construct a path from SEGMENTS and expand glob patterns.
Returns nil if the path doesn't exist."
(let* (case-fold-search
(dir (apply #'doom--path segments)))
(if (string-match-p "[[*?]" dir)
(file-expand-wildcards dir t)
(if (file-exists-p dir)
(defun doom-path (&rest segments)
"Constructs a file path from SEGMENTS."
(if segments
(apply #'doom--path segments)
(defun doom-dir (&rest segments)
"Constructs a path from SEGMENTS.
See `doom-path'."
(when-let (path (apply #'doom-path segments))
(directory-file-name (file-name-directory path))))
(cl-defun doom-files-in
(paths &rest rest
(full t)
(follow-symlinks t)
(type 'files)
(relative-to (unless full default-directory))
(depth 99999)
(mindepth 0)
(match "/[^._][^/]+"))
"Return a list of files/directories in PATHS (one string or a list of them).
FILTER is a function or symbol that takes one argument (the path). If it returns
non-nil, the entry will be excluded.
MAP is a function or symbol which will be used to transform each entry in the
TYPE determines what kind of path will be included in the results. This can be t
(files and folders), 'files or 'dirs.
By default, this function returns paths relative to PATH-OR-PATHS if it is a
single path. If it a list of paths, this function returns absolute paths.
Otherwise, by setting RELATIVE-TO to a path, the results will be transformed to
be relative to it.
The search recurses up to DEPTH and no further. DEPTH is an integer.
MATCH is a string regexp. Only entries that match it will be included."
(let (file-name-handler-alist
(dolist (file (mapcan (doom-rpartial #'doom-glob "*") (doom-enlist paths)))
(cond ((file-directory-p file)
(nconcq! result
(and (memq type '(t dirs))
(string-match-p match file)
(not (and filter (funcall filter file)))
(not (and (file-symlink-p file)
(not follow-symlinks)))
(<= mindepth 0)
(list (cond (map (funcall map file))
(relative-to (file-relative-name file relative-to))
(and (>= depth 1)
(apply #'doom-files-in file
(append (list :mindepth (1- mindepth)
:depth (1- depth)
:relative-to relative-to)
((and (memq type '(t files))
(string-match-p match file)
(not (and filter (funcall filter file)))
(<= mindepth 0))
(push (if relative-to
(file-relative-name file relative-to)
(defun doom-file-cookie-p (file &optional cookie null-value)
"Returns the evaluated result of FORM in a ;;;###COOKIE FORM at the top of
If COOKIE doesn't exist, return NULL-VALUE."
(unless (file-exists-p file)
(signal 'file-missing file))
(unless (file-readable-p file)
(error "%S is unreadable" file))
(insert-file-contents file nil 0 256)
(if (re-search-forward (format "^;;;###%s " (regexp-quote (or cookie "if")))
nil t)
(let ((load-file-name file))
(eval (sexp-at-point) t))
(defmacro file-exists-p! (files &optional directory)
"Returns non-nil if the FILES in DIRECTORY all exist.
DIRECTORY is a path; defaults to `default-directory'.
Returns the last file found to meet the rules set by FILES, which can be a
single file or nested compound statement of `and' and `or' statements."
`(let ((p ,(doom--resolve-path-forms files directory)))
(and p (expand-file-name p ,directory))))
(defun doom-file-size (file &optional dir)
"Returns the size of FILE (in DIR) in bytes."
(let ((file (expand-file-name file dir)))
(unless (file-exists-p file)
(error "Couldn't find file %S" file))
(unless (file-readable-p file)
(error "File %S is unreadable; can't acquire its filesize"
(nth 7 (file-attributes file))))
(defvar w32-get-true-file-attributes)
(defun doom-directory-size (dir)
"Returns the size of FILE (in DIR) in kilobytes."
(unless (file-directory-p dir)
(error "Directory %S does not exist" dir))
(if (executable-find "du")
(/ (string-to-number (cdr (doom-call-process "du" "-sb" dir)))
;; REVIEW This is slow and terribly inaccurate, but it's something
(let ((w32-get-true-file-attributes t)
(file-name-handler-alist dir)
(max-lisp-eval-depth 5000)
(sum 0.0))
(dolist (attrs (directory-files-and-attributes dir nil nil t) sum)
(unless (member (car attrs) '("." ".."))
sum (if (eq (nth 1 attrs) t) ; is directory
(doom-directory-size (expand-file-name (car attrs) dir))
(/ (nth 8 attrs) 1024.0))))))))
;;; Helpers
(defun doom--forget-file (old-path &optional new-path)
"Ensure `recentf', `projectile' and `save-place' forget OLD-PATH."
