Alexander Graul 9fe35c5fa4 mu4e: Adjust config to mu4e 1.4
mu4e 1.4 brings quite a few changes, including the deprecation of
previously used variables. These are now guarded by a version
comparison. org-mu4e is not needed for linking anymore,
org-mu4e-link-query-in-headers-mode was renamed. It's new version
defaults to nil and is therefore not set anymore -- I am not sure if the
default was changed or setting it was not strictly needed previously.
2020-04-24 16:56:03 +02:00

90 lines
2.7 KiB

;;; email/mu4e/autoload/email.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun set-email-account! (label letvars &optional default-p)
"Registers an email address for mu4e. The LABEL is a string. LETVARS are a
list of cons cells (VARIABLE . VALUE) -- you may want to modify:
+ `user-full-name' (this or the global `user-full-name' is required)
+ `user-mail-address' (required in mu4e < 1.4)
+ `smtpmail-smtp-user' (required for sending mail from Emacs)
+ `mu4e-sent-folder'
+ `mu4e-drafts-folder'
+ `mu4e-trash-folder'
+ `mu4e-refile-folder'
+ `mu4e-compose-signature'
DEFAULT-P is a boolean. If non-nil, it marks that email account as the
default/fallback account."
(after! mu4e
(when (version< mu4e-mu-version "1.4")
(when-let (address (cdr (assq 'user-mail-address letvars)))
(add-to-list 'mu4e-user-mail-address-list address)))
(setq mu4e-contexts
(cl-loop for context in mu4e-contexts
unless (string= (mu4e-context-name context) label)
collect context))
(let ((context (make-mu4e-context
:name label
:enter-func (lambda () (mu4e-message "Switched to %s" label))
:leave-func #'mu4e-clear-caches
(lambda (msg)
(when msg
(string-prefix-p (format "/%s" label)
(mu4e-message-field msg :maildir))))
:vars letvars)))
(push context mu4e-contexts)
(when default-p
(setq-default mu4e-context-current context))
(defvar +mu4e-workspace-name "*mu4e*"
(defvar +mu4e--old-wconf nil)
(add-hook 'mu4e-main-mode-hook #'+mu4e-init-h)
(defun =mu4e ()
"Start email client."
(require 'mu4e)
(if (featurep! :ui workspaces)
(+workspace-switch +mu4e-workspace-name t)
(setq +mu4e--old-wconf (current-window-configuration))
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer)))
(mu4e~start 'mu4e~main-view)
;; (save-selected-window
;; (prolusion-mail-show))
(defun +mu4e/compose ()
"Compose a new email."
;; TODO Interactively select email account
(call-interactively #'mu4e-compose-new))
;; Hooks
(defun +mu4e-init-h ()
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'+mu4e-kill-mu4e-h nil t))
(defun +mu4e-kill-mu4e-h ()
;; (prolusion-mail-hide)
((and (featurep! :ui workspaces) (+workspace-exists-p +mu4e-workspace-name))
(+workspace/delete +mu4e-workspace-name))
(set-window-configuration +mu4e--old-wconf)
(setq +mu4e--old-wconf nil))))