Henrik Lissner 0e59eb6301 Add
2017-04-22 18:48:30 -04:00

7.6 KiB

DOOM Emacs Changelog

Unreleased [24/30]

[?] app/finance   new

[?] app/crm   new

[?] Improve send-to-REPL workflow   new

[0/4] Investigate potential plugins   new

[?] feature/version-control: git-timemachine (replacement for vc-annotate)

[?] lang/org: orgit (org links to magit buffers)

[?] lang/latex: latex-extra (utility commands)

[?] lang/latex: latex-preview-pane

[ ] tools/upload: add +upload/open-remote-file command   new

[ ] Fix 0/0 modeline display (caused by leftover anzu state)   bug

[ ] Enable snippet-mode in snippets (better mode detection)   bug

[1/3] lang/org

[ ] Write bootstrap to install latex tools   new

[ ] test inline latex preview support   bug

[X] org-capture from shell (whether Emacs is running or not)   new

See bin/org-capture

[6/6] babel support for   new

[X] rust
[X] restclient
[X] sql
[X] google translate
[X] haskell
[X] go

[X] lang/python: add ipython detection & REPL support   new

[X] TAB autocompletion in comint/repl buffers

[X] Fix Emacs daemon compatibility   bug

The config assumes a frame will be visible on startup, causing errors when Emacs is launched as a daemon.

[X] ace-maximize-window is obsolete   refactor

[X] Fix whitespace adjustment in highlight-indentation-current-column-mode   bug

[X] Toggle-able "pretty" mode for org-mode   new

Sometimes, fontification (like prettified entities or hidden regions) make editing difficult. Make this toggleable.

[X] Simplify matchit key (%) in python   bug

It prioritizes jumps between if-else and other blocks over brackets. Annoying!

[X] Fix over-eager ESC killing popups   bug

[X] Refactor out s.el dependency   refactor

[X] Use sharp-quote for functions (make byte-compiler more helpful)   refactor

[X] feature/workspaces: separate main workspace from nil persp   new

[X] Stop Projectile & git-gutter from choking Emacs in TRAMP buffers   bug

[X] Achieve vim parity w/ file modifiers (+evil*ex-replace-special-filenames)   new

[X] Fix :x ex command (open scratch buffer)   bug

[X] Colored output from package management commands   new

[X] message! & format! (doom messaging system)   new

Prints to a DOOM message buffer in interactive sessions, and to stdout (w/ ansi codes) in noninteractive sessions.

[X] Make +doom-folded-face more subtle   ui

[X] tools/term (term/multi-term support)   new

[X] completion/ivy: escape regexp on :ag search   bug

[X] app/twitter   new

[X] Fix + refactor tools/tmux library (out of date)   refactor bug

[X] lang/cc: integrate counsel-ivy into irony-mode   new

[X] lang/javascript: improve electric indent for js2-mode & rjsx-mode   new

[X] On doom/recompile, aggresively recompile core.el to fix load-path inconsistencies   bug

[4/4] app/email   new

[X] mbsync => offlineimap

[X] visual-mode multiple-marking in mu4e headers buffer

[X] native trash mark causes duplicates?   bug

[X] native refile incompatible with gmail's archive   bug

2.0.1 [45/45]

[X] Fix doom-kill-process-buffers not killing process buffers   bug

[X] Fix hippie-expand in ex mode/the minibuffer   bug

[X] lang/{javascript,cc}: fix empty buffer-file-name in magic-mode-alist   bug

[X] lang/{javascript,web}: add html/js/css reformatting (web-beautify)   new

[X] Fix org-export + shackle integration   bug ui

[X] app/rss: hide modeline in listing window   ui

[X] feature/eval: fix code-build system   new

[X] Add .travis.yml

[X] yasnippet: don't hijack TAB in other modes   bug

[X] private bindings: don't hijack TAB in magit   bug

[X] lang/org: add +notes submodule   new

[X] Add unit-tests   new

[X] Remove unnecessary provide's in core autoloaded libraries   refactor

[X] Fix doom-buffers-in-mode   bug

[X] +evil:file-move: don't error if save-place-mode is disabled   bug

[X] doom/backward-delete-whitespace-to-column: fix out-of-bounds error   bug

[X] Remove references to doom/append-semicolon; use evil append mode instead   remove

[X] Add module bootstrapping mechanism (for installing external dependencies)   new

See doom-bootstrap, make bootstrap and def-bootstrap!

