2019-05-28 17:02:33 -04:00

223 lines
7.0 KiB

;;; lang/python/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +python-ipython-repl-args '("-i" "--simple-prompt" "--no-color-info")
"CLI arguments to initialize ipython with when `+python/open-ipython-repl' is
(defvar +python-jupyter-repl-args '("--simple-prompt")
"CLI arguments to initialize 'jupiter console %s' with when
`+python/open-ipython-repl' is called.")
;; Packages
(def-package! python
:defer t
(setq python-environment-directory doom-cache-dir
python-indent-guess-indent-offset-verbose nil)
(set-electric! 'python-mode :chars '(?:))
(set-repl-handler! 'python-mode #'+python/open-repl)
(set-docsets! 'python-mode "Python 3" "NumPy" "SciPy")
(set-pretty-symbols! 'python-mode
;; Functional
:def "def"
:lambda "lambda"
;; Types
:null "None"
:true "True" :false "False"
:int "int" :str "str"
:float "float"
:bool "bool"
:tuple "tuple"
;; Flow
:not "not"
:in "in" :not-in "not in"
:and "and" :or "or"
:for "for"
:return "return" :yield "yield")
(when (featurep! +lsp)
(add-hook 'python-mode-local-vars-hook #'lsp!))
(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "DEL") nil) ; interferes with smartparens
(sp-local-pair 'python-mode "'" nil
:unless '(sp-point-before-word-p
;; Affects pyenv and conda
(advice-add #'pythonic-activate :after-while #'+modeline|update-env-in-all-windows)
(advice-add #'pythonic-deactivate :after #'+modeline|clear-env-in-all-windows)
(setq-hook! 'python-mode-hook tab-width python-indent-offset))
(def-package! anaconda-mode
:hook (python-mode-local-vars . +python|init-anaconda-mode-maybe)
(setq anaconda-mode-installation-directory (concat doom-etc-dir "anaconda/")
anaconda-mode-eldoc-as-single-line t)
(add-hook 'anaconda-mode-hook #'anaconda-eldoc-mode)
(set-company-backend! 'anaconda-mode '(company-anaconda))
(set-lookup-handlers! 'anaconda-mode
:definition #'anaconda-mode-find-definitions
:references #'anaconda-mode-find-references
:documentation #'anaconda-mode-show-doc)
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*anaconda-mode" :select nil)
(defun +python|init-anaconda-mode-maybe ()
(unless (bound-and-true-p lsp-mode)
(anaconda-mode +1)))
(defun +python|auto-kill-anaconda-processes ()
"Kill anaconda processes if this buffer is the last python buffer."
(when (and (eq major-mode 'python-mode)
(not (delq (current-buffer)
(doom-buffers-in-mode 'python-mode (buffer-list)))))
(add-hook! 'python-mode-hook
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'+python|auto-kill-anaconda-processes nil t))
(when (featurep 'evil)
(add-hook 'anaconda-mode-hook #'evil-normalize-keymaps))
(map! :localleader
:map anaconda-mode-map
:prefix "f"
"d" #'anaconda-mode-find-definitions
"h" #'anaconda-mode-show-doc
"a" #'anaconda-mode-find-assignments
"f" #'anaconda-mode-find-file
"u" #'anaconda-mode-find-references))
(def-package! pyimport
:after python
(map! :map python-mode-map
(:prefix ("i" . "insert")
:desc "Missing imports" "m" #'pyimport-insert-missing)
(:prefix ("r" . "remove")
:desc "Unused imports" "r" #'pyimport-remove-unused)))
(def-package! nose
:commands nose-mode
:preface (defvar nose-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
:init (associate! nose-mode :match "/test_.+\\.py$" :modes (python-mode))
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*nosetests" :size 0.4 :select nil)
(set-yas-minor-mode! 'nose-mode)
(when (featurep 'evil)
(add-hook 'nose-mode-hook #'evil-normalize-keymaps))
(map! :localleader
:map nose-mode-map
:prefix "t"
"r" #'nosetests-again
"a" #'nosetests-all
"s" #'nosetests-one
"v" #'nosetests-module
"A" #'nosetests-pdb-all
"O" #'nosetests-pdb-one
"V" #'nosetests-pdb-module))
(def-package! python-pytest
:defer t
(map! :after python
:map python-mode-map
:prefix "t"
"f" #'python-pytest-file
"k" #'python-pytest-file-dwim
"t" #'python-pytest-function
"m" #'python-pytest-function-dwim
"r" #'python-pytest-repeat
"p" #'python-pytest-popup))
;; Environment management
(def-package! pipenv
:commands pipenv-project-p
:hook (python-mode . pipenv-mode)
:init (setq pipenv-with-projectile nil)
(set-eval-handler! 'python-mode
'((:command . (lambda () python-shell-interpreter))
(:exec (lambda ()
(if-let* ((bin (executable-find "pipenv"))
(_ (pipenv-project-p)))
(format "PIPENV_MAX_DEPTH=9999 %s run %%c %%o %%s %%a" bin)
"%c %o %s %a")))
(:description . "Run Python script"))))
(def-package! pyvenv
:after python
(when (featurep! :ui modeline)
(add-hook 'pyvenv-post-activate-hooks #'+modeline|update-env-in-all-windows)
(add-hook 'pyvenv-pre-deactivate-hooks #'+modeline|clear-env-in-all-windows))
(add-hook 'hack-local-variables-hook #'pyvenv-track-virtualenv)
(add-to-list 'global-mode-string
'(pyvenv-virtual-env-name (" venv:" pyvenv-virtual-env-name " "))
(def-package! pyenv-mode
:when (featurep! +pyenv)
:after python
(pyenv-mode +1)
(when (executable-find "pyenv")
(add-to-list 'exec-path (expand-file-name "shims" (or (getenv "PYENV_ROOT") "~/.pyenv")))))
(def-package! conda
:when (featurep! +conda)
:after python
;; The location of your anaconda home will be guessed from the following:
;; + `conda-anaconda-home's default value:
;; + ~/.anaconda3
;; + ~/.anaconda
;; + ~/.miniconda
;; + ~/usr/bin/anaconda3
;; + ~/usr/local/anaconda3
;; + ~/usr/local/miniconda3
;; If none of these work for you, you must set `conda-anaconda-home'
;; explicitly. Once set, run M-x `conda-env-activate' to switch between
;; environments
(unless (cl-loop for dir in (list conda-anaconda-home
if (file-directory-p dir)
return (setq conda-anaconda-home dir
conda-env-home-directory dir))
(message "Cannot find Anaconda installation"))
;; integration with term/eshell
(after! eshell (conda-env-initialize-eshell))
(add-to-list 'global-mode-string
'(conda-env-current-name (" conda:" conda-env-current-name " "))