Henrik Lissner 0e851ace9b
Backport bits of CLI rewrite
The rewrite for Doom's CLI is taking a while, so I've backported a few
important changes in order to ease the transition and fix a couple bugs

Fixes #2802, #2737, #2386

The big highlights are:

- Fix #2802: We now update recipe repos *before* updating/installing any
  new packages. No more "Could not find package X in recipe repositories".

- Fix #2737: An edge case where straight couldn't reach a pinned
  commit (particularly with agda).

- Doom is now smarter about what option it recommends when straight
  prompts you to make a choice.

- Introduces a new init path for Doom. The old way:
  - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode in non-interactive sessions
  - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise.
  The new way
  - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode *only* for bin/doom
  - Launch is a simple mode for non-interactive sessions that still need
    access to your interactive config (like async org export/babel).
  - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise.

  This should fix compatibility issues with plugins that use the
  async.el library or spawn child Emacs processes to fake
  parallelization (like org's async export and babel functionality).

- Your private init.el is now loaded more reliably when running any
  bin/doom command. This gives you an opportunity to configure its

- Added doom-first-{input,buffer,file}-hook hooks, which we use to queue
  deferred activation of a number of packages. Users can remove these
  modes from these hooks; altogether preventing them from loading,
  rather than waiting for them to load to then disable them,
  e.g. (after! smartparens (smartparens-global-mode -1)) -> (remove-hook
  'doom-first-buffer #'smartparens-global-mode)

  Hooks added to doom-first-*-hook variables will be removed once they

  This should also indirectly fix #2386, by preventing interactive modes
  from running in non-interactive session.

- Added `doom/bump-*` commands to make bumping modules and packages
  easier, and `doom/bumpify-*` commands for converting package!
  statements into user/repo@sha1hash format for bump commits.

- straight.el is now commit-pinned, like all other packages. We also
  more reliably install straight.el by cloning it ourselves, rather than
  relying on its bootstrap.el.

  This should prevent infinite "straight has diverged from master"
  prompts whenever we change branches (though, you might have to put up
  with it one more after this update -- see #2937 for workaround).

All the other minor changes:

- Moved core/autoload/cli.el to core/autoload/process.el
- The package manager will log attempts to check out pinned commits
- If package state is incomplete while rebuilding packages, emit a
  simpler error message instead of an obscure one!
- Added -u switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom update' afterwards
- Added -p switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom purge' afterwards
- Replace doom-modules function with doom-modules-list
- The `with-plist!` macro was removed, since `cl-destructuring-bind`
  already serves that purpose well enough.
- core/autoload/packages.el was moved into core-packages.el
- bin/doom will no longer die if DOOMDIR or DOOMLOCALDIR don't have a
  trailing slash
- Introduces doom-debug-variables; a list of variables to toggle on
- The sandbox has been updated to reflect the above changes, also:
  1. Child instances will no longer inherit the process environment of
     the host instance,
  2. It will no longer produce an auto-save-list directory in ~/.emacs.d
2020-05-15 01:33:52 -04:00

