Henrik Lissner 5ece51a2a6
Prevent straight recipe lookup errors #2104
Errors like 'Could not find package emacsmirror-mirror in recipe
repositories' occur because I assumed that straight--reset-caches would
unset `straight-recipe-repositories`. I'm not sure if that was ever the
case, but it isn't now.
2019-11-23 01:44:49 -05:00

330 lines
14 KiB

;;; core/core-packages.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Emacs package management is opinionated, and so is Doom. Doom uses `straight'
;; to create a declarative, lazy-loaded and optionally rolling-release package
;; management system. We use `straight' over `package' because the latter is
;; tempermental. ELPA sources suffer downtime occasionally, and often fail at
;; building some packages when GNU Tar is unavailable (e.g. MacOS users start
;; with BSD tar). There are also known gnutls errors in the current stable
;; release of Emacs (26.x) which bork TLS handshakes with ELPA repos (mainly
;; See
;; What's worse, you can only get the latest version of packages through ELPA.
;; In an ecosystem that is constantly changing, this is more frustrating than
;; convenient. Straight (and Doom) can do rolling release, but it is optional
;; (and will eventually be opt-in).
;; ANyhow, interacting with this package management system is done through the
;; bin/doom script included with Doom Emacs. You'll find more about it by
;; running 'doom help' (I highly recommend you add it to your PATH), but here
;; are the highlights:
;; + `bin/doom install`: a wizard that guides you through setting up Doom and
;; your private config for the first time.
;; + `bin/doom refresh`: your go-to command for making sure Doom is in optimal
;; condition. It ensures all unneeded packages are removed, all needed ones
;; are installed, and all metadata associated with them is generated.
;; + `bin/doom upgrade`: upgrades Doom Emacs and your packages to the latest
;; versions. There's also 'bin/doom update' for updating only your packages.
;; How this works is: the system reads packages.el files located in each
;; activated module, your private directory (`doom-private-dir'), and one in
;; `doom-core-dir'. These contain `package!' declarations that tell DOOM what
;; plugins to install and where from.
;; All that said, you can still use package.el's commands, but 'bin/doom
;; refresh' will purge ELPA packages.
(defvar doom-init-packages-p nil
"If non-nil, Doom's package management system has been initialized.")
(defvar doom-packages ()
"A list of enabled packages. Each element is a sublist, whose CAR is the
package's name as a symbol, and whose CDR is the plist supplied to its
`package!' declaration. Set by `doom-initialize-packages'.")
(defvar doom-core-packages '(straight use-package async gcmh)
"A list of packages that must be installed (and will be auto-installed if
missing) and shouldn't be deleted.")
(defvar doom-core-package-sources
'((org-elpa :local-repo nil)
:type git :host github
:repo "melpa/melpa"
:no-build t)
:type git :host github
:repo "emacs-straight/gnu-elpa-mirror"
:no-build t)
:type git :host github
:repo "emacs-straight/emacsmirror-mirror"
:no-build t))
"A list of recipes for straight's recipe repos.")
(defvar doom-disabled-packages ()
"A list of packages that should be ignored by `use-package!' and `after!'.")
;;; Package managers
;; Ensure that, if we do need package.el, it is configured correctly. You really
;; shouldn't be using it, but it may be convenient for quick package testing.
(setq package--init-file-ensured t
package-enable-at-startup nil
package-user-dir (concat doom-local-dir "elpa/")
package-gnupghome-dir (expand-file-name "gpg" package-user-dir)
;; I omit Marmalade because its packages are manually submitted rather
;; than pulled, so packages are often out of date with upstream.
(let ((proto (if gnutls-verify-error "https" "http")))
`(("gnu" . ,(concat proto "://"))
("melpa" . ,(concat proto "://"))
("org" . ,(concat proto "://")))))
;; Don't save `package-selected-packages' to `custom-file'
(defadvice! doom--package-inhibit-custom-file-a (&optional value)
:override #'package--save-selected-packages
(if value (setq package-selected-packages value)))
;; Refresh package.el the first time you call `package-install'
(add-transient-hook! 'package-install (package-refresh-contents))
;;; straight
(setq straight-base-dir doom-local-dir
straight-repository-branch "develop"
straight-cache-autoloads nil ; we already do this, and better.
