2019-07-22 02:30:38 +02:00

885 lines
35 KiB

;;; lang/org/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; `org-load' hooks
(defun +org-init-agenda-h ()
(unless org-agenda-files
(setq org-agenda-files (list org-directory)))
org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil
org-agenda-inhibit-startup t
org-agenda-skip-unavailable-files t
;; Move the agenda to show the previous 3 days and the next 7 days for a bit
;; better context instead of just the current week which is a bit confusing
;; on, for example, a sunday
org-agenda-span 10
org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil
org-agenda-start-day "-3d"))
(defun +org-init-appearance-h ()
"Configures the UI for `org-mode'."
org-adapt-indentation nil
org-cycle-include-plain-lists t
org-eldoc-breadcrumb-separator ""
'(("flat" "\\flat" nil "" "" "266D" "")
("sharp" "\\sharp" nil "" "" "266F" ""))
org-fontify-done-headline t
org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks t
org-fontify-whole-heading-line t
org-footnote-auto-label 'plain
org-hidden-keywords nil
org-hide-emphasis-markers nil
org-hide-leading-stars t
org-hide-leading-stars-before-indent-mode t
org-image-actual-width nil
org-indent-indentation-per-level 2
org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars t
org-list-description-max-indent 4
org-pretty-entities nil
org-pretty-entities-include-sub-superscripts t
'((?a . error)
(?b . warning)
(?c . success))
'((nil :maxlevel . 3)
(org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 3))
org-startup-folded t
org-startup-indented t
org-startup-with-inline-images nil
org-tags-column 0
'((sequence "TODO(t)" "PROJ(p)" "|" "DONE(d)")
(sequence "[ ](T)" "[-](P)" "[?](M)" "|" "[X](D)")
(sequence "NEXT(n)" "WAIT(w)" "HOLD(h)" "|" "ABRT(c)"))
'(("[-]" :inherit (font-lock-constant-face bold))
("[?]" :inherit (warning bold))
("PROJ" :inherit (bold default))
("HOLD" :inherit (warning bold))
("ABRT" :inherit (error bold)))
org-use-sub-superscripts '{}
;; Scale up LaTeX previews a bit (default is too small)
org-format-latex-options (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale 1.5))
(advice-add #'org-eldoc-documentation-function :around #'+org-display-link-in-eldoc-a)
;; Don't do automatic indent detection in org files
(add-to-list 'doom-detect-indentation-excluded-modes 'org-mode nil #'eq)
;; Previews are usually rendered with light backgrounds, so ensure their
;; background (and foreground) match the current theme.
(defun +org-update-latex-preview-background-color-h ()
(plist-put org-format-latex-options
(face-attribute (or (cadr (assq 'default face-remapping-alist))
:background nil t))))
(add-hook 'doom-load-theme-hook #'+org-update-latex-preview-background-color-h)
(set-pretty-symbols! 'org-mode
:name "#+NAME:"
:src_block "#+BEGIN_SRC"
:src_block_end "#+END_SRC"))
(defun +org-init-babel-h ()
(setq org-src-fontify-natively t ; make code pretty
org-src-preserve-indentation t ; use native major-mode indentation
org-src-tab-acts-natively t
org-src-window-setup 'current-window
org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) ; you don't need my permission
;; I prefer C-c C-c over C-c ' (more consistent)
(define-key org-src-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") #'org-edit-src-exit)
;; Use major-mode native TAB indentation in SRC blocks
(advice-add #'org-return-indent :after #'+org-fix-newline-and-indent-in-src-blocks-a)
;; `org-babel-get-header' was removed from org in 9.0. Quite a few babel
;; plugins use it, so until those plugins update, this polyfill will do:
(defun org-babel-get-header (params key &optional others)
(cl-loop with fn = (if others #'not #'identity)
for p in params
if (funcall fn (eq (car p) key))
collect p))
;; Fixes for various babel plugins
(setq org-babel-js-function-wrapper "console.log(require('util').inspect(function(){\n%s\n}()));"))
(defun +org-init-babel-lazy-loader-h ()
"Load babel libraries lazily when babel blocks are executed."
