2016-05-20 22:37:30 -04:00

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;;; module-org.el
(add-hook 'org-load-hook 'doom|org-init t)
(add-hook 'org-load-hook 'doom|org-keybinds t)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'doom|org-hook)
(defvar org-directory (expand-file-name "~/Dropbox/notes/"))
(define-minor-mode evil-org-mode
"Evil-mode bindings for org-mode."
:init-value nil
:lighter " !"
:keymap (make-sparse-keymap) ; defines evil-org-mode-map
:group 'evil-org)
(require 'module-org-crm)
(require 'module-org-notebook)
(defun doom|org-hook ()
(evil-org-mode +1)
(visual-line-mode +1)
(setq line-spacing 2)
;; If saveplace places the point in a folded position, unfold it on load
(when (outline-invisible-p)
(outline-previous-visible-heading 1)
(defun doom|org-update ()
(when (file-exists-p buffer-file-name)
(org-update-statistics-cookies t)))
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'doom|org-update nil t)
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-exit-hook 'doom|org-update nil t))
(defun doom|org-init ()
org-export-coding-system 'utf-8
;; Appearance
org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars t
org-adapt-indentation nil
org-blank-before-new-entry '((heading . nil) (plain-list-item . auto))
;; org-bullets-bullet-list '("✸" "•" "◦" "•" "◦" "•" "◦")
org-cycle-separator-lines 1
org-cycle-include-plain-lists t
org-ellipsis 'hs-face
org-entities-user '(("flat" "\\flat" nil "" "" "266D" "")
("sharp" "\\sharp" nil "" "" "266F" ""))
org-fontify-done-headline t
org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks t
org-fontify-whole-heading-line t
org-footnote-auto-label 'plain
org-hide-emphasis-markers t
org-hide-leading-stars nil
org-image-actual-width nil
org-indent-indentation-per-level 2
org-pretty-entities t
org-pretty-entities-include-sub-superscripts t
org-startup-folded t
org-startup-indented t
org-startup-with-inline-images nil
org-tags-column 0
org-use-sub-superscripts '{}
;; Behavior
org-catch-invisible-edits 'show
org-checkbox-hierarchical-statistics nil
org-completion-use-ido nil ; Use helm for refiling
org-confirm-elisp-link-function nil
org-default-priority ?C
org-hidden-keywords '(title)
org-hierarchical-todo-statistics t
org-log-done t
org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region t
org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil
org-refile-use-outline-path t
org-special-ctrl-a/e t
;; Sorting/refiling
org-archive-location (concat org-directory "/Archived/%s::")
org-refile-targets '((nil . (:maxlevel . 2))) ; display full path in refile completion
;; Agenda
org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit nil
org-agenda-skip-unavailable-files nil
org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil
org-agenda-window-setup 'other-frame ; to get org-agenda to behave with shackle...
org-agenda-inhibit-startup t
org-agenda-files (f-entries org-directory (lambda (path) (f-ext? path "org")))
org-todo-keywords '((sequence "[ ](t)" "[-](p)" "|" "[X](d)")
(sequence "TODO(T)" "|" "DONE(D)")
(sequence "IDEA(i)" "NEXT(n)" "ACTIVE(a)" "WAITING(w)" "LATER(l)" "|" "CANCELLED(c)"))
;; Babel
org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil ; you don't need my permission
org-src-fontify-natively t ; make code pretty
org-src-preserve-indentation t
org-src-tab-acts-natively t
org-src-window-setup 'current-window
org-edit-src-content-indentation 0
;; Latex
org-format-latex-options (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale 1.4)
org-highlight-latex-and-related '(latex)
org-latex-create-formula-image-program 'dvipng
org-latex-image-default-width ".9\\linewidth"
org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (concat doom-temp-dir "/ltxpng/")
org-latex-remove-logfiles nil
org-startup-with-latex-preview nil
;; org-latex-packages-alist
;; '(("" "gauss" t)
;; ("" "physics" t) TODO Install this)
'(;; TODO: New Note (note)
;; TODO: New Task (todo)
;; TODO: New vocabulary word
("c" "Changelog" entry
(file+headline (f-expand "" (doom/project-root)) "Unreleased")
"* %?")
