;;; init.el --- NARF bootstrap ;; ;; Author: Henrik Lissner ;; URL: https://github.com/hlissner/emacs.d ;; Version: 0.5.0 ;; ;;; Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky? ;; ;; ,,, !/:. ;; /::\". !!::: ;; :::::\". ," \:,:: ;; ::::::\ ". ,","\::. ;; \:::::":\ "/""v' :' ;; !::::\ ! \ \ __ ;; "::::\ \ ! \.&&&&, ;; ," __ ", cd,&&&&&&' ;; \ ". "" / \&&&" _,--- ;; "",__\_ / _,:"::::: ;; _," ,"" ,-,__,/":,_ ,","::::::: ;; _," ," `'' ::::,",__,,----,,__," /::::::::: ;; ," ,".__, \:::," " /:::":::::/ ;; ," ,/"::::::\ >" (_-"/:::::: ;; / ,"_!:::::::/, ," _,,--, /::::::/ ;; / "" _,"\:::::::' ! ," ){:::::/ ;; ! _," \ "", \,"""-,____,"__,,,"_," _/ ;; ""t" \\ \ "-,_(*)&&&&(*)," \ ." ;; / \", ! , \ ! - ) ;; ! \ "" ! !==!"-,__,' ;; ! \ """_""""`, ", /"_ ;; \ , .l /" " ", \! ,_/ ;; ), \ / \ \/ ,, /! ! ;; ,::\ \," \ ! \/ ! ! ;; _,::::" ) )\ ," ___ \ -,_, ,"",! ! ;; __,,,::::"" ," ,":::,-:::--:" __\_!__/_""-,_! ;; ,,:::""""""" ,:_,""__...._"""::::"" /:::::" "":::::: ;; (:._ l::::::::::::\\/ "" "" ;; """"--,,,--- """" ;; ;; These mice are not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (defconst narf-theme 'narf-dark) (defconst narf-default-font (font-spec :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :size 12)) (defconst narf-big-font (font-spec :family "Inconsolata" :size 20)) ;; prematurely optimize for faster startup (let (file-name-handler-alist) (scroll-bar-mode -1) ; no scrollbar (tool-bar-mode -1) ; no toolbar (load (concat user-emacs-directory "init-load-path.el")) (load-theme narf-theme t) (mapc 'require `(core ; core/core.el ,(cond (IS-MAC 'core-os-osx) (IS-LINUX 'core-os-linux) (IS-WINDOWS 'core-os-win32)) core-ui ; draw me like one of your French editors core-evil ; come to the dark side, we have cookies core-editor ; filling the editor-shaped hole in the emacs OS core-company ; for the lazy typist core-yasnippet ; for the lazier typist core-auto-insert ; for the laziest typist core-flycheck ; remember that semicolon you forgot? core-project ; whose project am I in? core-vcs ; version control is a programmer's best friend core-helm ; a search engine for life and love core-quickrun ; run code, run. core-workgroups ; cure Emacs alzheimers module-cc ; c/c++/obj-c madness ;; module-crystal ; ruby at the speed of c module-csharp ; unity, .NET, and mono shenanigans module-collab ; wonewy, I'm so wonewy~ module-data ; dbs 'n data formats module-elisp ; drowning in parentheses ;; module-eshell ; eshell (on windows) module-go ; a hipster dialect module-java ; the poster child for carpal tunnel syndome module-js ; alert("not java, javascript!") module-lb6 ; LaunchBar 6 development module-lua ; one-based indices? one-based indices. module-markdown ; markdown module-org ; for fearless [organized] leader module-plantuml ; to help show how right I am module-php ; making php less painful to work with module-python ; beautiful is better than ugly module-regex ; /^[^\s](meaning)[^\n]*/ module-ruby ; <3 module-rust ; Fe2O3 module-sh ; she sells Z-shells by the C XOR module-swift ; yay, emoji variables! module-vim ; my mistress module-web ; for the 2.0'er module-writing ; emacs for writing papers or fiction my-bindings my-commands )) (narf-init)) ;;; I think so Brain...