;;; core-popup.el --- taming stray windows (use-package shackle :config (shackle-mode 1) (setq shackle-rules '(;; Plugins ("\\` ?\\*[hH]elm.*?\\*\\'" :regexp t :align below :size 20 :select t) ("*Flycheck errors*" :align below :size 15 :noselect t) (" *NeoTree*" :align left :select t) ("*evil-registers*" :align below :size 0.3) ("*quickrun*" :align below :size 15 :noselect t) ("*eval*" :align below :size 15) ("*esup*" :align below :size 30 :noselect t) ;; vcs ("^\\*git-gutter.+\\*$" :regexp t :align below :size 0.4 :noselect t) ("*vc-diff*" :align below :size 0.4 :noselect t) ("*vc-change-log*" :align below :select t) (vc-annotate-mode :same t) ("*Apropos*" :align below :size 0.3) ("*minor-modes*" :align below :size 0.5 :noselect t) ;; Org ("^\\*Org Src .+\\*$" :regexp t :align below :size 0.4 :select t) ("^\\*Org-Babel.*\\*$" :regexp t :align below :size 0.4) (org-agenda-mode :align below :size 0.4) ("*Org Agenda*" :align below :size 0.4) ("*Agenda Commands*" :align below :size 0.5) (" *Org todo*" :align below :size 5 :noselect t) ("*Org Links*" :align below :size 5) ;; Emacs ("^\\*.+-Profiler-Report .+\\*$" :regexp t :align below :size 0.3) ("*Backtrace*" :align below :size 0.25 :noselect t) ("*scratch*" :align below :size 0.3 :select t) ("*Help*" :align below :size 15 :select t) ("*Messages*" :align below :size 20 :select t) (debugger-mode :align below :size 0.25 :noselect t) (compilation-mode :noselect t) ;; REPLs ((:custom (lambda (b &rest _) (when (featurep 'repl-toggle) (when (string-prefix-p "*" (buffer-name (get-buffer b))) (with-current-buffer b repl-p))))) :popup t :align below :size 12))) (after! helm ;; This is a good alternative to either popwin or shackle, specifically for helm. If ;; either fail me (for the last time), this is where I'll turn. ;;(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist ;; `(,(rx bos "*helm" (* not-newline) "*" eos) ;; (display-buffer-in-side-window) ;; (inhibit-same-window . t) ;; (window-height . 0.4))) ;; Helm tries to clean up after itself, but shackle has already done this. This fixes ;; that. To reproduce, add a helm rule in `shackle-rules', open two splits ;; side-by-side, move to the buffer on the right and invoke helm. It will close all ;; but th left-most buffer. (setq-default helm-split-window-in-side-p t)) (after! helm-swoop (setq helm-swoop-split-window-function (lambda ($buf) (narf/popup-buffer $buf)))) (after! helm-ag ;; Helm-ag needs a little coaxing for it to cooperate with shackle. Mostly to prevent ;; it from switching between windows and buffers. (defadvice helm-ag--edit-abort (around helm-ag-edit-abort-popup-compat activate) (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'select-window) 'ignore)) ad-do-it) (narf/popup-close nil t t)) (defadvice helm-ag--edit-commit (around helm-ag-edit-commit-popup-compat activate) (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'select-window) 'ignore)) ad-do-it) (narf/popup-close nil t t)) (defadvice helm-ag--edit (around helm-ag-edit-popup-compat activate) (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'other-window) 'ignore) ((symbol-function 'switch-to-buffer) 'narf/popup-buffer)) ad-do-it))) (after! quickrun ;; This allows us to run code several times in a row without having to close the popup ;; window and move back to the code buffer. (defun narf*quickrun-close-popup (&optional _ _ _ _) (let* ((buffer (get-buffer quickrun/buffer-name)) (window (and buffer (get-buffer-window buffer)))) (when buffer (shut-up! (quickrun/kill-running-process)) (narf/popup-close window nil t)))) (advice-add 'quickrun :before 'narf*quickrun-close-popup) (advice-add 'quickrun-region :before 'narf*quickrun-close-popup) ;; Turns on `yascroll-bar-mode' and `nlinum-mode', and ensures window is scrolled to ;; EOF and that the scrollbar is showing. (defun narf|quickrun-after-run () (let ((window (get-buffer-window quickrun/buffer-name))) (with-selected-window window (yascroll-bar-mode +1) (narf|nlinum-enable) (setq mode-line-format nil) (let* ((lines (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))) (act-lines (max 5 (min 30 lines)))) (set-window-start window (evil-line-position (+ 2 (- lines act-lines)))) (evil-resize-window act-lines) (yascroll:safe-show-scroll-bar) ; scroll-bar starts hidden, but not anymore! )))) (add-hook 'quickrun-after-run-hook 'narf|quickrun-after-run) ;; I let `narf|quickrun-after-run' handle scrolling, so quickrun shouldn't have to! (advice-add 'quickrun/recenter :override 'ignore)) (after! neotree ;; Ever since neotree removed the neo-modern-sidebar option, neotree's buffer-opening ;; behavior can't be controlled externally. This fixes that and is surprisingly ;; stable! (defun neo-global--create-window () "Create global neotree window." (let ((window nil) (buffer (neo-global--get-buffer t))) (narf/popup-buffer buffer) (setq window (select-window (neo-global--get-position-window neo-window-position))) (neo-window--init window buffer) (neo-global--attach) (neo-global--reset-width) window))) (after! repl-toggle (map! :map repl-toggle-mode-map "ESC ESC" 'narf/popup-close)) (add-hook! org-load ;; This ensures org-src-edit yields control of its buffer to shackle. (defun org-src-switch-to-buffer (buffer context) (pop-to-buffer buffer)) ;; And these for org-todo, org-link and agenda (defun org-pop-to-buffer-same-window (&optional buffer-or-name norecord label) "Pop to buffer specified by BUFFER-OR-NAME in the selected window." (display-buffer buffer-or-name)) (defun org-switch-to-buffer-other-window (&rest args) (mapc (lambda (b) (let ((buf (if (stringp b) (get-buffer-create b) b))) (pop-to-buffer buf t t))) args))) (after! flycheck (map! :map flycheck-error-list-mode-map :n "q" 'narf/popup-close :n [escape] 'narf/popup-close)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defvar narf-popup-windows '() "A list of windows that have been opened via shackle. Do not touch this!") (defun narf*popup-add (&rest _) (add-to-list 'narf-popup-windows (get-buffer-window shackle-last-buffer))) (advice-add 'shackle-display-buffer :after 'narf*popup-add) (defun narf--popup-remove (window) (setq narf-popup-windows (delete window narf-popup-windows))) (defun narf/popup-p (&optional window) (and narf-popup-windows (-any? (lambda (w) (if (window-live-p w) t (narf--popup-remove w) nil)) narf-popup-windows) (if window (-any? (lambda (w) (eq window w)) narf-popup-windows) t))) (defun narf/popup-buffer (buffer &optional plist) (let ((buffer-name (if (stringp buffer) buffer (buffer-name buffer)))) (shackle-display-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name) nil (or plist (shackle-match buffer-name))))) (defun narf/popup-close (&optional window dont-kill dont-close-all) (interactive) (when (not window) (if (narf/popup-p (selected-window)) (setq window (selected-window)) (unless dont-close-all (narf-popup-close-all dont-kill)))) (when (and window (window-live-p window)) ;; REPL buffer (cond ((and (derived-mode-p 'comint-mode) (featurep 'repl-toggle) repl-toggle-mode) (setq rtog/--last-buffer nil narf-repl-buffer nil)) ((eq major-mode 'messages-buffer-mode) (bury-buffer) (setq dont-kill t))) (narf--popup-remove window) (unless dont-kill (kill-buffer (window-buffer window))) (delete-window window))) (defun narf-popup-close-all (&optional dont-kill-buffers) (interactive) (mapc (lambda (w) (narf/popup-close w dont-kill-buffers)) narf-popup-windows) (setq narf-popup-windows nil)) ;;;;; (defun narf/popup-toggle () (interactive) (if (narf/popup-p) (narf/popup-close t) (narf/popup-last-buffer))) (defun narf/popup-last-buffer () (interactive) (if shackle-last-buffer (narf/popup-buffer shackle-last-buffer) (narf/popup-messages))) (defun narf/popup-messages () (interactive) (narf/popup-buffer "*Messages*") (with-current-buffer "*Messages*" (setq mode-line-format nil) (goto-char (point-max))))) (provide 'core-popup) ;;; core-popup.el ends here