(defvar +org-babel-mode-alist
'((cpp . C)
(C++ . C)
(D . C)
(sh . shell)
(bash . shell)
(matlab . octave))
"An alist mapping languages to babel libraries. This is necessary for babel
libraries (ob-*.el) that don't match the name of the language.
For example, with (fish . shell) will cause #+BEGIN_SRC fish to load ob-shell.el
when executed.")
(defvar +org-babel-load-functions ()
"A list of functions executed to load the current executing src block. They
take one argument (the language specified in the src block, as a string). Stops
at the first function to return non-nil.")
(def-advice! +org--src-lazy-load-library-a (lang)
"Lazy load a babel package to ensure syntax highlighting."
:before #'org-src--get-lang-mode
(or (cdr (assoc lang org-src-lang-modes))
(fboundp (intern-soft (format "%s-mode" lang)))
(require (intern-soft (format "ob-%s" lang)) nil t)))
(def-advice! +org--babel-lazy-load-library-a (info)
"Load babel libraries lazily when babel blocks are executed."
:after-while #'org-babel-confirm-evaluate
(let* ((lang (nth 0 info))
(lang (if (symbolp lang) lang (intern lang)))
(lang (or (cdr (assq lang +org-babel-mode-alist))
(when (and (not (cdr (assq lang org-babel-load-languages)))
(or (run-hook-with-args-until-success '+org-babel-load-functions lang)
(require (intern (format "ob-%s" lang)) nil t)))
(when (assq :async (nth 2 info))
;; ob-async has its own agenda for lazy loading packages (in the
;; child process), so we only need to make sure it's loaded.
(require 'ob-async nil t))
(add-to-list 'org-babel-load-languages (cons lang t)))
(defun +org-init-capture-defaults-h ()
"Sets up some reasonable defaults, as well as two `org-capture' workflows that
I like:
1. The traditional way: invoking `org-capture' directly, via SPC X, or through
the :cap ex command.
2. Through a org-capture popup frame that is invoked from outside Emacs (the
~/.emacs.d/bin/org-capture script). This can be invoked from qutebrowser,
vimperator, dmenu or a global keybinding."
(defvar +org-capture-todo-file ""
"Default target for todo entries.
Is relative to `org-directory', unless it is absolute. Is used in Doom's default
(defvar +org-capture-changelog-file ""
"Default target for changelog entries.
Is relative to `org-directory' unless it is absolute. Is used in Doom's default
(defvar +org-capture-notes-file ""
"Default target for storing notes.
Used as a fall back file for org-capture.el, for templates that do not specify a
target file.
Is relative to `org-directory', unless it is absolute. Is used in Doom's default
(setq org-default-notes-file
(expand-file-name +org-capture-notes-file org-directory)
'(("t" "Personal todo" entry
(file+headline +org-capture-todo-file "Inbox")
"* TODO %?\n%i\n%a" :prepend t :kill-buffer t)
("n" "Personal notes" entry
(file+headline +org-capture-notes-file "Inbox")
"* %u %?\n%i\n%a" :prepend t :kill-buffer t)
;; Will use {project-root}/{todo,notes,changelog}.org, unless a
;; {todo,notes,changelog}.org file is found in a parent directory.
;; Uses the basename from `+org-capture-todo-file',
;; `+org-capture-changelog-file' and `+org-capture-notes-file'.
("p" "Templates for projects")
("pt" "Project todo" entry ; {project-root}/
(file+headline +org-capture-project-todo-file "Inbox")
"* TODO %?\n%i\n%a" :prepend t :kill-buffer t)
("pn" "Project notes" entry ; {project-root}/
(file+headline +org-capture-project-notes-file "Inbox")
"* TODO %?\n%i\n%a" :prepend t :kill-buffer t)
("pc" "Project changelog" entry ; {project-root}/
(file+headline +org-capture-project-notes-file "Unreleased")
"* TODO %?\n%i\n%a" :prepend t :kill-buffer t)))
(def-advice! +org-capture-expand-variable-file-a (file)
"If a variable is used for a file path in `org-capture-template', it is used
as is, and expanded relative to `default-directory'. This changes it to be
relative to `org-directory', unless it is an absolute path."
