#+TITLE: Contributing #+STARTUP: nofold Doom Emacs is an active and ongoing project, maintained mostly by a single person, but includes the efforts of 200 contributors and growing. There is no shortage of things that need doing; bugs that need stomping, features that need implementing, and documentation that needs documenting. If Doom's been useful to you, convert some caffiene into code; it'd be a huge help! You are welcome to [[https://discord.gg/qvGgnVx][join us on our Discord server]], otherwise read on to learn how to contribute to our fine corner of the interwebs. * Table of Contents :TOC_3: - [[#where-can-i-help][Where can I help?]] - [[#reporting-issues][Reporting issues]] - [[#collect-backtraces-of-any-error-messages][Collect backtraces of any error messages]] - [[#create-a-step-by-step-reproduction-guide][Create a step-by-step reproduction guide]] - [[#include-information-about-your-doom-install][Include information about your Doom install]] - [[#debugging-crashes-with-gdb][Debugging crashes with gdb]] - [[#suggesting-features-keybinds-andor-enhancements][Suggesting features, keybinds and/or enhancements]] - [[#contributing-code][Contributing code]] - [[#conventions][Conventions]] - [[#code-style][Code style]] - [[#naming-conventions][Naming conventions]] - [[#commits--prs][Commits & PRs]] - [[#keybind-conventions][Keybind conventions]] - [[#your-first-code-contribution][Your first code contribution]] - [[#submitting-pull-requests][Submitting pull requests]] - [[#contributing-to-doom-core][Contributing to Doom core]] - [[#contributing-to-an-existing-module][Contributing to an existing module]] - [[#contributing-a-new-module][Contributing a new module]] - [[#contributing-documentation][Contributing documentation]] - [[#contributing-to-dooms-manual][Contributing to Doom's manual]] - [[#contributing-module-documentation][Contributing module documentation]] - [[#help-keep-packages-up-to-date][Help keep packages up-to-date!]] - [[#other-ways-to-support-doom-emacs][Other ways to support Doom Emacs]] - [[#special-thanks][Special thanks]] * Where can I help? + Our [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/issues][issue tracker]] has many issues. If you find one that you have an answer to, it would be a huge help! + Look for issues tagged [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/labels/good%20first%20issue][good first issue]]. These were judged to have a low barrier of entry. + Look for issues tagged [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/labels/help%20wanted][help wanted]]. These tend to be a little (or a lot) harder, and are issues outside my own expertise. + If you've encountered a bug, [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/issues/new/choose][file a bug report]]. + The [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/projects/3][development roadmap board]] is a rough timeline of what is being worked on and when. It will give you an idea of what will change and where you can redirect your efforts. + The [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/projects/2][plugins under review board]] lists third party plugins being considered (or rejected) for inclusion in Doom Emacs. Approved and unclaimed packages are open for you to implement yourself. + The [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/projects/5][upstream bugs board]] lists known issues that have external causes, but affect Doom. If you're feeling adventurous (or are better acquainted with the cause) perhaps you can address them at the source. * TODO Reporting issues You've found a problem and you're ready to fire off that bug report. Hold up! Before you do that, [[file:getting_started.org::*Troubleshoot][have a look at our Troubleshooting guide]]. If none of these suggestions pan out, /then/ it is time to file a bug report. An effective bug report is informative. Please try to provide: + A backtrace of all mentioned errors. + A step-by-step reproduction of the issue. + Information about your Doom config and system environment. + Screenshots/casts of the issue (if possible). This section will show you how to collect this information. ** Acquire