Henrik Lissner c7254e7bdc
Major optimization refactor, across the board
+ enable lexical-scope everywhere (lexical-binding = t): ~5-10% faster
  startup; ~5-20% general boost
+ reduce consing, function calls & garbage collection by preferring
  cl-loop & dolist over lambda closures (for mapc[ar], add-hook, and
  various cl-lib filter/map/reduce functions) -- where possible
+ prefer functions with dedicated opcodes, like assq (see byte-defop's
  in bytecomp.el for more)
+ prefer pcase & cond (faster) over cl-case
+ general refactor for code readability
+ ensure naming & style conventions are adhered to
+ appease byte-compiler by marking unused variables with underscore
+ defer minor mode activation to after-init, emacs-startup or
  window-setup hooks; a customization opportunity for users + ensures
  custom functionality won't interfere with startup.
2017-06-09 00:47:45 +02:00

227 lines
9.0 KiB

;;; core/autoload/editor.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom/sudo-find-file (file)
"Open a file as root."
(list (read-file-name "Open as root: ")))
(find-file (if (file-writable-p file)
(concat "/sudo:root@localhost:" file))))
(defun doom/sudo-this-file ()
"Open the current file as root."
(doom/sudo-find-file (file-truename buffer-file-name)))
(defun doom--goto-first-non-blank ()
(skip-chars-forward " \t\r"))
(defun doom/backward-to-bol-or-indent ()
"Move back to the current line's indentation. If already there, move to the
beginning of the line instead. If at bol, do nothing."
(let ((boi (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (point)))
(point (point)))
(if (= boi point)
(unless (= (line-beginning-position) point)
(defun doom/forward-to-last-non-comment-or-eol ()
"Move forward to the last non-blank character in the line, ignoring comments
and trailing whitespace. If already there, move to the real end of the line.
If already there, do nothing."
(let* ((point (point))
(eol (save-excursion (end-of-visual-line) (point)))
(bol (save-excursion (beginning-of-visual-line) (point)))
(eoc (or (if (not comment-use-syntax)
(when (re-search-forward comment-start-skip eol t)
(or (match-end 1) (match-beginning 0)))
(goto-char eol)
(while (and (sp-point-in-comment)
(> (point) point))
(when (> (point) point)
(skip-chars-backward " " bol)
(goto-char-fn (if (featurep 'evil) #'evil-goto-char #'goto-char)))
(if (= eoc point)
(funcall goto-char-fn eol)
(unless (= eol point)
(funcall goto-char-fn eoc)))))
(defun doom--surrounded-p ()
(and (looking-back "[[{(]\\(\s+\\|\n\\)?\\(\s\\|\t\\)*" (line-beginning-position))
(let* ((whitespace (match-string 1))
(match-str (concat whitespace (match-string 2) "[])}]")))
(looking-at-p match-str))))
(defun doom/dumb-indent ()
"Inserts a tab character (or spaces x tab-width)."
(if indent-tabs-mode
(insert "\t")
(let* ((movement (% (current-column) tab-width))
(spaces (if (= 0 movement) tab-width (- tab-width movement))))
(insert (make-string spaces ? )))))
(defun doom/dumb-dedent ()
"Dedents the current line."
(if indent-tabs-mode
(call-interactively #'backward-delete-char)
(unless (looking-back "^[\s\t]*" (line-beginning-position))
(let* ((movement (% (current-column) tab-width))
(spaces (if (= 0 movement) tab-width (- tab-width movement))))
(delete-char (- spaces))))))
(defun doom/backward-kill-to-bol-and-indent ()
"Kill line to the first non-blank character. If invoked again
afterwards, kill line to column 1."
(let ((empty-line (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at-p "[ \t]*$"))))
(funcall (if (featurep 'evil) #'evil-delete #'delete-region)
(point-at-bol) (point))
(unless empty-line
(defun doom/backward-delete-whitespace-to-column ()
"Delete back to the previous column of whitespace, or as much whitespace as
possible, or just one char if that's not possible."
