Henrik Lissner 09cb4f6716
Major refactor & optimization of how modules load their packages
Now that we are loading package autoloads files (as part of the
generated doom-package-autoload-file when running make autoloads), many
:commands properties are redundant. In fact, many def-package! blocks
are redundant.

In some cases, we can do without a config.el file entirely, and can move
into the autoloads file or rely entirely on package autoloads.

Also, many settings have been moved in their module's autoloads files,
which makes them available ASAP; their use no longer depends on module
load order.

This gained me a modest ~10% boost in startup speed.
2018-05-25 00:46:16 +02:00
autoload Major refactor & optimization of how modules load their packages 2018-05-25 00:46:16 +02:00
config.el Major refactor & optimization of how modules load their packages 2018-05-25 00:46:16 +02:00
packages.el feature/lookup: replace devdocs packages with devdocs-lookup 2018-05-14 13:05:03 +02:00

:feature lookup

Integrates with code navigation and documentation tools to help you quickly look up definitions, references and documentation.

  • Integration with
  • Integration with docsets.
  • Jump-to-definition and find-references implementations that just work.
  • Powerful xref integration for languages that support it.


To enable the module add :feature lookup to your doom! block in ~/.emacs.d/init.el.

Module flags

This module provides two flags:

  • +docsets Enables integration with Dash docsets.
  • +devdocs Enables integration with search.


This module has several soft dependencies:

  • the_silver_searcher and/or ripgrep as a last-resort fallback for jump-to-definition/find-references.
  • sqlite3 for Dash docset support.


brew install the_silver_searcher ripgrep

# An older version of sqlite is included in MacOS. If it causes you problems (and
# it has been reported that it will), install it through homebrew:
brew install sqlite
# Note that it's keg-only, meaning it isn't symlinked to /usr/local/bin. You'll
# have to add it to PATH yourself (or symlink it into your PATH somewhere). e.g.
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/sqlite/bin:$PATH"

Arch Linux

sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S sqlite the_silver_searcher ripgrep


Jump to definition

Use +lookup/definition (bound to gd in normal mode) to jump to the definition of the symbol at point

This module provides a goto-definition implementation that will try the following sources before giving up:

  1. Whatever :definition function is registered for the current buffer with the :lookup setting (see "Configuration" section).
  2. Any available xref backends.
  3. dumb-jump (a text search with aides to reduce false positives).
  4. An ordinary project-wide text search with ripgrep or the_silver_searcher.
  5. If evil-mode is active, use evil-goto-definition, which preforms a simple text search within the current buffer.

If there are multiple results, you will be prompted to select one.

Find references

Use +lookup/references (bound to gD in normal mode) to see a list of references for the symbol at point from throughout your project.

Like +lookup/definition, this tries a number of sources before giving up. It will try:

  1. Whatever :references function is registered for the current buffer with the :lookup setting (see "Configuration" section).
  2. Any available xref backends.
  3. An ordinary project-wide text search with ripgrep or the_silver_searcher.

If there are multiple results, you will be prompted to select one.

Look up documentation

+lookup/documentation (bound to K in normal mode) will open documentation for the symbol at point.

Depending on your configuration, this will try a list of sources:

  1. Whatever :documentation function is registered for the current buffer with the :lookup setting (see "Configuration" section).
  2. Any docsets, if any are installed for the current major mode.
  3., if it has a docset for the current mode.
  4. An online search; using the last engine used (it will prompt you the first time, or if current-prefix-arg is non-nil).

Search a specific documentation backend

You can perform a documentation lookup on any backends directly:

  • Dash Docsets: +lookup/in-docsets, or :dash QUERY for evil users.
  • +lookup/in-devdocs, or :dd QUERY for evil users.
  • Online (generic): +lookup/online or +lookup/online-select (bound to SPC / o), or :lo[okup] QUERY for evil users.



This module provides three settings: :lookup, :docset and :devdocs.

:lookup MODES &rest PLIST

Defines a lookup target for major MODES (one major-mode symbol or a list thereof). PLIST accepts the following optional properties:

:definition FN
Run when jumping to a symbol's definition. Used by +lookup/definition.
:references FN
Run when looking for usage references of a symbol in the current project. Used by +lookup/references.
:documentation FN
Run when looking up documentation for a symbol. Used by +lookup/documentation.
:xref-backend FN
Defines an xref backend for a major-mode. With this, :definition and :references are unnecessary.
;; For python-mode, anaconda-mode offers a backend for all three lookup
;; functions. We can register them like so:
(set! :lookup 'python-mode
  :definition #'anaconda-mode-find-definitions
  :references #'anaconda-mode-find-references
  :documentation #'anaconda-mode-show-doc)

;; If a language or plugin provides a custom xref backend available for it, use
;; that instead. It will provide the best jump-to-definition and find-references
;; experience. You can specify custom xref backends with:
(set! :lookup 'js2-mode :xref-backend #'xref-js2-xref-backend)
;; NOTE: xref doesn't provide a :documentation backend.

:docset MODES &rest DOCSETS

Registers a list of DOCSETS (strings) for MODES (either one major mode symbol or a list of them). Used by +lookup/in-docsets and +lookup/documentation.

(set! :docset 'js2-mode "JavaScript" "JQuery")
;; Add docsets to minor modes by starting DOCSETS with :add
(set! :docset 'rjsx-mode :add "React")
;; Or remove docsets from minor modes
(set! :docset 'nodejs-mode :remove "JQuery")


Registers a devdocs DOCset (one string) to search when in MODES (either one major mode symbol or a list). Used by +lookup/in-devdocs and +lookup/documentation. With devdocs you can only search one docset at a time.

(set! :devdocs 'js2-mode "javascript")
;; works on minor modes too
(set! :devdocs 'rjsx-mode "react")

Open in eww instead of browser

(setq +lookup-open-url-fn 'eww)



  • +lookup/definition
  • +lookup/references
  • +lookup/documentation
  • +lookup/online
  • +lookup/online-select
  • +lookup/in-devdocs
  • +lookup/in-docsets