Sheng Yang bb415adbe0 Load yas when yas-activate-extra-mode is called
Also load when yas-deactivate-extra-mode is called
2020-09-25 19:50:17 -05:00

141 lines
5.5 KiB

;;; editor/snippets/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +snippets-dir (expand-file-name "snippets/" doom-private-dir)
"Directory where `yasnippet' will search for your private snippets.")
;;; Packages
(use-package! yasnippet
:defer-incrementally eldoc easymenu help-mode
:commands (yas-minor-mode-on
;; Remove default ~/.emacs.d/snippets
(defvar yas-snippet-dirs nil)
(unless (daemonp)
;; Ensure `yas-reload-all' is called as late as possible. Other modules
;; could have additional configuration for yasnippet. For example,
;; file-templates.
(add-transient-hook! 'yas-minor-mode-hook (yas-reload-all)))
(add-hook! '(text-mode-hook
(add-to-list 'doom-debug-variables '(yas-verbosity . 3))
;; Allow private snippets in DOOMDIR/snippets
(add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs '+snippets-dir)
;; Reduce verbosity. 3 is too chatty about initializing yasnippet. 2 is just
;; right (only shows errors).
(setq yas-verbosity (if doom-debug-p 3 0))
;; default snippets library, if available
(add-to-list 'load-path +snippets-dir)
(require 'doom-snippets nil t)
;; HACK In case `+snippets-dir' and `doom-snippets-dir' are the same, or
;; duplicates exist in `yas-snippet-dirs'.
(advice-add #'yas-snippet-dirs :filter-return #'delete-dups)
;; Remove GUI dropdown prompt (prefer ivy/helm)
(delq! 'yas-dropdown-prompt yas-prompt-functions)
;; Prioritize private snippets in `+snippets-dir' over built-in ones if there
;; are multiple choices.
(add-to-list 'yas-prompt-functions #'+snippets-prompt-private)
;; Register `def-project-mode!' modes with yasnippet. This enables project
;; specific snippet libraries (e.g. for Laravel, React or Jekyll projects).
(add-hook 'doom-project-hook #'+snippets-enable-project-modes-h)
;; Exit snippets on ESC from normal mode
(add-hook 'doom-escape-hook #'yas-abort-snippet)
(after! smartparens
;; tell smartparens overlays not to interfere with yasnippet keybinds
(advice-add #'yas-expand :before #'sp-remove-active-pair-overlay))
;; (Evil only) fix off-by-one issue with line-wise visual selections in
;; `yas-insert-snippet', and switches to insert mode afterwards.
(advice-add #'yas-insert-snippet :around #'+snippets-expand-on-region-a)
;; Show keybind hints in snippet header-line
(add-hook 'snippet-mode-hook #'+snippets-show-hints-in-header-line-h)
;; Enable `read-only-mode' for built-in snippets (in `doom-local-dir')
(add-hook 'snippet-mode-hook #'+snippets-read-only-maybe-h)
(map! :map yas-keymap
"C-e" #'+snippets/goto-end-of-field
"C-a" #'+snippets/goto-start-of-field
[M-right] #'+snippets/goto-end-of-field
[M-left] #'+snippets/goto-start-of-field
[M-backspace] #'+snippets/delete-to-start-of-field
[backspace] #'+snippets/delete-backward-char
[delete] #'+snippets/delete-forward-char-or-field
;; Replace commands with superior alternatives
:map yas-minor-mode-map
[remap yas-new-snippet] #'+snippets/new
[remap yas-visit-snippet-file] #'+snippets/edit)
;; REVIEW Fix #2639: For some reason `yas--all-templates' returns duplicates
;; of some templates. Until I figure out the real cause this fixes it.
(defadvice! +snippets--remove-duplicates-a (templates)
:filter-return #'yas--all-templates
(cl-delete-duplicates templates :test #'equal))
;; HACK Smartparens will interfere with snippets expanded by `hippie-expand`,
;; so temporarily disable smartparens during snippet expansion.
(after! hippie-exp
(defvar +snippets--smartparens-enabled-p t)
(defvar +snippets--expanding-p nil)
;; Is called for all snippet expansions,
(add-hook! 'yas-before-expand-snippet-hook
(defun +snippets--disable-smartparens-before-expand-h ()
;; Remember the initial smartparens state only once, when expanding a
;; top-level snippet.
(unless +snippets--expanding-p
(setq +snippets--expanding-p t
+snippets--smartparens-enabled-p smartparens-mode))
(when smartparens-mode
(smartparens-mode -1))))
;; Is called only for the top level snippet, but not for the nested ones.
;; Hence `+snippets--expanding-p'.
(add-hook! 'yas-after-exit-snippet-hook
(defun +snippets--restore-smartparens-after-expand-h ()
(setq +snippets--expanding-p nil)
(when +snippets--smartparens-enabled-p
(smartparens-mode 1)))))
;; If in a daemon session, front-load this expensive work:
(if (daemonp) (yas-reload-all)))
(use-package! auto-yasnippet
:defer t
(setq aya-persist-snippets-dir +snippets-dir)
(defadvice! +snippets--inhibit-yas-global-mode-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"auto-yasnippet enables `yas-global-mode'. This is obnoxious for folks like
us who use yas-minor-mode and enable yasnippet more selectively. This advice
swaps `yas-global-mode' with `yas-minor-mode'."
:around '(aya-expand aya-open-line)
(letf! ((#'yas-global-mode #'yas-minor-mode)
(yas-global-mode yas-minor-mode))
(apply orig-fn args))))