:filter-args #'org-capture-expand-file
(if (and (symbolp file) (boundp file))
(expand-file-name (symbol-value file) org-directory)
(def-advice! +org--prevent-save-prompts-when-refiling-a (&rest _)
"Fix #462: when refiling from org-capture, Emacs prompts to kill the
underlying, modified buffer. This fixes that."
:after 'org-refile
(when (bound-and-true-p org-capture-is-refiling)
(add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook
(defun +org-show-target-in-capture-header-h ()
(setq header-line-format
(format "%s%s%s"
(propertize (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
'face 'font-lock-string-face)
(when (featurep! :editor evil)
(add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook #'evil-insert-state)))
(defun +org-init-capture-frame-h ()
(add-hook 'org-capture-after-finalize-hook #'+org-capture-cleanup-frame-h)
(when (featurep! :ui doom-dashboard)
(add-hook '+doom-dashboard-inhibit-functions #'+org-capture-frame-p)))
(defun +org-init-centralized-attachments-h ()
"I believe Org's native attachment system is over-complicated and litters
files with metadata I don't want. So I wrote my own, which:
+ Places attachments in a centralized location (`org-attach-directory' in
+ Adds attach:* link abbreviation for quick links to these files from anywhere.
+ Use `+org-attach/sync' to index all attachments in `org-directory' that use
the attach:* abbreviation and delete orphaned ones that are no longer
+ This compliments the +dragndrop flag which provides drag'n'drop support for
images (with preview) and media files.
Some commands of interest:
+ `org-download-screenshot'
+ `+org-attach/file'
+ `+org-attach/url'
+ `+org-attach/sync'"
(setq org-attach-directory (expand-file-name org-attach-directory org-directory))
;; A shorter link to attachments
(add-to-list 'org-link-abbrev-alist (cons "attach" (abbreviate-file-name org-attach-directory)))
:follow (lambda (link) (find-file (expand-file-name link org-attach-directory)))
:complete (lambda (&optional _arg)
(+org--relpath (+org-link-read-file "attach" org-attach-directory)
:face (lambda (link)
(if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name link org-attach-directory))
(after! projectile
(add-to-list 'projectile-globally-ignored-directories org-attach-directory))
(after! recentf
(add-to-list 'recentf-exclude
(lambda (file) (file-in-directory-p file org-attach-directory)))))
(defun +org-init-centralized-exports-h ()
(defvar +org-enable-centralized-exports t
"If non-nil, files exported from files in `org-directory' will be stored in
`+org-export-directory', rather than the same directory has the input file(s).")
(defvar +org-export-directory ".export/"
"Where to store exported files relative to `org-directory'. Can be an absolute
path too.")
;; I don't have any beef with org's built-in export system, but I do wish it
;; would export to a central directory (by default), rather than
;; `default-directory'. This is because all my org files are usually in one
;; place, and I want to be able to refer back to old exports if needed.
(setq +org-export-directory (expand-file-name +org-export-directory org-directory))
(def-advice! +org--export-output-file-name-a (args)
"Return a centralized export location unless one is provided or the current
file isn't in `org-directory'."