420 lines
15 KiB

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; no-byte-compile: t; -*-
(require 'seq)
(load! "autoload/process")
(load! "autoload/plist")
(load! "autoload/files")
(load! "autoload/format")
;; Create all our core directories to quell file errors
(mapc (doom-rpartial #'make-directory 'parents)
(list doom-local-dir
;; Ensure straight and the bare minimum is ready to go
(require 'core-modules)
(require 'core-packages)
;;; Variables
(defvar doom-auto-accept (getenv "YES")
"If non-nil, Doom will auto-accept any confirmation prompts during batch
commands like `doom-cli-packages-install', `doom-cli-packages-update' and
(defvar doom-auto-discard (getenv "FORCE")
"If non-nil, discard all local changes while updating.")
(defvar doom--cli-commands (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar doom--cli-groups (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar doom--cli-group nil)
(:constructor nil)
(name &key desc aliases optlist arglist plist fn
(cl-loop for (symbol options desc) in optlist
for ((_ . options) (_ . params))
= (seq-group-by #'stringp options)
(make-doom-cli-option :symbol symbol
:flags options
:args params
:desc desc))))))
(name nil :read-only t)
(desc "TODO")
(fn (lambda (_) (print! "But nobody came!"))))
(cl-defstruct doom-cli-option
(flags ())
(args ())
(desc "TODO"))
(defun doom--cli-get-option (cli flag)
(cl-find-if (doom-partial #'member flag)
(doom-cli-optlist cli)
:key #'doom-cli-option-flags))
(defun doom--cli-process (cli args)
(let* ((args (copy-sequence args))
(arglist (copy-sequence (doom-cli-arglist cli)))
(or (cl-position-if (doom-rpartial #'memq cl--lambda-list-keywords)
(length arglist)))
(got 0)
(catch 'done
(while args
(let ((arg (pop args)))
(cond ((eq (car arglist) '&rest)
(setq restvar (cadr arglist)
rest (cons arg args))
(throw 'done t))
((string-match "^\\(--\\([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\\)\\)\\(?:=\\(.+\\)\\)?$" arg)
(let* ((fullflag (match-string 1 arg))
(opt (doom--cli-get-option cli fullflag)))
(unless opt
(user-error "Unrecognized switch %S" (concat "--" (match-string 2 arg))))
(setf (alist-get (doom-cli-option-symbol opt) alist)
(or (if (doom-cli-option-args opt)
(or (match-string 3 arg)
(pop args)
(user-error "%S expected an argument, but got none"
(if (match-string 3 arg)
(user-error "%S was not expecting an argument, but got %S"
fullflag (match-string 3 arg))
((string-match "^\\(-\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)\\)$" arg)
(let ((fullflag (match-string 1 arg))
(flag (match-string 2 arg)))
(dolist (switch (split-string flag "" t))
(if-let (opt (doom--cli-get-option cli (concat "-" switch)))
(setf (alist-get (doom-cli-option-symbol opt) alist)
(if (doom-cli-option-args opt)
(or (pop args)
(user-error "%S expected an argument, but got none"
(user-error "Unrecognized switch %S" (concat "-" switch))))))
(cl-incf got)
(let ((spec (pop arglist)))
(when (eq spec '&optional)
(setq spec (pop arglist)))
(setf (alist-get spec alist) arg))
(when (null arglist)
(throw 'done t)))
(push arg args)
(throw 'done t))))))
(when (< got expected)
(error "Expected %d arguments, got %d" expected got))
(when rest
(setf (alist-get restvar alist) rest))
(defun doom-cli-get (command)
"Return a CLI object associated by COMMAND name (string)."
(cond ((null command) nil)
((doom-cli-p command) command)
(gethash (cond ((symbolp command) command)
((stringp command) (intern command))
(defun doom-cli-internal-p (cli)
"Return non-nil if CLI is an internal (non-public) command."
(string-prefix-p ":" (doom-cli-name cli)))
(defun doom-cli-execute (command &optional args)
"Execute COMMAND (string) with ARGS (list of strings).
Executes a cli defined with `defcli!' with the name or alias specified by
COMMAND, and passes ARGS to it."
(if-let (cli (doom-cli-get command))
(funcall (doom-cli-fn cli)
(doom--cli-process cli (remq nil args)))
(user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command)))
(defmacro defcli! (name speclist &optional docstring &rest body)
"Defines a CLI command.
COMMAND is a symbol or a list of symbols representing the aliases for this
command. DOCSTRING is a string description; its first line should be short
(under 60 characters), as it will be used as a summary for 'doom help'.
SPECLIST is a specification for options and arguments, which can be a list
specification for an option/switch in the following format:
Otherwise, SPECLIST accepts the same argument specifiers as `defun'.
BODY will be run when this dispatcher is called."
(declare (indent 2) (doc-string 3))
(unless (stringp docstring)
(push docstring body)
(setq docstring "TODO"))
(let ((names (doom-enlist name))
(optlist (cl-remove-if-not #'listp speclist))
(arglist (cl-remove-if #'listp speclist))
(plist (cl-loop for (key val) on body by #'cddr
if (keywordp key)
nconc (list key val) into plist
else return plist)))
`(let ((name ',(car names))
(aliases ',(cdr names))
(plist ',plist))
(when doom--cli-group
(setq plist (plist-put plist :group doom--cli-group)))
(make-doom-cli (symbol-name name)
:desc ,docstring
:aliases (mapcar #'symbol-name aliases)
:arglist ',arglist
:optlist ',optlist
:plist plist
(lambda (--alist--)
(ignore --alist--)
(let ,(cl-loop for opt in speclist
for optsym = (if (listp opt) (car opt) opt)
unless (memq optsym cl--lambda-list-keywords)
collect (list optsym `(cdr (assq ',optsym --alist--))))
(when aliases
(mapc (doom-rpartial #'puthash name doom--cli-commands)
(defmacro defcligroup! (name docstring &rest body)
"Declare all enclosed cli commands are part of the NAME group."
(declare (indent defun) (doc-string 2))
`(let ((doom--cli-group ,name))
