Henrik Lissner fc78d46f30 v1.1.3 bump
+ sp: be quiet
+ popup: load *eval* rule earlier
+ evil-anzu: defer, due to long load time
+ Update makefile
+ Clean up core.el
+ line-spacing = 1, less rpadding on nlinum-format
+ Add *esup* popup rule
+ Refactor doom macro
+ Refactor doom-byte-compile
+ :big [SIZE] + use inconsolata in big-mode
+ :v TAB -> doom/yas-insert-snippet
+ eval: use pop-to-buffer instead of doom/popup-buffer
+ Refactor backspace fn; handle pair deletion issue with sp better
+ \#bringbackwindowsystem
+ db: remove unused var
+ Update init.el
2016-05-28 22:11:03 -04:00

52 lines
1.5 KiB

;;; extra-demo.el --- -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
(defvar powerline-height)
;; This library offers:
;; + impatient-mode: for broadcasting my emacs session
;; + big-mode: for enlarged text while screencasting
;; + TODO integration with reveal.js for presentations
;; + TODO peer programming collab
;; Big-mode settings
(defconst big-mode-font (font-spec :family "Inconsolata" :size 18))
(defconst big-mode-line-spacing 1)
(defconst big-mode-modeline-height 35)
(use-package impatient-mode
:commands impatient-mode
:config (httpd-start))
(defvar big-mode--line-spacing line-spacing)
(defvar big-mode--powerline-height powerline-height)
(define-minor-mode big-mode
:init-value nil
:lighter " BIG"
:global t
(doom/load-font (if big-mode big-mode-font doom-default-font))
(if big-mode big-mode-modeline-height big-mode--powerline-height)
(if big-mode big-mode-line-spacing big-mode--line-spacing))
(if big-mode
(setq neo-window-width 25)
(add-hook 'neo-after-create-hook 'doom|text-scale-1))
(setq neo-window-width 28)
(remove-hook 'neo-after-create-hook 'doom|text-scale-1)))
(defun doom|text-scale-1 (&rest _)
(text-scale-set -1) (setq line-spacing 0))
(evil-define-command doom:big-mode (&optional size)
(interactive "<a>")
(let ((big-mode-font big-mode-font))
(when (and size (not big-mode))
(font-put big-mode-font :size (string-to-int size)))
(big-mode (if big-mode -1 +1))))
(provide 'extra-demo)
;;; extra-demo.el ends here