;; Doom doesn't encourage you to modify packages in place. Disabling this
;; makes 'doom refresh' instant (once everything set up), which is much
;; nicer UX than the several seconds modification checks.
straight-check-for-modifications nil
;; We handle package.el ourselves (and a little more comprehensively)
straight-enable-package-integration nil
;; Before switching to straight, `doom-local-dir' would average out at
;; around 100mb with half Doom's modules at ~230 packages. Afterwards, at
;; around 1gb. With shallow cloning, that is reduced to ~400mb. This
;; imposes an issue with packages that require their git history for
;; certain things to work (like magit and org), but we can deal with that
;; when we cross that bridge.
straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 1
;; Straight's own emacsmirror mirror is a little smaller and faster.
straight-recipes-emacsmirror-use-mirror t
;; Prefix declarations are unneeded bulk added to our autoloads file. Best
;; we just don't have to deal with them at all.
autoload-compute-prefixes nil)
(defun doom--finalize-straight ()
(mapc #'funcall (delq nil (mapcar #'cdr straight--transaction-alist)))
(setq straight--transaction-alist nil))
;;; Getting straight to behave in batch mode
(when noninteractive
;; HACK Remove dired & magit options from prompt, since they're inaccessible
;; in noninteractive sessions.
(advice-add #'straight-vc-git--popup-raw :override #'straight--popup-raw))
;; HACK Replace GUI popup prompts (which hang indefinitely in tty Emacs) with
;; simple prompts.
(defadvice! doom--straight-fallback-to-y-or-n-prompt-a (orig-fn &optional prompt)
:around #'straight-are-you-sure
(if noninteractive
(y-or-n-p (format! "%s" (or prompt "")))
(funcall orig-fn prompt)))
(defadvice! doom--straight-fallback-to-tty-prompt-a (orig-fn prompt actions)
"Modifies straight to prompt on the terminal when in noninteractive sessions."
:around #'straight--popup-raw
(if (not noninteractive)
(funcall orig-fn prompt actions)
;; We can't intercept C-g, so no point displaying any options for this key
;; Just use C-c
(delq! "C-g" actions 'assoc)
;; HACK These are associated with opening dired or magit, which isn't
;; possible in tty Emacs, so...
(delq! "e" actions 'assoc)
(delq! "g" actions 'assoc)
(let ((options (list (lambda ()
(let ((doom-format-indent 0))
(print! (error "Aborted")))
(print! (start "%s") (red prompt))
(print! " 1) Abort")
(dolist (action actions)
(cl-destructuring-bind (_key desc func) action
(when desc
(push func options)
(print! "%2s) %s" (length options) desc)))))
(let ((options (nreverse options))
answer fn)
fn (ignore-errors
(nth (1- (setq answer
(format! "How to proceed? (%s) "
(mapconcat #'number-to-string
(number-sequence 1 (length options))
", ")))))
(print! (warn "%s is not a valid answer, try again.") answer))
(funcall fn))))))
;;; Bootstrapper
(defun doom-initialize-packages (&optional force-p)
"Ensures that Doom's package system and straight.el are initialized.
If FORCE-P is non-nil, do it anyway.
This ensure `doom-packages' is populated, if isn't aren't already. Use this
before any of straight's or Doom's package management's API to ensure all the
necessary package metadata is initialized and available for them."
