#+TITLE: input/japanese #+DATE: May 13, 2019 #+SINCE: 2.1 #+STARTUP: inlineimages * Table of Contents :TOC_3:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#module-flags][Module Flags]] - [[#plugins][Plugins]] - [[#hacks][Hacks]] - [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]] - [[#features][Features]] - [[#configuration][Configuration]] - [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]] * Description This module adds support for Japanese script. #+begin_quote Because I am unable to personally test this module, help to improve this module would be greatly appreciated! Especially where performance is concerned. #+end_quote ** Module Flags This module provides no flags. ** Plugins + [[https://github.com/emacs-jp/migemo][migemo]] + [[https://github.com/momomo5717/avy-migemo][avy-migemo]] + [[https://github.com/hsaito/ddskk][ddskk]] + [[https://github.com/coldnew/pangu-spacing][pangu-spacing]] ** Hacks + ~org-html-paragraph~ has been modified to join consecutive Chinese lines into a single long line without wanted spaced (when exporting org-mode to html). * TODO Prerequisites + For incremental search with Migemo, one of the following is required: + [[https://github.com/koron/cmigemo][cmigemo]], which is recommended, or + [[http://0xcc.net/migemo/][CVS Head Migemo]] * TODO Features * TODO Configuration * TODO Troubleshooting