Henrik Lissner aa26332d00 NARF v0.7.0
+ +git-gutter to conf-modes; -git-gutter from evil-insert-state-exit
+ switch github-browse-file for browse-at-remote
+ fix <leader>ob; add <leader>d[./sr] vc bindings
+ vc-annotate bindings and initial state

Workgroups2 integration:
+ don't mess with buffers (speeds up emacs a lot!)
+ unicode numbers in display + single display function
+ remember workgroup uid instead (and smarter :tabrename)
+ clean up after wg update

+ give highlight precedence to links in org-mode
+ enable encryption
+ config clean up
+ use different font for org
+ exclude attachments in recentf
+ redo latex and inline-image config
+ add narf/org-open-notes
+ update file templates for org CRM

+ polish mode-line + decouple from spaceline-segments.el
+ refactor narf|spaceline-env-update
+ add macro-recording and buffer-size indicators to mode-line
+ python: '2>&1' in env-command
+ flycheck fringe indicator: change to arrow

+ update narf-dark-theme
+ add narf-minibuffer-active face
+ change writing indicator in writing-mode

+ fix whitespace in display-startup-echo-area-message
+ reset fonts for more unicode characters
+ custom imenu entries + helm-imenu fontification
+ enable yascroll-bar in REPLs
+ reorganize my-commands.el
+ force quit iedit on ESC in normal mode
+ update snippets submodule
+ remove ido init (helm handles it all) [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ back to Terminus(TTF) font
+ popwin: update config for git-gutter and vc-diff windows
+ highlight :g[lobal] and :al[ign] matches
+ decouple narf/get-buffers+narf/get-all-buffers from wg-mess-with-buffer-list
+ fix narf/helm-buffers-dwim (add interactive form)
2015-12-11 20:49:31 -05:00