;; ("p" "Project Notes" entry
;; (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Inbox")
;; "* %u %?\n%i" :prepend t)
;; ("m" "Major-mode Notes" entry
;; (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Inbox")
;; "* %u %?\n%i" :prepend t)
;; ("n" "Notes" entry
;; (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Inbox")
;; "* %u %?\n%i" :prepend t)
;; ("v" "Vocab" entry
;; (file+headline (concat org-directory "topics/") "Unsorted")
;; "** %i%?\n")
(doom-fix-unicode "DejaVu Sans" '(?♭ ?♯))
(doom-fix-unicode "Hack" '(?× ?∙ ?⌉ ?⌈ ?⌊ ?⌋
?∩ ? ?⊆ ?⊂ ?⊄ ?⊇ ?⊃ ?⊅
?⇒ ?⇐ ?⇔ ?↔ ?→ ?≡ ?∴ ?∵ ?⊕ ?∀ ?∃ ?∄ ?∈ ?∉
? ?∧ ))
'((python . t) (ruby . t) (sh . t) (js . t) (css . t)
(plantuml . t) (emacs-lisp . t) (matlab . t)
(latex . t) (calc . t) (lisp . t) (lilypond . t)
;; (go . t)
(http . t)
(rust . t)))
(let ((ext-regexp (regexp-opt '("GIF" "JPG" "JPEG" "SVG" "TIF" "TIFF" "BMP" "XPM"
"gif" "jpg" "jpeg" "svg" "tif" "tiff" "bmp" "xpm"))))
(setq iimage-mode-image-regex-alist
`((,(concat "\\(`?file://\\|\\[\\[\\|<\\|`\\)?\\([-+./_0-9a-zA-Z]+\\."
ext-regexp "\\)\\(\\]\\]\\|>\\|'\\)?") . 2)
(,(concat "<\\(http://.+\\." ext-regexp "\\)>") . 1))))
;; Don't open separate windows
(push '(file . find-file) org-link-frame-setup)
;; Reveal files in finder
(setq org-file-apps '(("\\.org$" . emacs) (t . "open -R \"%s\"")))
;; Fontify checkboxes and dividers
(defface org-list-bullet '((t ())) "Face for list bullets")
'org-mode '(("^ *\\([-+]\\|[0-9]+[).]\\) "
(1 'org-list-bullet))
("^ *\\(-----+\\)$"
(1 'org-meta-line))))
;; Enable encryption
(require 'epa-file)
(require 'org-crypt)
(setq org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance '("crypt")
org-crypt-key user-mail-address
epa-file-encrypt-to user-mail-address)
;; Don't track attachments
(push (format "/%s.+$" (regexp-quote org-attach-directory)) recentf-exclude)
;; Don't clobber recentf with agenda files
(defun org-is-agenda-file (filename)
(find (file-truename filename) org-agenda-files :key 'file-truename
:test 'equal))
(pushnew 'org-is-agenda-file recentf-exclude)
;; Remove highlights on ESC
(defun doom*org-remove-occur-highlights (&rest args)
(when (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (org-remove-occur-highlights)))
(advice-add 'evil-force-normal-state :before 'doom*org-remove-occur-highlights)
;; smartparens config
(sp-with-modes '(org-mode)
(sp-local-pair "*" "*" :unless '(sp-point-after-word-p sp-point-at-bol-p) :skip-match 'doom/sp-org-skip-asterisk)
(sp-local-pair "_" "_" :unless '(sp-point-before-word-p sp-point-after-word-p sp-point-before-symbol-p))
(sp-local-pair "/" "/" :unless '(sp-point-before-word-p sp-point-after-word-p sp-point-before-symbol-p) :post-handlers '(("[d1]" "SPC")))
(sp-local-pair "~" "~" :unless '(sp-point-before-word-p sp-point-after-word-p sp-point-before-symbol-p) :post-handlers '(("[d1]" "SPC")))
(sp-local-pair "=" "=" :unless '(sp-point-before-word-p sp-point-after-word-p sp-point-before-symbol-p) :post-handlers '(("[d1]" "SPC")))
(sp-local-pair "\\[" "\\]" :post-handlers '(("| " "SPC")))
(sp-local-pair "\\(" "\\)" :post-handlers '(("| " "SPC")))
(sp-local-pair "$$" "$$" :post-handlers '((:add " | ")) :unless '(sp-point-at-bol-p))
(sp-local-pair "{" nil)))
(defun doom|org-keybinds ()
(map! (:map org-mode-map
"RET" nil
"C-j" nil
"C-k" nil
:i [remap doom/inflate-space-maybe] 'org-self-insert-command
:i "RET" 'org-return-indent)
(:map evil-org-mode-map
:ni "A-l" 'org-metaright
:ni "A-h" 'org-metaleft
:ni "A-k" 'org-metaup
:ni "A-j" 'org-metadown
;; Expand tables (or shiftmeta move)