(let* ((delete-backward-char (if (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
(context (sp--get-pair-list-context 'navigate))
(open-pair-re (sp--get-opening-regexp context))
(close-pair-re (sp--get-closing-regexp context))
open-len close-len)
(cond ;; When in strings (sp acts weird with quotes; this is the fix)
;; Also, skip closing delimiters
((and (and (sp--looking-back open-pair-re)
(setq open-len (- (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
(and (looking-at close-pair-re)
(setq close-len (- (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
(string= (plist-get (sp-get-thing t) :op)
(plist-get (sp-get-thing) :cl)))
(delete-char (- 0 open-len))
(delete-char close-len))
;; Delete up to the nearest tab column IF only whitespace between
;; point and bol.
((save-match-data (looking-back "^[\\t ]*" (line-beginning-position)))
(let ((movement (% (current-column) tab-width))
(p (point)))
(when (= movement 0)
(setq movement tab-width))
(if (string-match "\\w*\\(\\s-+\\)$"
(buffer-substring-no-properties (max (point-min) (- p movement)) p))
(sp-delete-char (- 0 (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1))))
(call-interactively delete-backward-char)))))
;; Otherwise do a regular delete
(t (call-interactively delete-backward-char)))))
(defun doom/inflate-space-maybe ()
"Checks if point is surrounded by {} [] () delimiters and adds a
space on either side of the point if so."
(let ((command (or (command-remapping #'self-insert-command)
(cond ((doom--surrounded-p)
(call-interactively command)
(save-excursion (call-interactively command)))
(call-interactively command)))))
(defun doom/deflate-space-maybe ()
"Checks if point is surrounded by {} [] () delimiters, and deletes
spaces on either side of the point if so. Resorts to
`doom/backward-delete-whitespace-to-column' otherwise."
(cond ((doom--surrounded-p)
(let ((whitespace-match (match-string 1)))
(cond ((not whitespace-match)
(call-interactively #'delete-backward-char))
((string-match "\n" whitespace-match)
(funcall (if (featurep 'evil) #'evil-delete #'delete-region)
(point-at-bol) (point))
(call-interactively #'delete-backward-char)
(save-excursion (call-interactively #'delete-char)))
(t (just-one-space 0)))))
(defun doom/newline-and-indent ()
"Inserts a newline and possibly indents it. Also continues comments if
executed from a commented line; handling special cases for certain languages
with weak native support."
(cond ((sp-point-in-string)
(cond ((memq major-mode '(js2-mode rjsx-mode))
(call-interactively #'js2-line-break))
((memq major-mode '(java-mode php-mode))
((memq major-mode '(c-mode c++-mode objc-mode css-mode scss-mode js2-mode))
(insert "* ")
;; Fix an off-by-one cursor-positioning issue
;; with `indent-new-comment-line'
(let ((col (save-excursion (comment-beginning) (current-column))))
(unless (= col (current-column))
(insert " "))))))
(newline nil t)
(defun doom/retab (&optional beg end)
"Changes all tabs to spaces or spaces to tabs, so that indentation is
consistent throughout a selected region, depending on `indent-tab-mode'."
(interactive "r")
(unless (and beg end)
(setq beg (point-min)
end (point-max)))
(if indent-tabs-mode
(tabify beg end)
(untabify beg end)))
(defun doom/toggle-sticky (&optional beg end)
"Make a selection sticky by placing it in the header line. Possibly helpful
for function signatures or notes. Run again to clear the header line."
(interactive "r")
(setq header-line-format
(when mark-active
(concat (propertize (format linum-format (line-number-at-pos beg))
'face 'font-lock-comment-face)
(let ((content (buffer-substring beg end)))
(setq content (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " content t t))
(setq content (replace-regexp-in-string "\\s-+" " " content))