[X] TRAMP: use doom-local-dir for temp files   fix

[X] Add doom/recompile   new

[X] highlight-indent-guides-mode => highlight-indentation-mode   new

Former won't display indent guides on blank lines, even with my whitespace injection hook.

[X] Recognize package.json as a project root file   new

[X] def-project-mode!: fix :files property   bug

[X] Add doom/compile-lite and make compile-lite   new

[X] delete-trailing-whitespace: don't affect current line   bug

[X] lang/ruby: detect {Pod,Puppet,Berks}file support   new

[X] lang/cc: fix irony-mode initialization in cc modes   bug

[X] core-os: don't cache exec-path too aggressively   bug

[X] xref integration for javascript (xref-js2) & emacs-lisp   new

[X] Update lang/haskell (and add dante)   new

[X] Add feature/jump   new

[X] Replace beacon with nav-flash   new

[X] Fix remove-hook! macro   bug

[X] lang/latex: improve auctex+reftex config   new

[X] ui/doom: improve doom-buffer-mode heuristics   refactor

[X] ui/doom-dashboard: fix max-specpdl-size error on macos   bug

[X] Add app/rss   new

[X] Made doom-real-buffer-p flexible w/ doom-real-buffer-functions

[X] Fix duplicates in package management retrieval functions

[X] Rewrite feature/eval

[X] Rewrite ui/doom-modeline

[X] lang/org: fix +org/dwim-at-point, +org/insert-item & +org/toggle-checkbox

[X] New macro: add-transient-hook!

[X] Add core/autoload/memoize library for defining memoized functions

[X] core-popups: set default :align and :select shackle properties

[2/2] feature/workspaces

[X] Rer-project perspectives (projectile integration)

[X] Per-frame perspectives

[3/3] Update lang/go

[X] Autocompletion (gocode + company-go)   new

[X] REPL support (gore)   new

[X] Code navigation with go-guru   new

[2/2] feature/snippets

[X] Support nested snippets   new

[X] Fix snippet aliases (%alias)   bug

[7/7] lang/javascript

[X] Add jsx support (rjsx-mode)   new

[X] Fix doom/newline-and-indent for rjsx-mode   bug

[X] Remove electric < in rjsx-mode   new

[X] Enable emmet-mode in rjsx-mode   new

[X] Have tern use projectile for project detection   new

[X] Add skewer-mode

[X] Add +javascript-gulp-mode

[5/5] lang/web

[X] Add +css/toggle-inline-or-block command   new

[X] Remove +web-bower-mode (I don't use it anymore)

[X] Improve +web-angularjs-mode detection

[X] Add +web-react-mode

[X] Improve +web-react-mode detection

[4/4] app/present   new

[X] reveal.js support (& org-mode integration)

[X] emacs for slide presentations (org-tree-slides)

[X] big-mode (toggleable large-fonts)

[X] impatient-mode

[2/2] app/email   new

[X] Mail through smtp

[X] Basic mu4e setup

[2/2] feature/workspaces

[X] Fix +workspace/kill-session   bug

[X] Don't silence when saving (not important enough)   refactor

2.0.0 [8/8]

[X] lang/org: TAB = dwim   new

[X] Improve :todo   new

[X] Conform defuns to naming conventions   refactor

[X] Reduce interactive autoloaded defuns   refactor

[X] feature/jump: code navigation system (xref, dumb-jump)   new

[X] Enable flyspell correction popups   new

[X] Replace workgroups2 with persp-mode   new

[X] Add tools/upload   new