Henrik Lissner 72da7a3f04
editor/format: add org src-block support
Src blocks can now be reformatted. `+format/buffer` will reformat the
whole src block at point. `+format/region` will format only the
selection (even a subset of a src block).

Closes #3484
2020-08-06 15:25:56 -04:00
autoload editor/format: add org src-block support 2020-08-06 15:25:56 -04:00


This module has been scheduled for a rewrite. Its documentation will remain incomplete and edge cases left unpatched in the meantime. A preview of this rewrite can be found in my private config.


This module integrates code formatters into Emacs. Here are some of the formatters that it currently supports:

asmfmt, black, brittany, cabal-fmt, clang-format, cmake-format, dartfmt, dfmt, dhall format, dockfmt, elm-format, emacs, fish_indent, fprettify, gleam format, gofmt, iStyle, jsonnetfmt, ktlint, latexindent, ledger-mode, lua-fmt, mix format, nixfmt, node-cljfmt, ocp-indent, perltidy, prettier, purty, rufo, rustfmt, scalafmt, script shfmt, snakefmt, sqlformat, styler, swiftformat, tidy


This module has no dedicated maintainers.

Module Flags

  • +onsave Preform buffer-wide reformatting of a buffer when you save it. See +format-on-save-enabled-modes to control what major modes to (or not to) format on save.



  • format-all has been heavily modified to suit Doom's goals for this module:

    • Reformatted text is applied to the buffer by RCS patch, as to reduce its affect on cursor position.
    • Adds partial formatting, i.e. you can now reformat a subset of the buffer.
    • Adds the ability to use any arbitrary formatter on the current buffer if you pass the universal argument to +format/buffer or +format/region (i.e. removes the major-mode lock on formatters).


This module depends on external programs to perform the actual formatting. These will need to be installed for them to work. In their absence, format-all will fail silently.

  • Angular/Vue (prettier)
  • Assembly (asmfmt)
  • Bazel Starlark (buildifier)
  • BibTeX (emacs)
  • C/C++/Objective-C (clang-format)
  • Cabal (cabal-fmt)
  • Clojure/ClojureScript (node-cljfmt)
  • CMake (cmake-format)
  • Crystal (crystal tool format)
  • CSS/Less/SCSS (prettier)
  • D (dfmt)
  • Dart (dartfmt)
  • Dhall (dhall format)
  • Dockerfile (dockfmt)
  • Elixir (mix format)
  • Elm (elm-format)
  • Emacs Lisp (emacs)
  • Fish Shell (fish_indent)
  • Fortran 90 (fprettify)
  • Gleam (gleam format)
  • Go (gofmt)
  • GraphQL (prettier)
  • Haskell (brittany)
  • HTML/XHTML/XML (tidy)
  • Java (clang-format)
  • JavaScript/JSON/JSX (prettier)
  • Jsonnet (jsonnetfmt)
  • Kotlin (ktlint)
  • LaTeX (latexindent)
  • Ledger (ledger-mode)
  • Lua (lua-fmt)
  • Markdown (prettier)
  • Nix (nixfmt)
  • OCaml (ocp-indent)
  • Perl (perltidy)
  • PHP (prettier plugin-php)
  • Protocol Buffers (clang-format)
  • PureScript (purty)
  • Python (black)
  • R (styler)
  • Ruby (rufo)
  • Rust (rustfmt)
  • Scala (scalafmt)
  • Shell script (shfmt)
  • Snakemake (snakefmt)
  • Solidity (prettier-plugin-solidity)
  • SQL (sqlformat)
  • Swift (swiftformat)
  • Terraform (terraform fmt)
  • TOML (prettier-plugin-toml)
  • TypeScript/TSX (prettier)
  • Verilog (iStyle)
  • YAML (prettier)

TODO Features


Automatic reformatting when saving buffers

There are two ways to achieve this. Either through the +onsave flag, or by adding format-all-mode to the hook of each major mode you want this behavior enabled in.

If you choose the former, what modes it applies to can be changed by modifying +format-on-save-enabled-modes, which contains a list of major modes. If the first item in the list is the symbol not, the list is negated. This is its default value:

(setq +format-on-save-enabled-modes
      '(not emacs-lisp-mode  ; elisp's mechanisms are good enough
            sql-mode         ; sqlformat is currently broken
            tex-mode         ; latexindent is broken

If you want to format code when you save a buffer, but want more granular control over which major modes this behavior is enabled in, there is an alternative. Make sure +onsave is disabled before you try this:

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'format-all-mode)
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook #'format-all-mode)

Disabling the LSP formatter

If you are in a buffer with lsp-mode enabled and a server that supports textDocument/formatting, it will be used instead of format-all's formatter.

  • To disable this behavior universally use: (setq +format-with-lsp nil)
  • To disable this behavior in one mode: (setq-hook! 'python-mode-hook +format-with-lsp nil)

TODO Defining your own formatters

See the set-formatter! function.

TODO Selecting a specific formatter for a particular buffer

Set the buffer-local variable +format-with to the name of the formatter to use. e.g.

(setq-hook! 'python-mode-hook +format-with 'html-tidy)

;; Or set it to `:none' to disable formatting
(setq-hook! 'python-mode-hook +format-with :none)

Formatters are referred to by the name they were defined with. They can be looked up in the format-all-mode-table hash table or in format-all's source code.