(unless doom-init-packages-p
(setq force-p t))
(when (or force-p (not (bound-and-true-p package--initialized)))
(doom-log "Initializing package.el")
(require 'package)
(when (or force-p (not doom-packages))
(doom-log "Initializing straight")
(setq doom-init-packages-p t)
(unless (fboundp 'straight--reset-caches)
(require 'straight))
(setq straight-recipe-repositories nil)
(mapc #'straight-use-recipes doom-core-package-sources)
`(straight :type git :host github
:repo ,(format "%s/straight.el" straight-repository-user)
:files ("straight*.el")
:branch ,straight-repository-branch
:no-byte-compile t))
(mapc #'straight-use-package doom-core-packages)
(doom-log "Initializing doom-packages")
(setq doom-disabled-packages nil
doom-packages (doom-package-list))
(cl-loop for (pkg . plist) in doom-packages
if (plist-get plist :disable)
do (cl-pushnew pkg doom-disabled-packages)
else if (not (plist-get plist :ignore))
do (with-demoted-errors "Package error: %s"
(if-let (recipe (plist-get plist :recipe))
(cons pkg recipe)
(unless doom-interactive-mode
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'doom--finalize-straight))))
(defun doom-ensure-straight ()
"Ensure `straight' is installed and was compiled with this version of Emacs."
(defvar bootstrap-version)
(let* (;; Force straight to install into ~/.emacs.d/.local/straight instead of
;; ~/.emacs.d/straight by pretending `doom-local-dir' is our .emacs.d.
(user-emacs-directory straight-base-dir)
(bootstrap-file (doom-path straight-base-dir "straight/repos/straight.el/straight.el"))
(bootstrap-version 5))
(make-directory (doom-path straight-base-dir "straight/build") 'parents)
(unless (featurep 'straight)
(unless (or (require 'straight nil t)
(file-readable-p bootstrap-file))
(format ""
'silent 'inhibit-cookies)
(goto-char (point-max))
(load bootstrap-file nil t))))
;;; Module package macros
(cl-defmacro package!
(name &rest plist &key built-in recipe ignore _disable _freeze)
"Declares a package and how to install it (if applicable).
This macro is declarative and does not load nor install packages. It is used to
populate `doom-packages' with metadata about the packages Doom needs to keep
track of.
Only use this macro in a module's packages.el file.
Accepts the following properties:
:recipe RECIPE
Takes a MELPA-style recipe (see `quelpa-recipe' in `quelpa' for an example);
for packages to be installed from external sources.
:disable BOOL
Do not install or update this package AND disable all of its `use-package!'
:ignore FORM
Do not install this package.
:freeze FORM
Do not update this package if FORM is non-nil.
:built-in BOOL
Same as :ignore if the package is a built-in Emacs package. If set to
'prefer, will use built-in package if it is present.
Returns t if package is successfully registered, and nil if it was disabled
(declare (indent defun))
(when (and recipe (keywordp (car-safe recipe)))
(plist-put! plist :recipe `(quote ,recipe)))
(when built-in
(when (and (not ignore) (equal built-in '(quote prefer)))
(setq built-in `(locate-library ,(symbol-name name) nil doom--initial-load-path)))
(plist-delete! plist :built-in)
(plist-put! plist :ignore built-in))
`(let* ((name ',name)
(plist (cdr (assq name doom-packages))))
(let ((module-list (plist-get plist :modules))
(module ',(doom-module-from-path)))
(unless (member module module-list)
(plist-put! plist :modules
(append module-list
(list module)
(doplist! ((prop val) (list ,@plist) plist)
(unless (null val)
(plist-put! plist prop val)))
;; Some basic key validation; error if you're not using a valid key
(condition-case e
(&key _local-repo _files _flavor _no-build
_type _repo _host _branch _remote _nonrecursive _fork _depth)
(plist-get plist :recipe))
(signal 'doom-package-error
(cons ,(symbol-name name)
(error-message-string e)))))
(setf (alist-get name doom-packages) plist)
(if (not (plist-get plist :disable)) t
(doom-log "Disabling package %S" name)
(cl-pushnew name doom-disabled-packages)
(defmacro disable-packages! (&rest packages)
"A convenience macro for disabling packages in bulk.
Only use this macro in a module's (or your private) packages.el file."
(cl-loop for p in packages
collect `(package! ,p :disable t))))
(provide 'core-packages)
;;; core-packages.el ends here