# NARF Emacs ![Screenshot](assets/screenshots/01.png) > What we do every night, Pinky... This is Emacs for stubborn vimmers and megalomaniacal mice alike. Its goals are: first, to emulate vim as best it can, and second, surpass it in any possible way. Narf uses [Evil-mode](https://gitorious.org/evil/pages/Home) to emulate vim, Cask to manage plugins, and a slew of jury-rigged neckbeard shenanigans to keep my mountain dew cool. It is tailored for OSX users running Emacs **24.5+** Any contributions or suggestions are welcome. The world won't take over itself. ## Installation ``` brew install cask brew install emacs --devel --with-imagemagick --with-librsvg --with-cocoa git clone --recursive https://github.com/hlissner/emacs.d ~/.emacs.d cd ~/.emacs.d make # installs plugins via cask and generates autoloads make compile # optionally byte-compiles everything ``` ## Features You'll get a good picture of what's in here from these files: ``` ./Cask # what packages are used (and where) ./init.el # lists all core files and modules loaded ./private/my-bindings.el # the keybindings ./private/my-commands.el # available ex commands ``` ## What about Windo- ![Windows, you say...](http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/549/293/504.gif)