183 lines
7.8 KiB

;;; core-popup.el --- hacks for better popwin integration
(use-package popwin
(setq popwin:popup-window-height 0.3)
(mapc (lambda (rule) (push rule popwin:special-display-config))
'(("*Help*" :position bottom :height 0.25 :stick t)
(debugger-mode :position bottom :height 15 :dedicated t :stick t)
("*evil-registers*" :position bottom :height 0.3 :stick t)
("*scratch*" :position bottom :height 20 :stick t)
("*Apropos*" :position bottom :height 40 :stick t)
("*Backtrace*" :position bottom :height 15 :dedicated t :stick t)
("*Flycheck errors*" :position bottom :height 15 :stick t)
("*quickrun*" :position bottom :height 15 :stick t)
("*minor-modes*" :position bottom :height 0.5 :stick t)
("^\\*CPU-Profiler-Report .+\\*$" :regexp t :position bottom :height 0.35)
;; vcs
("^\\*git-gutter.+\\*$" :regexp t :position bottom :height 0.4 :stick t)
("*vc-diff*" :position bottom :height 0.4 :stick t)
("*vc-change-log*" :position bottom :stick t :noselect t)
;; Helm
("^\\*[Hh]elm.*?\\*\\'" :regexp t :position bottom :height 0.2)
("*helm-mode-find-file-at-point*" :position bottom :height 10)
("*helm-mode-ffap*" :position bottom :height 10)
;; Org
(org-src-mode :position bottom :height 0.5 :stick t)
(org-agenda-mode :position bottom :height 0.4 :stick t)
("^\\*Org-Babel.*\\*$" :regexp t :position bottom :height 15 :tail t)
("*Agenda Commands*" :position bottom :height 0.5)
(" *Org todo*" :position bottom :height 5)
("*Org Links*" :position bottom :height 2)
;; REPLs
((lambda (buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer (bound-and-true-p repl-toggle-mode)))
:position bottom :height 0.2 :stick t)
(popwin-mode 1)
(after! evil
;; Fix disruptive errors w/ hidden buffers caused by popwin
(defadvice evil-ex-hl-do-update-highlight (around evil-ex-hidden-buffer-ignore-errors activate)
(ignore-errors ad-do-it)))
(after! neotree
(when neo-persist-show
(add-hook! 'popwin:before-popup-hook (setq neo-persist-show nil))
(add-hook! 'popwin:after-popup-hook (setq neo-persist-show t))))
(after! quickrun
(defun narf*quickrun-close-popwin (&optional _ _ _ _)
(when (get-buffer quickrun/buffer-name)
(defun quickrun/pop-to-buffer (buf cb)
(popwin:pop-to-buffer buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(evil-resize-window 5)
(funcall cb)
(setq mode-line-format nil)))
(defun narf/quickrun-after-run ()
(with-selected-window popwin:popup-window
(let* ((lines (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
(act-lines (max 5 (min 40 (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))))
(evil-resize-window act-lines)
(goto-char (point-min)))))
(add-hook! quickrun-after-run 'narf/quickrun-after-run)
(advice-add 'quickrun :before 'narf*quickrun-close-popwin)
(advice-add 'quickrun-region :before 'narf*quickrun-close-popwin))
(after! helm
(defun narf/helm-split-window (&optional window)
"Minimalistic split-fn; leaves popwin to handle helm buffers."
helm-split-window-preferred-function 'narf/helm-split-window
helm-display-function 'popwin:pop-to-buffer)
(defadvice helm-ag--edit-abort (around helm-ag-edit-abort-popwin-compat activate)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'select-window) 'ignore)) ad-do-it))
(defadvice helm-ag--edit-commit (around helm-ag-edit-commit-popwin-compat activate)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'select-window) 'ignore)) ad-do-it))
;; I remove any attempt to kill the helm-ag window, because popwin handles it.
(defun helm-ag--edit (_candidate)
(let ((default-directory helm-ag--default-directory))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*helm-ag-edit*")
(setq-local helm-ag--default-directory helm-ag--default-directory)
(let (buf-content)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*helm-ag*")
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line 1)
(let* ((body-start (point))
(marked-lines (cl-loop for ov in (overlays-in body-start (point-max))
when (eq 'helm-visible-mark (overlay-get ov 'face))
return (helm-marked-candidates))))
(if (not marked-lines)
(setq buf-content (buffer-substring-no-properties
body-start (point-max)))
(setq buf-content (concat (mapconcat 'identity marked-lines "\n") "\n")))))
(insert buf-content)
(add-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
'(read-only t rear-nonsticky t front-sticky t))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(setq header-line-format
(format "[%s] C-c C-c: Commit, C-c C-k: Abort"
(abbreviate-file-name helm-ag--default-directory)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "^\\(\\(?:[^:]+:\\)\\{1,2\\}\\)\\(.*\\)$" nil t)
(let ((file-line-begin (match-beginning 1))
(file-line-end (match-end 1))
(body-begin (match-beginning 2))
(body-end (match-end 2)))
(add-text-properties file-line-begin file-line-end
'(face font-lock-function-name-face
intangible t))
(remove-text-properties body-begin body-end '(read-only t))
(set-text-properties body-end (1+ body-end)
'(read-only t rear-nonsticky t))))))))
(popwin:display-buffer (get-buffer "*helm-ag-edit*"))
;; (other-window 1)
;; (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer "*helm-ag-edit*"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(setq next-error-function 'compilation-next-error-function)
(setq-local compilation-locs (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness 'value))
(use-local-map helm-ag-edit-map)))
(add-hook! org-load
;; (defun org-src-switch-to-buffer (buffer context)
;; (popwin:popup-buffer (get-buffer buffer) :height 0.5))
(defun org-switch-to-buffer-other-window (&rest args)
(mapc (lambda (b)
(let ((buf (if (stringp b) (get-buffer-create b) b)))
(popwin:pop-to-buffer buf t t)))
(defun narf/popup-p (&optional buffer)
(and (popwin:popup-window-live-p)
(if buffer (eq buffer popwin:popup-buffer) t)))
(defun narf/popup-close ()
(let ((popup-p (popwin:popup-window-live-p))
(comint-p (derived-mode-p 'comint-mode)))
(when comint-p
(when (eq rtog/--last-buffer (current-buffer))
(setq rtog/--last-buffer nil
narf-repl-buffer nil))
(when popup-p
(popwin:close-popup-window t))))
(defun narf/popup-open (buffer &optional height)
(popwin:popup-buffer buffer))
(defun narf/popup-toggle ()
(if (popwin:popup-window-live-p)
(defun narf:popup-last-buffer ()
(defun narf:popup-messages ()
(provide 'core-popup)
;;; core-popup.el ends here