#+title: Doom's profile directory This directory houses Doom's profiles (both generated or static), which in turn will contain all "local" data for that profile, including packages, caches, server files, and so on. It's also where generated files (like autoloads) are written to. This directory may serve as an alternative to =$EMACSDIR/profiles.el= for [[https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/commit/5b6b204bcbcf69d541c49ca55a2d5c3604f04dad][declaring profiles]]: each directory here is an implicit profile, so assuming =$EMACSDIR/profiles/foo/init.el= exists, then ~emacs --profile foo~ will be equivalent to ~emacs --init-directory $EMACSDIR/profiles/foo~. > :warning: Generated (or included) profiles will follow the =X@Y= naming > convention. To avoid conflicts, avoid naming any profile you put in here the > same way. For example: =default@latest=, =test@942=, =safe-mode@static=,.