:filter-args #'org-export-output-file-name
(when (and +org-enable-centralized-exports
(not (nth 2 args))
(file-in-directory-p buffer-file-name org-directory))
(cl-destructuring-bind (extension &optional subtreep _pubdir) args
(let ((dir (expand-file-name +org-export-directory org-directory)))
(unless (file-directory-p dir)
(make-directory dir t))
(setq args (list extension subtreep dir)))))
(defun +org-init-custom-links-h ()
(defun +org--relpath (path root)
(if (and buffer-file-name (file-in-directory-p buffer-file-name root))
(file-relative-name path)
(defun +org-def-link (key dir)
:complete (lambda () (+org--relpath (+org-link-read-file key dir) dir))
:follow (lambda (link) (find-file (expand-file-name link dir)))
:face (lambda (link)
(if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name link dir))
;; Highlight broken file links
:face (lambda (path)
(if (or (file-remote-p path)
(file-exists-p path))
;; Add custom link types
(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
'(("github" . "")
("youtube" . "")
("google" . "")
("gimages" . "")
("gmap" . "")
("duckduckgo" . "")
("wolfram" . "")
("doom-repo" . "")))
(+org-def-link "org" org-directory)
(+org-def-link "doom" doom-emacs-dir)
(+org-def-link "doom-docs" doom-docs-dir)
(+org-def-link "doom-modules" doom-modules-dir)
;; Allow inline image previews of http(s)? urls or data uris
(org-link-set-parameters "http" :image-data-fun #'+org-image-link)
(org-link-set-parameters "https" :image-data-fun #'+org-image-link)
(org-link-set-parameters "img" :image-data-fun #'+org-inline-data-image)
;; Add support for youtube links + previews
(def-package! org-yt))
(defun +org-init-export-h ()
(when (featurep! :lang markdown)
(add-to-list 'org-export-backends 'md))
(def-package! ox-pandoc
:when (and (featurep! +pandoc)
(executable-find "pandoc"))
:after ox
(add-to-list 'org-export-backends 'pandoc)
(setq org-pandoc-options
'((standalone . t)
(mathjax . t)
(variable . "revealjs-url=")))))
(defun +org-init-habit-h ()
(defvar +org-habit-graph-padding 2
"The padding added to the end of the consistency graph")
(defvar +org-habit-min-width 30
"Hides the consistency graph if the `org-habit-graph-column' is less than this value")
(defvar +org-habit-graph-window-ratio 0.3
"The ratio of the consistency graphs relative to the window width")
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook
(defun +org-habit-resize-graph-h ()
"Right align and resize the consistency graphs based on
(require 'org-habit)
(let* ((total-days (float (+ org-habit-preceding-days org-habit-following-days)))
(preceding-days-ratio (/ org-habit-preceding-days total-days))
(graph-width (floor (* (window-width) +org-habit-graph-window-ratio)))
(preceding-days (floor (* graph-width preceding-days-ratio)))
(following-days (- graph-width preceding-days))
(graph-column (- (window-width) (+ preceding-days following-days)))
(graph-column-adjusted (if (> graph-column +org-habit-min-width)
(- graph-column +org-habit-graph-padding)
(setq-local org-habit-preceding-days preceding-days)
(setq-local org-habit-following-days following-days)
(setq-local org-habit-graph-column graph-column-adjusted)))))
(defun +org-init-hacks-h ()
"Getting org to behave."
;; Don't open separate windows
(setf (alist-get 'file org-link-frame-setup) #'find-file)
;; Open directory links in Emacs
(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '(directory . emacs))
(add-hook 'org-follow-link-hook
(defun +org-delayed-recenter-h ()
"`recenter', but after a tiny delay. Necessary to prevent certain race
conditions where a window's buffer hasn't changed at the time this hook is run."
(run-at-time 0.1 nil #'recenter)))
(def-advice! +org--strip-properties-from-outline-a (orig-fn path &optional width prefix separator)
"Remove link syntax and fix variable height text (e.g. org headings) in the
eldoc string."
:around #'org-format-outline-path
(let ((result (funcall orig-fn path width prefix separator))
(separator (or separator "/")))
(cl-loop for part
in (split-string (substring-no-properties result) separator)
for n from 0
for face = (nth (% n org-n-level-faces) org-level-faces)
(org-add-props (replace-regexp-in-string org-any-link-re "\\4" part)
nil 'face `(:foreground ,(face-foreground face nil t) :weight bold)))
(add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook
(defun +org-exclude-agenda-buffers-from-workspace-h ()
"Prevent from temporarily-opened agenda buffers from being associated with
the current workspace."
