2020-08-24 22:27:40 -04:00

66 lines
2.8 KiB

;;; tools/direnv/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +direnv-keywords
'("direnv_layout_dir" "PATH_add" "path_add" "log_status" "log_error" "has"
"join_args" "expand_path" "dotenv" "user_rel_path" "find_up" "source_env"
"watch_file" "source_up" "direnv_load" "MANPATH_add" "load_prefix" "layout"
"use" "rvm" "use_nix" "use_guix")
"A list of direnv keywords, which are fontified when in `+direnv-rc-mode'.")
;;; Packages
(use-package! envrc
:when (executable-find "direnv")
:after-call doom-first-file-hook
:mode ("\\.envrc\\'" . +direnv-rc-mode)
(add-to-list 'doom-debug-variables 'envrc-debug)
;; I'm avoiding `global-envrc-mode' intentionally, because it has the
;; potential to run too late in the mode startup process (and after, say,
;; server hooks that may rely on that local direnv environment).
(add-hook! 'change-major-mode-after-body-hook
(defun +direnv-init-h ()
(unless (or envrc-mode
(file-remote-p default-directory))
(envrc-mode 1))))
(define-derived-mode +direnv-rc-mode sh-mode "envrc"
"Major mode for .envrc files."
;; Fontify .envrc keywords; it's a good indication of whether or not we've
;; typed them correctly, and that we're in the correct major mode.
nil `((,(regexp-opt +direnv-keywords 'symbols)
(0 font-lock-keyword-face)))))
(defadvice! +direnv--fail-gracefully-a (&rest _)
"Don't try to use direnv if the executable isn't present."
:before-while #'envrc-mode
(or (executable-find "direnv")
(ignore (doom-log "Couldn't find direnv executable"))))
;; HACK envrc-mode only affects the current buffer's environment, which is
;; generally what we want, except when we're running babel blocks in
;; org-mode, because there may be state or envvars those blocks need to
;; read. In order to perpetuate the org buffer's environment into the
;; execution of the babel block we need to temporarily change the global
;; environment. Let's hope it runs quickly enough that its effects aren't
;; felt in other buffers in the meantime!
(defvar +direnv--old-environment nil)
(defadvice! +direnv-persist-environment-a (orig-fn &rest args)
:around #'org-babel-execute-src-block
(if +direnv--old-environment
(apply orig-fn args)
(setq-default +direnv--old-environment
(cons (default-value 'process-environment)
(default-value 'exec-path))
exec-path exec-path
process-environment process-environment)
(unwind-protect (apply orig-fn args)
(setq-default process-environment (car +direnv--old-environment)
exec-path (cdr +direnv--old-environment)
+direnv--old-environment nil)))))