a backtrace from errors See "[[file:getting_started.org::*How to extract a backtrace from an error][How to extract a backtrace from an error]]" in the [[file:getting_started.org][Getting Started]] guide. ** TODO Create a step-by-step reproduction guide ** TODO Include information about your Doom install ** TODO Debugging crashes with gdb * TODO Suggesting features, keybinds and/or enhancements * TODO Contributing code There's much to be done around here! We need bugfixes, new features, and documentation. If you'd like to convert some caffeine into Emacs Lisp, here are a few considerations before starting that PR: ** TODO Conventions *** TODO Code style Doom conforms to [[https://github.com/bbatsov/emacs-lisp-style-guide][@bbatsov's emacs-lisp style guide]] with the following exceptions: + Use ~mapc~ instead of ~seq-do~. + No hanging parentheses + We use =DEPRECATED= to indicate code that will eventually be removed. *** Naming conventions Doom has a number of naming conventions that it uses in addition to the standard lisp conventions. Third party packages may use their own conventions as well. **** Lisp Naming Conventions The lisp conventions are simple. Symbols follow ~NAMESPACE-SYMBOLNAME~ for public variables/functions (e.g. ~bookmark-default-file~ or ~electric-indent-mode~) and ~NAMESPACE--SYMBOLNAME~ for private ones (e.g. ~byte-compile--lexical-environment~ and ~yas--tables~). ~NAMESPACE~ is usually the name of the containing file or package. E.g. the ~company~ plugin prefixes all its variables/functions with ~company-~. **** Doom Naming Conventions + ~doom/NAME~ or ~+MODULE/NAME~ :: Denotes a public command designed to be used interactively, via =M-x= or a keybinding. e.g. ~doom/info~, ~+popup/other~, ~+ivy/rg~. + ~doom:NAME~ :: A public evil operator, motion or command. e.g. ~+evil:align~, ~+ivy:rg~. + ~doom-[-]NAME-h~ or ~+MODULE-[-]NAME-h~ :: A non-interactive function meant to be used (exclusively) as a hook. e.g. ~+cc-fontify-constants-h~, ~+flycheck-buffer-h~. + ~doom-[-]NAME-a~ or ~+MODULE-[-]NAME-a~ :: Functions designed to be used as advice for other functions. e.g. ~doom-set-jump-a~, ~doom--fix-broken-smie-modes-a~, ~+org--babel-lazy-load-library-a~ + ~doom-[-]NAME-fn~ or ~+MODULE-[-]NAME-fn~ :: Indicates an [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_pattern][strategy]] function. A good rule of thumb for what makes a strategy function is: is it interchangeable? Can it be replaced with another function with a matching signature? e.g. ~+lookup-dumb-jump-backend-fn~, ~+magit-display-buffer-fn~, ~+workspaces-set-project-action-fn~ + ~abc!~ :: A public Doom "autodef" function or macro. An autodef should always be defined, even if its containing module is disabled (i.e. they will not throw a void-function error). The purpose of this is to avoid peppering module configs with conditionals or `after!` blocks before using their APIs. They should noop if their module is disabled, and should be zero-cost in the case their module is disabled. Autodefs usually serve to configure Doom or a module. e.g. ~after!~, ~set-company-backends!~, ~set-evil-initial-state!~ *** TODO Commits & PRs + Target =develop= instead of =master=. The only exception are hotfixes! *** TODO Keybind conventions ** TODO Your first code contribution ** TODO Submitting pull requests ** TODO Contributing to Doom core ** TODO Contributing to an existing module ** TODO Contributing a new module * TODO Contributing documentation Doom Emacs' documentation is an ongoing effort. If you have suggestions, improvements, tutorials and/or articles to submit, don't hesitate to get in contact via our [[https://discord.gg/bcZ6P3y][Discord server]] or [[mailto:henrik@lissner.net][email]]. I appreciate any help I can get! ** TODO Contributing to Doom's manual ** TODO Contributing module documentation * TODO Help keep packages up-to-date! Doom pins all its packages to reduce the likelihood of upstream breakage leaking into Doom Emacs. However, we may miss when a package releases hotfixes for critical issues. Let us know or PR a bump to our pinned packages. * TODO Other ways to support Doom Emacs * TODO Special thanks