;;; defuns-org-notebook.el ;;;###autoload (defun doom/org () (interactive) (find-file (f-expand "inbox.org" org-directory))) ;;;###autoload (defun doom/org-notebook-new () (interactive) (projectile-invalidate-cache nil) (let* ((default-directory org-directory) (dir (projectile-complete-dir)) (doom-org-quicknote-dir dir)) (when dir (doom/org-notebook-quick-note)))) ;;;###autoload (defun doom/org-notebook-quick-note () (interactive) (let (text) (when (evil-visual-state-p) (setq text (buffer-substring-no-properties evil-visual-beginning evil-visual-end))) (switch-to-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*quick-note*")) (setq default-directory doom-org-quicknote-dir) (erase-buffer) (insert text))) ;;;###autoload (defun doom/org-download-dnd (uri action) (if (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (doom:org-attach uri) (let ((dnd-protocol-alist (rassq-delete-all 'doom/org-download-dnd (copy-alist dnd-protocol-alist)))) (dnd-handle-one-url nil action uri)))) ;;;###autoload (autoload 'doom:org-attach "defuns-org-notebook" nil t) (evil-define-command doom:org-attach (&optional uri) (interactive "") (unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (user-error "Not in an org-mode buffer")) (if uri (let* ((rel-path (org-download--fullname uri)) (new-path (f-expand rel-path)) (image-p (image-type-from-file-name uri))) (cond ((string-match-p (concat "^" (regexp-opt '("http" "https" "nfs" "ftp" "file")) ":/") uri) (url-copy-file uri new-path)) (t (copy-file uri new-path))) (unless new-path (user-error "No file was provided")) (if (evil-visual-state-p) (org-insert-link nil (format "./%s" rel-path) (concat (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end)) " " (doom/org-attach-icon rel-path))) (insert (if image-p (format "[[./%s]]" rel-path) (format "%s [[./%s][%s]]" (doom/org-attach-icon rel-path) rel-path (f-filename rel-path))))) (when (string-match-p (regexp-opt '("jpg" "jpeg" "gif" "png")) (f-ext rel-path)) (org-toggle-inline-images))) (let ((attachments (doom-org-attachments))) (unless attachments (user-error "No attachments in this file")) (helm :sources (helm-build-sync-source "Attachments" :candidates attachments))))) ;;;###autoload (defun doom/org-attach-icon (path) (char-to-string (pcase (downcase (f-ext path)) ("jpg" ?) ("jpeg" ?) ("png" ?) ("gif" ?) ("pdf" ?) ("ppt" ?) ("pptx" ?) ("xls" ?) ("xlsx" ?) ("doc" ?) ("docx" ?) ("ogg" ?) ("mp3" ?) ("wav" ?) ("mp4" ?) ("mov" ?) ("avi" ?) ("zip" ?) ("gz" ?) ("tar" ?) ("7z" ?) ("rar" ?) (t ?)))) ;;;###autoload (defun doom/org-attachments () "Retrieves a list of all the attachments pertinent to the currect org-mode buffer." (org-save-outline-visibility nil (let ((attachments '()) element file) (when (and (f-dir? org-attach-directory) (> (length (f-glob (concat (f-slash org-attach-directory) "*"))) 0)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (progn (org-next-link) (not org-link-search-failed)) (setq element (org-element-lineage (org-element-context) '(link) t)) (when element (setq file (expand-file-name (org-element-property :path element))) (when (and (string= (org-element-property :type element) "file") (string= (concat (f-base (f-dirname file)) "/") org-attach-directory) (file-exists-p file)) (push file attachments)))))) (-distinct attachments)))) ;;;###autoload (defun doom/org-cleanup-attachments () "Deletes any attachments that are no longer present in the org-mode buffer." (let* ((attachments (doom/org-attachments)) (to-delete (-difference doom-org-attachments-list attachments))) (mapc (lambda (f) (message "Deleting attachment: %s" f) (delete-file f t)) to-delete) (setq doom-org-attachments-list attachments))) ;; ;; Easy searching ;; ;; Ex-mode interface for `helm-ag'. If `bang', then `search' is interpreted as ;; regexp. ;;;###autoload (autoload 'doom:org-helm-search "defuns-org-notebook" nil t) (evil-define-operator doom:org-helm-search (beg end &optional search bang) (interactive "") (doom:helm-ag-search beg end (if bang (concat "^\\*+.*" search ".*$") search) t org-directory)) (provide 'defuns-org-notebook) ;;; defuns-org-notebook.el ends here