Henrik Lissner e08c5f537e Fix #4623: tangle to config.el by default
Only uses this if no compile destination is specified in header or src
block parameters.
2021-02-07 23:57:44 -05:00

95 lines
4.1 KiB

;;; config/literate/autoload.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +literate-config-file
(concat doom-private-dir "")
"The file path of your literate config file.")
(defvar +literate-config-cache-file
(concat doom-cache-dir "literate-last-compile")
"The file path that `+literate-config-file' will be tangled to, then
byte-compiled from.")
(defvar org-mode-hook)
(defvar org-inhibit-startup)
;;;###autoload (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'+literate-enable-recompile-h)
(defun +literate-tangle-h ()
"Tangles `+literate-config-file' if it has changed."
(and (not (getenv "__NOTANGLE"))
(require 'ox nil t)
(require 'ob-tangle nil t)
(letf! ((default-directory doom-private-dir)
(target +literate-config-file)
(cache +literate-config-cache-file)
(dest (expand-file-name (concat doom-module-config-file ".el")))
;; Operate on a copy because `org-babel-tangle' has
;; side-effects we need to undo immediately as not to
;; overwrite the user's config; it's bad ettiquite.
(backup (make-temp-file (concat (file-name-nondirectory target) ".")))
;; HACK A hack to prevent ob-tangle from operating relative to
;; the backup file and thus tangling to the wrong
;; destinations.
(defun org-babel-tangle-single-block (&rest args)
(let* ((spec (apply org-babel-tangle-single-block args))
(file (nth 1 spec))
(file (if (file-equal-p file backup) target file))
(file (if org-babel-tangle-use-relative-file-links
(file-relative-name file)
(setf (nth 1 spec) file)
;; Ensure output conforms to the formatting of all doom CLIs
(defun message (msg &rest args)
(when msg
(print! (info "%s") (apply #'format msg args)))))
(print! (start "Compiling your literate config..."))
(with-temp-file backup
(insert-file-contents target)
(let ((buffer-file-name backup)
;; Prevent unwanted entries in recentf, or formatters, or
;; anything that could be on these hooks, really. Nothing
;; else should be touching these files (particularly in
;; interactive sessions).
(write-file-functions nil)
(before-save-hook nil)
(after-save-hook nil)
;; Prevent infinite recursion due to recompile-on-save
;; hooks later, and speed up `org-mode' init.
(org-mode-hook nil)
(org-inhibit-startup t))
;; Tangling won't ordinarily expand #+INCLUDE directives,
;; so I do it myself.
(org-babel-tangle nil dest))))
(ignore-errors (delete-file backup)))
;; Write an empty file to serve as our mtime cache
(with-temp-file cache)
(if doom-interactive-p t
(message "Restarting..." )
(throw 'exit "__NOTANGLE=1 $@"))))))
(defalias '+literate/reload #'doom/reload)
(defun +literate-enable-recompile-h ()
"Enable literate-compiling-on-save in the current buffer."
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'+literate-recompile-maybe-h nil 'local))
(defun +literate-recompile-maybe-h ()
"Recompile literate config to `doom-private-dir'.
We assume any org file in `doom-private-dir' is connected to your literate
config, and should trigger a recompile if changed."
(and (file-in-directory-p
buffer-file-name (file-name-directory +literate-config-file))