;;; module-python.el (use-package python :mode ("\\.py\\'" . python-mode) :interpreter ("python" . python-mode) :commands python-mode :init (add-hook! python-mode '(narf|enable-tab-width-4 emr-initialize flycheck-mode)) (setq python-indent-offset 4 python-environment-directory narf-temp-dir python-shell-interpreter "ipython") :config (define-env-command! python-mode "python --version | cut -d' ' -f2") (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "DEL") nil)) ; interferes with smartparens (use-package nose :commands nose-mode :preface (defvar nose-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) :init (associate! nose-mode :pattern "/test_.+\\.py\\'") :config (bind! :map nose-mode-map (:prefix "," :n "tr" 'nosetests-again :n "ta" 'nosetests-all :n "ts" 'nosetests-one :n "tv" 'nosetests-module :n "tA" 'nosetests-pdb-all :n "tO" 'nosetests-pdb-one :n "tV" 'nosetests-pdb-module))) (use-package anaconda-mode :diminish anaconda-mode :defines (anaconda-mode-map anaconda-nav-mode-map) :functions (anaconda-mode-running-p) :init (add-hook! python-mode '(anaconda-mode eldoc-mode)) :config (bind! :map anaconda-mode-map :m "gd" 'anaconda-mode-goto-definitions) (bind! :map anaconda-nav-mode-map :n [escape] 'anaconda-nav-quit) (advice-add 'anaconda-mode-doc-buffer :after 'narf*anaconda-mode-doc-buffer) (after! company (require 'company-anaconda) (define-company-backend! python-mode (anaconda))) (after! emr (mapc (lambda (x) (let ((command-name (car x)) (title (cadr x)) (region-p (caddr x)) predicate) (setq predicate (lambda () (and (anaconda-mode-running-p) (not (use-region-p)) (not (sp-point-in-string-or-comment))))) (emr-declare-command (intern (format "anaconda-mode-%s" (symbol-name command-name))) :title title :modes 'python-mode :predicate predicate))) '((view-doc "view documentation" t) (goto-assignments "go to assignments" t) (usages "show usages" nil))))) (provide 'module-python) ;;; module-python.el ends here