Henrik Lissner 31a4244686
Rethink what Doom loads at startup and manually
Better to simply load what we need, when we need it, rather than set up
autoloads for every litte thing.
2018-01-07 00:15:57 -05:00

312 lines
13 KiB

;;; core-lib.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(let ((load-path doom--site-load-path))
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'map)
(eval-when-compile (require 'use-package)))
(when (version< emacs-version "26")
(defalias 'if-let* #'if-let)
(defalias 'when-let* #'when-let)))
;; Helpers
(defun doom--resolve-path-forms (paths &optional root)
(cond ((stringp paths)
,paths ,(if (or (string-prefix-p "./" paths)
(string-prefix-p "../" paths))
(or root `(doom-project-root))))))
((listp paths)
(cl-loop for i in paths
collect (doom--resolve-path-forms i root)))
(t paths)))
(defun doom--resolve-hook-forms (hooks)
(cl-loop with quoted-p = (eq (car-safe hooks) 'quote)
for hook in (doom-enlist (doom-unquote hooks))
if (eq (car-safe hook) 'quote)
collect (cadr hook)
else if quoted-p
collect hook
else collect (intern (format "%s-hook" (symbol-name hook)))))
(defun doom-unquote (exp)
"Return EXP unquoted."
(while (memq (car-safe exp) '(quote function))
(setq exp (cadr exp)))
(defun doom-enlist (exp)
"Return EXP wrapped in a list, or as-is if already a list."
(if (listp exp) exp (list exp)))
(defun doom-resolve-vim-path (file-name)
"Take a path and resolve any vim-like filename modifiers in it. On top of the
classical vim modifiers, this adds support for:
%:P Resolves to `doom-project-root'.
(let* (case-fold-search
(regexp (concat "\\(?:^\\|[^\\\\]\\)"
"\\(\\(?::\\(?:[PphtreS~.]\\|g?s[^:\t\n ]+\\)\\)*\\)"))
(cl-loop with i = 0
while (and (< i (length file-name))
(string-match regexp file-name i))
do (setq i (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
and collect
(cl-loop for j to (/ (length (match-data)) 2)
collect (match-string j file-name)))))
(dolist (match matches)
(let ((flags (split-string (car (cdr (cdr match))) ":" t))
(path (and buffer-file-name
(pcase (car (cdr match))
("%" (file-relative-name buffer-file-name))
("#" (save-excursion (other-window 1) (file-relative-name buffer-file-name))))))
flag global)
(if (not path)
(setq path "")
(while flags
(setq flag (pop flags))
(when (string-suffix-p "\\" flag)
(setq flag (concat flag (pop flags))))
(when (string-prefix-p "gs" flag)
(setq global t
flag (substring flag 1)))
(setq path
(or (pcase (substring flag 0 1)
("p" (expand-file-name path))
("~" (concat "~/" (file-relative-name path "~")))
("." (file-relative-name path default-directory))
("t" (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name path)))
("r" (file-name-sans-extension path))
("e" (file-name-extension path))
("S" (shell-quote-argument path))
(let ((parent (file-name-directory (expand-file-name path))))
(unless (equal (file-truename path)
(file-truename parent))
(if (file-name-absolute-p path)
(directory-file-name parent)
(file-relative-name parent)))))
(if (featurep 'evil)
(when-let* ((args (evil-delimited-arguments (substring flag 1) 2)))
(let ((pattern (evil-transform-vim-style-regexp (car args)))
(replace (cadr args)))
(if global pattern (concat "\\(" pattern "\\).*\\'"))
(evil-transform-vim-style-regexp replace) path t t
(unless global 1))))
(let ((default-directory (file-name-directory (expand-file-name path))))
(abbreviate-file-name (doom-project-root))))
(_ path))
;; strip trailing slash, if applicable
(when (and (not (string= path "")) (equal (substring path -1) "/"))
(setq path (substring path 0 -1))))
(setq file-name
(replace-regexp-in-string (format "\\(?:^\\|[^\\\\]\\)\\(%s\\)"
(regexp-quote (string-trim-left (car match))))
path file-name t t 1))))
(replace-regexp-in-string regexp "\\1" file-name t)))
;; Library
(defmacro λ! (&rest body)
"A shortcut for inline interactive lambdas."
(declare (doc-string 1))
`(lambda () (interactive) ,@body))
(defmacro after! (feature &rest forms)
"A smart wrapper around `with-eval-after-load'. Supresses warnings during
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
`(,(if (or (not (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file))
(if (symbolp feature)
(require feature nil :no-error)
(load feature :no-message :no-error)))
(with-eval-after-load ',feature ,@forms)))
(defmacro quiet! (&rest forms)
"Run FORMS without making any noise."
`(if doom-debug-mode
(progn ,@forms)
(let ((old-fn (symbol-function 'write-region)))
(cl-letf* ((standard-output (lambda (&rest _)))
((symbol-function 'load-file) (lambda (file) (load file nil t)))
((symbol-function 'message) (lambda (&rest _)))
((symbol-function 'write-region)
(lambda (start end filename &optional append visit lockname mustbenew)
(unless visit (setq visit 'no-message))
(funcall old-fn start end filename append visit lockname mustbenew)))
(inhibit-message t)
(save-silently t))
(defvar doom--transient-counter 0)
(defmacro add-transient-hook! (hook &rest forms)
"Attaches transient forms to a HOOK.
