Henrik Lissner b820de0ba9
input/japanese: lazy load migemo
And don't error fatally if migemo isn't installed. Also, don't activate
helm-migemo-mode nor avy-migemo-mode if migemo doesn't initialize.
2019-05-21 21:56:06 -04:00

56 lines
1.7 KiB

;;; input/japanese/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(def-package! migemo
:after-call (after-find-file pre-command-hook)
(setq search-default-regexp-mode nil
migemo-options '("-q" "--emacs" "-i" "\a")
migemo-user-dictionary nil
migemo-regex-dictionary nil
migemo-coding-system 'utf-8-unix
migemo-directory (concat doom-etc-dir "migemo/")
migemo-dictionary "/usr/local/share/migemo/utf-8/migemo-dict")
(when (executable-find migemo-command)
(def-package! avy-migemo
:after avy
:config (avy-migemo-mode 1))
(when (featurep! :completion helm)
(after! helm (helm-migemo-mode +1)))))
(use-package pangu-spacing
:hook (text-mode . pangu-spacing-mode)
;; replacing `chinese-two-byte' by `japanese'
(setq pangu-spacing-chinese-before-english-regexp
;; Always insert `real' space in text-mode including org-mode.
pangu-spacing-real-insert-separtor t))
(def-package! ddskk
:general ("C-x j" #'skk-mode))
;;; Hacks
(defun +japanese*org-html-paragraph (paragraph contents info)
"Join consecutive Japanese lines into a single long line without unwanted space
when exporting org-mode to html."
(let* ((fix-regexp "[[:multibyte:]]")
(origin-contents contents)
(concat "\\(" fix-regexp "\\) *\n *\\(" fix-regexp "\\)")
(list paragraph fixed-contents info)))
(advice-add #'org-html-paragraph :filter-args #'+japanese*org-html-paragraph)