(when (and org-agenda-new-buffers (bound-and-true-p persp-mode))
(let (persp-autokill-buffer-on-remove)
(persp-remove-buffer org-agenda-new-buffers
(def-advice! +org--exclude-agenda-buffers-from-recentf-a (orig-fn file)
"Prevent temporarily opened agenda buffers from polluting recentf."
:around #'org-get-agenda-file-buffer
(let ((recentf-exclude (list (lambda (_file) t))))
(funcall orig-fn file))))
(defun +org-init-keybinds-h ()
"Sets up org-mode and evil keybindings. Tries to fix the idiosyncrasies
between the two."
(add-hook 'doom-escape-hook #'+org-remove-occur-highlights-h)
;; C-a & C-e act like `doom/backward-to-bol-or-indent' and
;; `doom/forward-to-last-non-comment-or-eol', but with more org awareness.
(setq org-special-ctrl-a/e t)
(setq org-M-RET-may-split-line nil
;; insert new headings after current subtree rather than inside it
org-insert-heading-respect-content t)
(add-hook! 'org-tab-first-hook #'(+org-indent-maybe-h +org-yas-expand-maybe-h))
(add-hook 'doom-delete-backward-functions #'+org-delete-backward-char-and-realign-table-maybe-h)
(map! :map org-mode-map
;; textmate-esque newline insertion
[C-return] #'+org/insert-item-below
[C-S-return] #'+org/insert-item-above
"C-c C-S-l" #'+org/remove-link
"C-c C-i" #'org-toggle-inline-images
[remap doom/backward-to-bol-or-indent] #'org-beginning-of-line
[remap doom/forward-to-last-non-comment-or-eol] #'org-end-of-line
"'" #'org-edit-special
"," #'org-switchb
"." #'org-goto
(:when (featurep! :completion ivy)
"." #'counsel-org-goto
"/" #'counsel-org-goto-all)
(:when (featurep! :completion helm)
"." #'helm-org-in-buffer-headings
"/" #'helm-org-agenda-files-headings)
"d" #'org-deadline
"f" #'org-footnote-new
"h" #'org-toggle-heading
"i" #'org-toggle-item
"I" #'org-toggle-inline-images
"l" #'org-insert-link
"L" #'org-store-link
"q" #'org-set-tags-command
"r" #'org-refile
"s" #'org-schedule
"t" #'org-todo
"T" #'org-todo-list
(:prefix ("c" . "clock")
"c" #'org-clock-in
"C" #'org-clock-out
"d" #'org-clock-mark-default-task
"e" #'org-clock-modify-effort-estimate
"l" #'org-clock-in-last
"g" #'org-clock-goto
"G" (λ! (org-clock-goto 'select))
"x" #'org-clock-cancel
"=" #'org-clock-timestamps-up
"-" #'org-clock-timestamps-down)
(:prefix ("e" . "export")
:desc "to markdown" "m" #'org-md-export-to-markdown
:desc "to markdown & open" "M" #'org-md-export-as-markdown
:desc "to reveal.js" "r" #'org-reveal-export-to-html
:desc "to reveal.js & open" "R" #'org-reveal-export-to-html-and-browse
(:prefix ("b" . "from beamer")
:desc "to latex" "l" #'org-beamer-export-to-latex
:desc "to latex & open" "L" #'org-beamer-export-as-latex
:desc "as pdf" "p" #'org-beamer-export-to-pdf))
(:prefix ("g" . "goto")
"g" #'org-goto
(:when (featurep! :completion ivy)
"g" #'counsel-org-goto
"G" #'counsel-org-goto-all)
"a" #'org-agenda-goto
"A" #'org-agenda-clock-goto
"c" #'org-clock-goto
"C" (λ! (org-clock-goto 'select))
"i" #'org-id-goto
"r" #'org-refile-goto-last-stored
"x" #'org-capture-goto-last-stored)
(:prefix ("b" . "tables")
"a" #'org-table-align
"e" #'org-table-edit-field
"h" #'org-table-field-info
(:when (featurep! +gnuplot)
"p" #'org-plot/gnuplot)
(:prefix ("i" . "insert")
"-" #'org-table-insert-hline
"h" #'+org/table-insert-column-left
"j" #'+org/table-insert-row-below
"k" #'org-table-insert-row
"l" #'+org/table-insert-column-right)
(:prefix ("m" . "move")
"h" #'org-table-move-column-left
"j" #'org-table-move-row-down
"k" #'org-table-move-row-up
"l" #'org-table-move-column-right)
(:prefix ("f" . "formula")
"c" #'org-table-create
"r" #'org-table-recalculate
"e" #'org-table-edit-formulas
"=" #'org-table-eval-formulas)))
;; Fixes #1483: this messy hack fixes `org-agenda' or `evil-org-agenda'
;; overriding SPC, breaking the localleader. TODO Improve me!