(when (bound-and-true-p recentf-mode)
(when new-path
(recentf-add-file new-path))
(recentf-remove-if-non-kept old-path))
(when (and (bound-and-true-p projectile-mode)
(projectile-file-cached-p old-path (doom-project-root)))
(projectile-purge-file-from-cache old-path))
(when (bound-and-true-p save-place-mode)
(defun doom--update-file (path)
(when (featurep 'vc)
(vc-file-clearprops path)
(vc-resynch-buffer path nil t))
(when (featurep 'magit)
(defun doom--copy-file (old-path new-path &optional force-p)
(let* ((new-path (expand-file-name new-path))
(old-path (file-truename old-path))
(new-path (apply #'expand-file-name
(if (or (directory-name-p new-path)
(file-directory-p new-path))
(list (file-name-nondirectory old-path) new-path)
(list new-path))))
(new-path-dir (file-name-directory new-path))
(project-root (doom-project-root))
(short-new-name (if (and project-root (file-in-directory-p new-path project-root))
(file-relative-name new-path project-root)
(abbreviate-file-name new-path))))
(unless (file-directory-p new-path-dir)
(make-directory new-path-dir t))
(when (buffer-modified-p)
(cond ((file-equal-p old-path new-path)
(throw 'status 'overwrite-self))
((and (file-exists-p new-path)
(not force-p)
(not (y-or-n-p (format "File already exists at %s, overwrite?" short-new-name))))
(throw 'status 'aborted))
((file-exists-p old-path)
(copy-file old-path new-path t)
;;; Commands
(defun doom/delete-this-file (&optional path force-p)
"Delete FILENAME (defaults to the file associated with current buffer) and
kills the buffer. If FORCE-P, force the deletion (don't ask for confirmation)."
(list (file-truename (buffer-file-name))
(let* ((fbase (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory path)))
(buf (current-buffer)))
(cond ((not (file-exists-p path))
(error "File doesn't exist: %s" path))
((not (or force-p (y-or-n-p (format "Really delete %s?" fbase))))
(message "Aborted")
(progn (delete-file path) t)
(let ((short-path (file-relative-name path (doom-project-root))))
(if (file-exists-p path)
(error "Failed to delete %s" short-path)
;; Ensures that windows displaying this buffer will be switched
;; to real buffers (`doom-real-buffer-p')
(doom/kill-this-buffer-in-all-windows buf t)
(doom--forget-file path)
(doom--update-file path)
(message "Successfully deleted %s" short-path))))))))
(defun doom/copy-this-file (new-path &optional force-p)
"Copy current buffer's file to NEW-PATH. If FORCE-P, overwrite the destination
file if it exists, without confirmation."
(list (read-file-name "Copy file to: ")
(pcase (catch 'status
(when-let (dest (doom--copy-file (buffer-file-name) new-path force-p))
(doom--update-file new-path)
(message "File successfully copied to %s" dest)))
(`overwrite-self (error "Cannot overwrite self"))
(`aborted (message "Aborted"))
(_ t)))
(defun doom/move-this-file (new-path &optional force-p)
"Move current buffer's file to NEW-PATH. If FORCE-P, overwrite the destination
file if it exists, without confirmation."
(list (read-file-name "Move file to: ")
(pcase (catch 'status
(let ((old-path (buffer-file-name))
(new-path (expand-file-name new-path)))
(when-let (dest (doom--copy-file old-path new-path force-p))
(when (file-exists-p old-path)
(delete-file old-path))
(doom--forget-file old-path new-path)
(doom--update-file new-path)
(find-file new-path)
(message "File successfully moved to %s" dest))))
(`overwrite-self (error "Cannot overwrite self"))
(`aborted (message "Aborted"))
(_ t)))
(defun doom--sudo-file (file)
(let ((host (or (file-remote-p file 'host) "localhost")))
(concat "/" (when (file-remote-p file)
(concat (file-remote-p file 'method) ":"
(if-let (user (file-remote-p file 'user))
(concat user "@" host)
"sudo:root@" host
":" (or (file-remote-p file 'localname)
(defun doom/sudo-find-file (file)
"Open FILE as root."
(interactive "FOpen file as root: ")
(find-file (doom--sudo-file file)))
(defun doom/sudo-this-file ()
"Open the current file as root."
(find-alternate-file (doom--sudo-file buffer-file-name)))