(puthash doom--cli-group ,docstring doom--cli-groups)
;;; Straight hacks
(defvar doom--cli-straight-discard-options
'((" has diverged from branch "
. "^Reset [^ ]+ to branch")
(" but recipe specifies a URL of "
. "^Delete remote \"[^\"]+\", re-create it with correct ")
(" has a merge conflict:"
. "^Abort merge$")
(" has a dirty worktree:"
. "^Discard changes$")
("^In repository "
. "^Reset branch "))
"A list of regexps, mapped to regexps.
Their CAR is tested against the prompt, and CDR is tested against the presented
option, and is used by `straight-vc-git--popup-raw' to select which option to
It may not be obvious to users what they should do for some straight prompts,
so Doom will recommend the one that reverts a package back to its (or target)
original state.")
;; HACK Remove dired & magit options from prompt, since they're inaccessible in
;; noninteractive sessions.
(advice-add #'straight-vc-git--popup-raw :override #'straight--popup-raw)
;; HACK Replace GUI popup prompts (which hang indefinitely in tty Emacs) with
;; simple prompts.
(defadvice! doom--straight-fallback-to-y-or-n-prompt-a (orig-fn &optional prompt)
:around #'straight-are-you-sure
(or doom-auto-accept
(if doom-interactive-mode
(funcall orig-fn prompt)
(y-or-n-p (format! "%s" (or prompt ""))))))
(defun doom--straight-recommended-option-p (prompt option)
(cl-loop for (prompt-re . opt-re) in doom--cli-straight-discard-options
if (string-match-p prompt-re prompt)
return (string-match-p opt-re option)))
(defadvice! doom--straight-fallback-to-tty-prompt-a (orig-fn prompt actions)
"Modifies straight to prompt on the terminal when in noninteractive sessions."
:around #'straight--popup-raw
(if doom-interactive-mode
(funcall orig-fn prompt actions)
(let ((doom--cli-straight-discard-options doom--cli-straight-discard-options))
;; We can't intercept C-g, so no point displaying any options for this key
;; when C-c is the proper way to abort batch Emacs.
(delq! "C-g" actions 'assoc)
;; HACK These are associated with opening dired or magit, which isn't
;; possible in tty Emacs, so...
(delq! "e" actions 'assoc)
(delq! "g" actions 'assoc)
(if doom-auto-discard
(cl-loop with doom-auto-accept = t
for (_key desc func) in actions
when desc
when (doom--straight-recommended-option-p prompt desc)
return (funcall func))
(print! (start "%s") (red prompt))
(let (options)
(print! " 1) Abort")
(cl-loop for (_key desc func) in actions
when desc
do (push func options)
and do
(print! "%2s) %s" (1+ (length options))
(if (doom--straight-recommended-option-p prompt desc)
(setq doom--cli-straight-discard-options nil)
(green (concat desc " (Recommended)")))
(let* ((options
(cons (lambda ()
(let ((doom-format-indent 0))
(print! (warn "Aborted")))
(kill-emacs 1))
(nreverse options)))
(format! "How to proceed? (%s) "
(mapconcat #'number-to-string
(number-sequence 1 (length options))
", ")))
answer fn)
(while (null (nth (setq answer (1- (read-number prompt)))
(print! (warn "%s is not a valid answer, try again.")
(funcall (nth answer options)))))))))
(defadvice! doom--straight-respect-print-indent-a (args)
"Indent straight progress messages to respect `doom-format-indent', so we
don't have to pass whitespace to `straight-use-package's fourth argument
everywhere we use it (and internally)."
:filter-args #'straight-use-package
(melpa-style-recipe &optional no-clone no-build cause interactive)
(list melpa-style-recipe no-clone no-build
(if (and (not cause)
(boundp 'doom-format-indent)
(> doom-format-indent 0))
(make-string (1- (or doom-format-indent 1)) 32)
;;; CLI Commands
(load! "cli/help")
(load! "cli/install")
(defcli! (sync s refresh re)
((inhibit-envvar-p ["-e"] "Don't regenerate the envvar file")
(inhibit-elc-p ["-c"] "Don't recompile config")
(update-p ["-u"] "...")
(prune-p ["-p" "--prune"] "Purge orphaned packages & regraft repos"))
"Synchronize your config with Doom Emacs.
This is the equivalent of running autoremove, install, autoloads, then
recompile. Run this whenever you:
1. Modify your `doom!' block,
2. Add or remove `package!' blocks to your config,
3. Add or remove autoloaded functions in module autoloaded files.
4. Update Doom outside of Doom (e.g. with git)
It will ensure that unneeded packages are removed, all needed packages are
installed, autoloads files are up-to-date and no byte-compiled files have gone
(print! (start "Synchronizing your config with Doom Emacs..."))
(and (not inhibit-envvar-p)
(file-exists-p doom-env-file)
(doom-cli-reload-env-file 'force))
(when update-p
(doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p 'builds-p prune-p prune-p)
(load! "cli/env")
(load! "cli/upgrade")
(load! "cli/packages")
(load! "cli/autoloads")
(defcligroup! "Diagnostics"
"For troubleshooting and diagnostics"
(load! "cli/doctor")
(load! "cli/debug")
;; Our tests are broken at the moment. Working on fixing them, but for now we
;; disable them:
;; (load! "cli/test")
(defcligroup! "Compilation"
"For compiling Doom and your config"
(load! "cli/byte-compile"))
(defcligroup! "Utilities"
"Conveniences for interacting with Doom externally"
(defcli! run (&rest args)
"Run Doom Emacs from bin/doom's parent directory.
All arguments are passed on to Emacs.
doom run
doom run -nw init.el
WARNING: this command exists for convenience and testing. Doom will suffer
additional overhead by being started this way. For the best performance, it is
best to run Doom out of ~/.emacs.d and ~/.doom.d."))
;;; Load user config
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(load! "init" doom-private-dir t)
(signal 'doom-private-error (list "init.el" e))))
(provide 'core-cli)
;;; core-cli.el ends here