(define-minor-mode org-agenda-localleader-mode "TODO"
:keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook #'org-agenda-localleader-mode)
(map! :map org-agenda-localleader-mode-map
"d" #'org-agenda-deadline
"q" #'org-agenda-set-tags
"r" #'org-agenda-refile
"s" #'org-agenda-schedule
"t" #'org-agenda-todo))
(defun +org-init-keybinds-for-evil-h (&rest args)
(when (featurep! :editor evil +everywhere)
(def-package! evil-org
:hook (org-mode . evil-org-mode)
(defvar evil-org-key-theme '(navigation insert textobjects))
(defvar evil-org-retain-visual-state-on-shift t)
(defvar evil-org-special-o/O '(table-row))
(add-hook 'evil-org-mode-hook #'evil-normalize-keymaps)
;; change `evil-org-key-theme' instead
(advice-add #'evil-org-set-key-theme :override #'ignore))
(def-package! evil-org-agenda
:after org-agenda
:config (evil-org-agenda-set-keys))
;; Only fold the current tree, rather than recursively
(add-hook 'org-tab-first-hook #'+org-cycle-only-current-subtree-h t)
;; Fix o/O creating new list items in the middle of nested plain lists. Only
;; has an effect when `evil-org-special-o/O' has `item' in it (not the
;; default).
(advice-add #'evil-org-open-below :around #'+org-evil-org-open-below-a)
(map! :map outline-mode-map
;; Undo keybinds from `evil-collection-outline'
:n "^" nil
:n [backtab] nil
:n "M-j" nil
:n "M-k" nil
:n "C-j" nil
:n "C-k" nil
:n "]" nil
:n "[" nil
:map evil-org-mode-map
:ni [C-return] #'+org/insert-item-below
:ni [C-S-return] #'+org/insert-item-above
;; navigate table cells (from insert-mode)
:i "C-l" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-end-of-line
(org-at-table-p) 'org-table-next-field)
:i "C-h" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-beginning-of-line
(org-at-table-p) 'org-table-previous-field)
:i "C-k" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-up-element
(org-at-table-p) '+org/table-previous-row)
:i "C-j" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-down-element
(org-at-table-p) 'org-table-next-row)
;; expanding tables (prepend/append columns/rows)
:ni "C-S-l" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-shiftmetaright
(org-at-table-p) 'org-table-insert-column)
:ni "C-S-h" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-shiftmetaleft
(org-at-table-p) '+org/table-insert-column-left)
:ni "C-S-k" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-shiftmetaup
(org-at-table-p) 'org-table-insert-row)
:ni "C-S-j" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-shiftmetadown
(org-at-table-p) '+org/table-insert-row-below)
;; shifting table rows/columns
:ni "C-M-S-l" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-metaright
(org-at-table-p) 'org-table-move-column-right)
:ni "C-M-S-h" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-metaleft
(org-at-table-p) 'org-table-move-column-left)
:ni "C-M-S-k" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-metaup
(org-at-table-p) 'org-table-move-row-up)
:ni "C-M-S-j" (general-predicate-dispatch 'org-metadown
(org-at-table-p) 'org-table-move-row-down)