:ni "A-L" 'doom/org-table-append-field-or-shift-right
:ni "A-H" 'doom/org-table-prepend-field-or-shift-left
:ni "A-K" 'doom/org-table-prepend-row-or-shift-up
:ni "A-J" 'doom/org-table-append-row-or-shift-down
:i "C-L" 'doom/org-table-next-field
:i "C-H" 'doom/org-table-previous-field
:i "C-K" 'doom/org-table-previous-row
:i "C-J" 'doom/org-table-next-row
:i "C-e" 'org-end-of-line
:i "C-a" 'org-beginning-of-line
:i "<tab>" 'doom/org-indent
:i "<S-tab>" 'doom/org-dedent
:nv "j" 'evil-next-visual-line
:nv "k" 'evil-previous-visual-line
:v "<S-tab>" 'doom/yas-insert-snippet
:i "M-a" (λ! (evil-visual-state) (org-mark-element))
:n "M-a" 'org-mark-element
:v "M-a" 'mark-whole-buffer
:ni "<M-return>" (λ! (doom/org-insert-item 'below))
:ni "<S-M-return>" (λ! (doom/org-insert-item 'above))
:i "M-b" (λ! (doom/org-surround "*")) ; bold
:i "M-u" (λ! (doom/org-surround "_")) ; underline
:i "M-i" (λ! (doom/org-surround "/")) ; italics
:i "M-`" (λ! (doom/org-surround "+")) ; strikethrough
:v "M-b" "S*"
:v "M-u" "S_"
:v "M-i" "S/"
:v "M-`" "S+"
:n ";" 'helm-org-in-buffer-headings
:n "oa" 'doom/org-attachment-reveal)
:n "/" 'org-sparse-tree
:n "?" 'org-tags-view
:n "n" (λ! (if (buffer-narrowed-p) (widen) (org-narrow-to-subtree)))
:n "e" 'org-edit-special
:n "=" 'org-align-all-tags
:nv "l" 'org-insert-link
:n "L" 'org-store-link
:n "x" 'doom/org-remove-link
;; :n "w" 'writing-mode
:n "v" 'variable-pitch-mode
:n "SPC" 'doom/org-toggle-checkbox
:n "RET" 'org-archive-subtree
:n "a" 'org-agenda
:n "A" 'doom:org-attachment-list
:n "d" 'org-time-stamp
:n "D" 'org-deadline
:n "i" 'doom/org-toggle-inline-images-at-point
:n "t" (λ! (org-todo (if (org-entry-is-todo-p) 'none 'todo)))
:v "t" (λ! (evil-ex-normal evil-visual-beginning evil-visual-end "\\t"))
:n "T" 'org-todo
:n "s" 'org-schedule
:n "r" 'org-refile
:n "R" (λ! (org-metaleft) (org-archive-to-archive-sibling)) ; archive to parent sibling
;; TODO Improve folding bindings
:n "za" 'org-cycle
:n "zA" 'org-shifttab
:n "zm" (λ! (outline-hide-sublevels 1))
:n "zr" 'outline-show-all
:n "zo" 'outline-show-subtree
:n "zO" 'outline-show-all
:n "zc" 'outline-hide-subtree
:n "zC" (λ! (outline-hide-sublevels 1))
:n "zd" (lambda (&optional arg) (interactive "p") (outline-hide-sublevels (or arg 3)))
:m "]]" (λ! (call-interactively 'org-forward-heading-same-level) (org-beginning-of-line))
:m "[[" (λ! (call-interactively 'org-backward-heading-same-level) (org-beginning-of-line))
:m "]l" 'org-next-link
:m "[l" 'org-previous-link
:n "RET" 'doom/org-dwim-at-point
:m "gh" 'outline-up-heading
:m "gj" 'org-forward-heading-same-level
:m "gk" 'org-backward-heading-same-level
:m "gl" (λ! (call-interactively 'outline-next-visible-heading) (show-children))
:n "go" 'org-open-at-point
:n "gO" (λ! (let ((org-link-frame-setup (append '((file . find-file-other-window)) org-link-frame-setup))
(org-file-apps '(("\\.org$" . emacs)
(t . "open \"%s\""))))
(call-interactively 'org-open-at-point)))
:n "gQ" 'org-fill-paragraph
:m "$" 'org-end-of-line
:m "^" 'org-beginning-of-line
:n "<" 'org-metaleft
:n ">" 'org-metaright
:v "<" (λ! (org-metaleft) (evil-visual-restore))
:v ">" (λ! (org-metaright) (evil-visual-restore))
:n "-" 'org-cycle-list-bullet
:n [tab] 'org-cycle)
(:map org-src-mode-map
:n "<escape>" (λ! (message "Exited") (org-edit-src-exit)))
(:after org-agenda
(:map org-agenda-mode-map
:e "<escape>" 'org-agenda-Quit
:e "m" 'org-agenda-month-view
:e "C-j" 'org-agenda-next-item
:e "C-k" 'org-agenda-previous-item
:e "C-n" 'org-agenda-next-item
:e "C-p" 'org-agenda-previous-item))))
(provide 'module-org)
;;; module-org.el ends here