Henrik Lissner 9a02bd8ac8
Minor refactors across the board
- when-let* -> when-let
- Fix projectile-locate-dominating-file for connected remote files
2019-06-26 14:31:06 +02:00

38 lines
1.7 KiB

;;; lang/php/autoload.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +php-composer-conf (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defun +php-company-backend (command &optional arg &rest _ignored)
"A delegating company-backend that uses `company-phpactor' if phpactor is
available and installed, or `php-extras-company' otherwise."
(cond ((and (require 'company-phpactor nil t)
(ignore-errors (phpactor-find-executable)))
(company-phpactor command arg))
((and (require 'php-extras nil t)
(file-exists-p (concat php-extras-eldoc-functions-file ".el")))
(php-extras-company command arg))))
(defun +php-composer-conf (&optional project-root refresh-p)
"Retrieve the contents of composer.json as an alist. If REFRESH-P is non-nil
ignore the cache."
(let ((project-root (or project-root (doom-project-root))))
(or (and (not refresh-p) (gethash project-root +php-composer-conf))
(let ((package-file (expand-file-name "composer.json" project-root)))
(when-let (data (and (file-exists-p package-file)
(require 'json)
(json-read-file package-file)))
(puthash project-root data +php-composer-conf))))))
(defun +php|init-ac-php-core-eldoc ()
"Initialize eldoc support for `php-mode' with `ac-php-core'. Fails gracefully
if phpctags isn't installed."
(require 'ac-php-core)
(cond ((not ac-php-ctags-executable))
((not (file-exists-p ac-php-ctags-executable))
(message "Could not find phpctags executable, eldoc support is disabled")
(message "To disable these warnings, set ac-php-ctags-executable to nil"))