;; more intuitive RET keybinds
:i [return] #'org-return-indent
:i "RET" #'org-return-indent
:n [return] #'+org/dwim-at-point
:n "RET" #'+org/dwim-at-point
;; more vim-esque org motion keys (not covered by evil-org-mode)
:m "]]" (λ! (org-forward-heading-same-level nil) (org-beginning-of-line))
:m "[[" (λ! (org-backward-heading-same-level nil) (org-beginning-of-line))
:m "]h" #'org-next-visible-heading
:m "[h" #'org-previous-visible-heading
:m "]l" #'org-next-link
:m "[l" #'org-previous-link
:m "]c" #'org-babel-next-src-block
:m "[c" #'org-babel-previous-src-block
:m "^" #'evil-org-beginning-of-line
:m "0" (λ! (let (visual-line-mode) (org-beginning-of-line)))
:n "gQ" #'org-fill-paragraph
;; sensible vim-esque folding keybinds
:n "za" #'+org/toggle-fold
:n "zA" #'org-shifttab
:n "zc" #'+org/close-fold
:n "zC" #'outline-hide-subtree
:n "zm" #'+org/hide-next-fold-level
:n "zn" #'org-narrow-to-subtree
:n "zN" #'org-tree-to-indirect-buffer
:n "zo" #'+org/open-fold
:n "zO" #'outline-show-subtree
:n "zr" #'+org/show-next-fold-level
:n "zR" #'outline-show-all
:n "zi" #'org-toggle-inline-images
:map org-read-date-minibuffer-local-map
"C-h" (λ! (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-backward-day 1)))
"C-l" (λ! (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-forward-day 1)))
"C-k" (λ! (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-backward-week 1)))
"C-j" (λ! (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-forward-week 1)))
"C-S-h" (λ! (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-backward-month 1)))
"C-S-l" (λ! (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-forward-month 1)))
"C-S-k" (λ! (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-backward-year 1)))
"C-S-j" (λ! (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-forward-year 1))))))
(defun +org-init-popup-rules-h ()
'(("^\\*Org Links" :slot -1 :vslot -1 :size 2 :ttl 0)
("^\\*\\(?:Agenda Com\\|Calendar\\|Org \\(?:Export Dispatcher\\|Select\\)\\)"
:slot -1 :vslot -1 :size #'+popup-shrink-to-fit :ttl 0)
("^\\*Org Agenda" :size 0.35 :select t :ttl nil)
("^\\*Org Src" :size 0.3 :quit nil :select t :autosave t :ttl nil)
("^CAPTURE.*\\.org$" :size 0.2 :quit nil :select t :autosave t))))
(defun +org-init-protocol-lazy-loader-h ()
"Brings lazy-loaded support for org-protocol, so external programs (like
browsers) can invoke specialized behavior from Emacs. Normally you'd simply
require `org-protocol' and use it, but the package loads all of org for no
compelling reason, so..."
(def-advice! +org--server-visit-files-a (args)
"Advise `server-visit-flist' to invoke `org-protocol' lazily."
:filter-args #'server-visit-files
(cl-destructuring-bind (files proc &optional nowait) args
(catch 'greedy
(let ((flist (reverse files)))
(dolist (var flist)
(when (string-match-p ":/+" (car var))
(require 'server)
(require 'org-protocol)
;; `\' to `/' on windows
(let ((fname (org-protocol-check-filename-for-protocol
(expand-file-name (car var))
(member var flist)
(cond ((eq fname t) ; greedy? We need the t return value.