HOOK can be a quoted hook or a sharp-quoted function (which will be advised).
These forms will be evaluated once when that function/hook is first invoked,
then it detaches itself."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((append (eq (car forms) :after))
(fn (intern (format "doom-transient-hook-%s" (cl-incf doom--transient-counter)))))
`(when ,hook
(fset ',fn
(lambda (&rest _)
(cond ((functionp ,hook) (advice-remove ,hook #',fn))
((symbolp ,hook) (remove-hook ,hook #',fn)))
(unintern ',fn nil)))
(cond ((functionp ,hook)
(advice-add ,hook ,(if append :after :before) #',fn))
((symbolp ,hook)
(add-hook ,hook #',fn ,append))))))
(defmacro add-hook! (&rest args)
"A convenience macro for `add-hook'. Takes, in order:
1. Optional properties :local and/or :append, which will make the hook
buffer-local or append to the list of hooks (respectively),
2. The hooks: either an unquoted major mode, an unquoted list of major-modes,
a quoted hook variable or a quoted list of hook variables. If unquoted, the
hooks will be resolved by appending -hook to each symbol.
3. A function, list of functions, or body forms to be wrapped in a lambda.
(add-hook! 'some-mode-hook 'enable-something)
(add-hook! some-mode '(enable-something and-another))
(add-hook! '(one-mode-hook second-mode-hook) 'enable-something)
(add-hook! (one-mode second-mode) 'enable-something)
(add-hook! :append (one-mode second-mode) 'enable-something)
(add-hook! :local (one-mode second-mode) 'enable-something)
(add-hook! (one-mode second-mode) (setq v 5) (setq a 2))
(add-hook! :append :local (one-mode second-mode) (setq v 5) (setq a 2))
Body forms can access the hook's arguments through the let-bound variable
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
(let ((hook-fn 'add-hook)
append-p local-p)
(while (keywordp (car args))
(pcase (pop args)
(:append (setq append-p t))
(:local (setq local-p t))
(:remove (setq hook-fn 'remove-hook))))
(let ((hooks (doom--resolve-hook-forms (pop args)))
(let ((val (car args)))
(if (memq (car-safe val) '(quote function))
(if (cdr-safe (cadr val))
(cadr val)
(list (cadr val)))
(list args))))
(dolist (fn funcs)
(setq fn (if (symbolp fn)
`(function ,fn)
`(lambda (&rest _) ,@args)))
(dolist (hook hooks)
(push (if (eq hook-fn 'remove-hook)
`(remove-hook ',hook ,fn ,local-p)
`(add-hook ',hook ,fn ,append-p ,local-p))
`(progn ,@(nreverse forms)))))
(defmacro remove-hook! (&rest args)
"Convenience macro for `remove-hook'. Takes the same arguments as
`(add-hook! :remove ,@args))
(defmacro associate! (mode &rest plist)
"Associate a minor mode to certain patterns and project files."
(declare (indent 1))
(unless noninteractive
(let ((modes (plist-get plist :modes))
(match (plist-get plist :match))
(files (plist-get plist :files))
(pred-form (plist-get plist :when)))
(cond ((or files modes pred-form)
(when (and files
(not (or (listp files)
(stringp files))))
(user-error "associate! :files expects a string or list of strings"))
(let ((hook-name (intern (format "doom--init-mode-%s" mode))))
(defun ,hook-name ()
(when (and (boundp ',mode)
(not ,mode)
(and buffer-file-name (not (file-remote-p buffer-file-name)))
,(if match `(if buffer-file-name (string-match-p ,match buffer-file-name)) t)
,(if files (doom--resolve-path-forms files) t)
,(or pred-form t))
(,mode 1)))
,@(if (and modes (listp modes))
(cl-loop for hook in (doom--resolve-hook-forms modes)
collect `(add-hook ',hook ',hook-name))
`((add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook ',hook-name))))))
`(push (cons ,match ',mode) doom-auto-minor-mode-alist))
(t (user-error "associate! invalid rules for mode [%s] (modes %s) (match %s) (files %s)"
mode modes match files))))))
;; I needed a way to reliably cross-configure modules without worrying about
;; whether they were enabled or not, so I wrote `set!'. If a setting doesn't
;; exist at runtime, the `set!' call is ignored (and omitted when
;; byte-compiled).
(defvar doom-settings nil)
(defmacro def-setting! (keyword arglist &optional docstring &rest forms)
"Define a setting. Like `defmacro', this should return a form to be executed
when called with `set!'. FORMS are not evaluated until `set!' calls it.
See `doom/describe-setting' for a list of available settings.
Do not use this for configuring Doom core."
(declare (indent defun) (doc-string 3))
(unless (keywordp keyword)
(error "Not a valid property name: %s" keyword))
(let ((fn (intern (format "doom--set%s" keyword))))
(defun ,fn ,arglist
(cl-pushnew ',(cons keyword fn) doom-settings :test #'eq :key #'car))))
(defmacro set! (keyword &rest values)
"Set an option defined by `def-setting!'. Skip if doesn't exist. See
`doom/describe-setting' for a list of available settings."
(declare (indent defun))
(unless values
(error "Empty set! for %s" keyword))
(if-let* ((fn (cdr (assq keyword doom-settings))))
(apply fn values)
(when doom-debug-mode
(message "No setting found for %s" keyword)
(provide 'core-lib)
;;; core-lib.el ends here