2017-02-20 00:26:07 -05:00

293 lines
11 KiB

;;; autoload.el
(provide 'doom-lib-buffers)
(defvar-local doom-buffer--narrowed-origin nil)
(defvar doom-fallback-buffer "*scratch*"
"The name of the buffer to fall back to if no other buffers exist (will create
it if it doesn't exist).")
(defvar doom-buffers-unreal
'("^ ?\\*" image-mode dired-mode reb-mode messages-buffer-mode
tabulated-list-mode comint-mode magit-mode)
"A list of regexps or modes whose buffers are considered unreal, and will be
ignored when using `doom:next-real-buffer' and `doom:previous-real-buffer' (or
killed by `doom:kill-old-buffers', or after `doom-kill-buffer').")
(defvar doom-buffers-processes-alist
'(("pry" . ruby-mode)
("irb" . ruby-mode)
("ipython" . python-mode)
("tide" . typescript-mode))
"An alist of (process-name . major-mode) that `doom-kill-process-buffers'
checks before killing processes. If there are no buffers with matching
major-modes, the process gets killed.")
(defun doom-fallback-buffer ()
(get-buffer-create doom-fallback-buffer))
(defun doom-narrow-buffer (beg end &optional clone-p)
"Restrict editing in this buffer to the current region, indirectly. With CLONE-P,
clone the buffer and hard-narrow the selection. If mark isn't active, then widen
the buffer (if narrowed).
Inspired from"
(interactive "r")
(if (region-active-p)
(when clone-p
(let ((old-buf (current-buffer)))
(switch-to-buffer (clone-indirect-buffer nil nil))
(setq doom-buffer--narrowed-origin old-buf)))
(narrow-to-region beg end))
(if doom-buffer--narrowed-origin
(switch-to-buffer doom-buffer--narrowed-origin)
(setq doom-buffer--narrowed-origin nil))
;; Buffer Life and Death ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun doom-buffer-list (&optional all-p)
"Get all buffers in the current project, in the current workgroup.
If ALL-P is non-nil, get all buffers across all projects in current
(let ((buffers (cond ((and (featurep 'workgroups2) workgroups-mode)
(wg-workgroup-associated-buffers nil))
((and (featurep 'persp-mode) persp-mode)
(t (buffer-list))))
(project-root (and (not all-p) (doom-project-root t))))
(if project-root
(funcall (if (eq all-p 'not) 'cl-remove-if 'cl-remove-if-not)
(lambda (b) (projectile-project-buffer-p b project-root))
(defun doom-real-buffers-list (&optional buffer-list)
"Get a list of all buffers (in the current workgroup OR in BUFFER-LIST) that
`doom-real-buffer-p' returns non-nil for."
(cl-remove-if-not 'doom-real-buffer-p (or buffer-list (doom-buffer-list))))
(defun doom-buffers-in-mode (modes &optional buffer-list)
"Get a list of all buffers (in the current workgroup OR in BUFFER-LIST) whose
`major-mode' is one of MODES."
(cl-remove-if-not (lambda (buf) (memq (buffer-local-value 'major-mode it) modes))
(or buffer-list (doom-buffer-list))))
(defun doom-visible-windows (&optional window-list)
"Get a list of the visible windows in the current frame (that aren't popups),
OR return only the visible windows in WINDOW-LIST."
(cl-remove-if 'doom-popup-p (or window-list (window-list))))
(defun doom-visible-buffers (&optional buffer-list)
"Get a list of unburied buffers in the current project and workgroup, OR
return only the unburied buffers in BUFFER-LIST (a list of BUFFER-OR-NAMEs)."
(cl-remove-if-not 'get-buffer-window (or buffer-list (doom-buffer-list))))
(defun doom-buried-buffers (&optional buffer-list)
"Get a list of buried buffers in the current project and workgroup, OR return
only the buried buffers in BUFFER-LIST (a list of BUFFER-OR-NAMEs)."
(cl-remove-if 'get-buffer-window (or buffer-list (doom-buffer-list))))
(defun doom-matching-buffers (pattern &optional buffer-list)
"Get a list of all buffers (in the current workgroup OR in BUFFER-LIST) that
match the regex PATTERN."
(cl-remove-if-not (lambda (buf) (string-match-p pattern (buffer-name buf)))
(or buffer-list (doom-buffer-list))))
(defun doom--cycle-real-buffers (&optional n)
"Switch to the next buffer N times (previous, if N < 0), skipping over special
and unreal buffers. If there's nothing left, create a scratch buffer.
See `doom-real-buffer-p' for what 'real' means."