(setq files nil)
(throw 'greedy t))
((stringp fname) ; probably filename
(setcar var fname))
((setq files (delq var files)))))))))
(list files proc nowait)))
;; Disable built-in, clumsy advice
(after! org-protocol
(ad-disable-advice 'server-visit-files 'before 'org-protocol-detect-protocol-server)))
(defun +org-init-protocol-h ()
;; TODO org-board or better link grabbing support
;; TODO org-capture + org-protocol instead of bin/org-capture
(defun +org-init-smartparens-h ()
(after! smartparens
(defun +org-sp-point-in-checkbox-p (_id action _context)
(and (eq action 'insert)
(sp--looking-at-p "\\s-*]")))
(defun +org-sp-point-at-bol-p (_id action _context)
(and (eq action 'insert)
(eq (char-before) ?*)
(sp--looking-back-p "^\\**" (line-beginning-position))))
;; make delimiter auto-closing a little more conservative
(sp-with-modes 'org-mode
(sp-local-pair "*" "*" :unless '(:add sp-point-before-word-p sp-in-math-p +org-sp-point-at-bol-p))
(sp-local-pair "_" "_" :unless '(:add sp-point-before-word-p sp-in-math-p))
(sp-local-pair "/" "/" :unless '(:add sp-point-before-word-p sp-in-math-p +org-sp-point-in-checkbox-p))
(sp-local-pair "~" "~" :unless '(:add sp-point-before-word-p))
(sp-local-pair "=" "=" :unless '(:add sp-point-before-word-p sp-in-math-p)))))
;;; Bootstrap
(def-package! org
calendar find-func format-spec org-macs org-compat org-faces org-entities
org-list org-pcomplete org-src org-footnote org-macro ob org org-agenda
;; Change org defaults (should be set before org loads)
(defvar org-directory "~/org/")
(defvar org-attach-directory ".attach/")
(defvar org-clock-persist-file (concat doom-etc-dir "org-clock-save.el"))
(defvar org-publish-timestamp-directory (concat doom-cache-dir "org-timestamps/"))
(defvar org-preview-latex-image-directory (concat doom-cache-dir "org-latex/"))
(defvar org-modules
'(;; org-w3m
;; org-bbdb
;; org-docview
;; org-gnus
;; org-info
;; org-irc
;; org-mhe
;; org-rmail
(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook
#'(org-bullets-mode ; "prettier" bullets
org-indent-mode ; margin-based indentation
toc-org-enable ; auto-table of contents
auto-fill-mode ; hard line wrapping
;; `show-paren-mode' causes flickering with indentation margins made by
;; `org-indent-mode', so we turn off show-paren-mode altogether
;; Shows a lot of false positives, so...
(add-hook! 'org-load-hook
+org-init-keybinds-for-evil-h ; will noop without :editor evil
;; In case the user has eagerly loaded org from their configs
(when (featurep 'org)
(message "`org' was already loaded by the time lang/org loaded, this may cause issues")
(run-hooks 'org-load-hook))
;;; Custom org modules
(if (featurep! +dragndrop) (load! "contrib/dragndrop"))
(if (featurep! +ipython) (load! "contrib/ipython"))
(if (featurep! +present) (load! "contrib/present"))
(add-hook 'org-open-at-point-functions #'doom-set-jump-h)
;;; Packages
(after! toc-org
(setq toc-org-hrefify-default "gh")
(def-advice! +org-unfold-toc-a (&rest _)
:before #'toc-org-insert-toc
(when (re-search-forward toc-org-toc-org-regexp (point-max) t)
(def-package! org-pdfview
:when (featurep! :tools pdf)
:commands (org-pdfview-open)
(delete '("\\.pdf\\'" . default) org-file-apps)
;; org links to pdf files are opened in pdf-view-mode
(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.pdf\\'" . (lambda (_file link) (org-pdfview-open link))))
;; support for links to specific pages
(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.pdf::\\([[:digit:]]+\\)\\'" . (lambda (_file link) (org-pdfview-open link)))))
(def-package! org-crypt ; built-in
:commands org-encrypt-entries
:hook (org-reveal-start . org-decrypt-entry)
(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'org-encrypt-entries nil t))
(add-to-list 'org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance "crypt")
(setq org-crypt-key user-mail-address))
(def-package! org-clock ; built-in
:commands org-clock-save
(setq org-clock-persist t)
(def-advice! +org-clock-load-a (&rest _)
:before '(org-clock-in
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'org-clock-save)))