(let* ((start-buffer (current-buffer))
(move-func (if (> n 0) 'switch-to-next-buffer 'switch-to-prev-buffer))
(max 25)
(i 0)
(project-dir (doom-project-root))
(buffers (doom-real-buffers-list))
(setq destbuf
(catch 'goto
(if (or (not buffers)
(= (length buffers) 1))
(progn (message "No other buffers in workspace")
(throw 'goto t))
(funcall move-func)
(while (not (memq (current-buffer) buffers))
(if (or (eq (current-buffer) start-buffer)
(>= i max))
(throw 'goto t)
(funcall move-func))
(cl-incf i))
(when (eq destbuf t)
(setq destbuf (doom-fallback-buffer))
(message "Nowhere to go"))
(set-buffer destbuf)
(when (eq destbuf (doom-fallback-buffer))
(cd project-dir)))))
(defun doom-real-buffer-p (&optional buffer-or-name)
"Returns t if BUFFER-OR-NAME is a 'real' buffer. Real means:
a) it isn't a popup (or temporary) window
b) it isn't a special buffer (e.g. scratch or *messages* buffer)
c) and its major-mode or buffer-name-matching regexp isn't in
(when-let (buffer (ignore-errors (window-normalize-buffer buffer-or-name)))
(or (eq buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))
(not (or (doom-popup-p (get-buffer-window buffer))
(cl-some (lambda (rule)
(and (stringp rule) (string-match-p rule (buffer-name buffer))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(apply 'derived-mode-p (cl-remove-if-not 'symbolp doom-buffers-unreal))))))))
(defun doom/next-buffer ()
"Switch to the next real buffer, skipping special buffers. See
`doom-real-buffer-p' for what 'real' means."
(doom--cycle-real-buffers +1))
(defun doom/previous-buffer ()
"Switch to the previous real buffer, skipping special buffers. See
`doom-real-buffer-p' for what 'real' means."
(doom--cycle-real-buffers -1))
(defun doom-kill-buffer (&optional buffer dont-save)
"Kill BUFFER (falls back to current buffer if omitted) then switch to a real
buffer, but buries the buffer if it is present in another window.
See `doom-real-buffer-p' for what 'real' means."
(let* ((buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)))
(buffer-win (get-buffer-window buffer))
(only-buffer-window-p (= 1 (length (get-buffer-window-list buffer nil t)))))
(when (and only-buffer-window-p
(buffer-file-name buffer)
(buffer-modified-p buffer))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(if (and (not dont-save)
(yes-or-no-p "Buffer is unsaved, save it?"))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))))
(if (window-dedicated-p buffer-win)
(unless (window--delete buffer-win t t)
(split-window buffer-win)
(window--delete buffer-win t t))
(doom--cycle-real-buffers -1)
(when buffer-win
(unrecord-window-buffer buffer-win buffer))
(when only-buffer-window-p
(unless (eq buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))
(kill-buffer buffer))))
(eq (current-buffer) buffer)))
(defun doom-kill-buffer-and-windows (buffer)
"Kill the buffer and delete all the windows it's displayed in."
(unless (one-window-p t)
(mapc (lambda (win) (unless (one-window-p t) (delete-window win)))
(get-buffer-window-list buffer)))
(kill-buffer buffer))
(defun doom-kill-process-buffers ()
"Kill all buried buffers that represent running processes."
(let ((buffer-list (buffer-list))
(n 0))
(dolist (p (process-list))
(let* ((process-name (process-name p))
(assoc (assoc process-name doom-buffers-processes-alist)))
(when (and assoc
(not (string= process-name "server"))
(process-live-p p)
(not (cl-some
(lambda (buf)
(let ((mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode it)))
(eq mode (cdr assoc))))
(delete-process p)
(setq n (1+ n)))))
(defun doom-kill-matching-buffers (pattern &optional buffer-list)
"Kill all buffers (in current workgroup OR in BUFFER-LIST) that match the
regex PATTERN. Returns the number of killed buffers."
(let ((buffers (doom-matching-buffers pattern buffer-list)))
(mapc 'doom-kill-buffer buffers)
(length buffers)))
(defun doom/kill-this-buffer ()
"Uses `doom-kill-buffer' on the current buffer."
(when (and (doom-kill-buffer) (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
(message "Nowhere left to go!")))
(defun doom/kill-all-buffers (&optional project-p)
"Kill all buffers in this workspace. If PROJECT-P, kill all buffers that
belong to the current project in this workspace."
(interactive "P")
(let ((buffers (doom-buffer-list (not project-p))))
(mapc 'doom-kill-buffer-and-windows buffers)
(when (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(message "Killed %s buffers" (length buffers)))))
(defun doom/kill-other-buffers (&optional project-p)
"Kill all other buffers in this workgroup. If PROJECT-P, kill only the other
buffers that belong to the current project."
(interactive "P")
(let ((buffers (doom-buffer-list (not project-p))))
(mapc (lambda (buf)
(unless (eq buf (current-buffer))
(doom-kill-buffer-and-windows buf)))
(when (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(message "Killed %s buffers" (length buffers)))))
(defun doom/kill-matching-buffers (pattern &optional project-p)
"Kill buffers in current workgroup that match regex PATTERN. If BANG, then
exclude buffers that aren't part of the current project."
(interactive "sP")
(let* ((buffers (doom-buffer-list (not project-p)))
(n (doom-kill-matching-buffers pattern buffers)))
(when (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(message "Killed %s buffers" n))))
(defun doom/cleanup-buffers ()
"Clean up buried, unreal buffers."
(let ((buffers (doom-buried-buffers (doom-buffer-list t))))
(mapc 'doom-kill-buffer buffers)
(setq n (+ (doom-kill-process-buffers) (length buffers)))
(when (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(message "Cleaned up %s buffers" n))))