#+TITLE: :lang cc This module adds support for the C-family of languages: C, C++, and Objective-C. + Code completion (~company-irony~) + eldoc support (~irony-eldoc~) + Syntax-checking (~flycheck-irony~) + Code navigation (~rtags~) + File Templates ([[../../feature/file-templates/templates/c-mode][c-mode]], [[../../feature/file-templates/templates/c++-mode][c++-mode]]) + Snippets ([[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-snippets/tree/master/cc-mode][cc-mode]], [[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-snippets/tree/master/c-mode][c-mode]], [[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-snippets/tree/master/c++-mode][c++-mode]]) + Several improvements to C++11 indentation and syntax highlighting. #+begin_quote C contends with Haskell and Ruby for my favorite language. That said, it's more accurate to say I write C, but a C++ feature or three. The module provides nominal support for Objective-C, which I really only use to inspect generated glue code for iOS mobile apps. Otherwise, I prefer Swift. #+end_quote * Table of Contents :TOC: - [[#install][Install]] - [[#irony-server][irony-server]] - [[#rtags][rtags]] - [[#configure][Configure]] - [[#compile-settings][Compile settings]] * Install This module requires: + irony-server + rtags ** irony-server Irony powers the code completion, eldoc and syntax checking systems. *** MacOS Due to linking issues, MacOS users must compile irony-server manually: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle (if (doom-system-os 'macos) "yes") brew install cmake brew install llvm # 1gb+ installation! May take a while! git clone https://github.com/Sarcasm/irony-mode irony-mode mkdir irony-mode/server/build pushd irony-mode/server/build DEST="$HOME/.emacs.d/.local/$(hostname)/etc/irony-server/" cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=ON \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$DEST" ../ cmake --build . --use-stderr --config Release --target install install_name_tool -change @rpath/libclang.dylib \ /usr/local/opt/llvm/lib/libclang.dylib \ "$DEST/bin/irony-server" # cleanup popd rm -rf irony-mode #+END_SRC *** Arch Linux #+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle (if (doom-system-os 'arch) "yes") sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S clang cmake #+END_SRC Then run ~M-x irony-install-server~ in Emacs. ** rtags Code navigation requires an [[https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags][rtags]] server (~rdm~) installed and running. This should be available through your OS's package manager. This module will auto-start ~rdm~ when you open C/C++ buffers (so long as one isn't already). If you prefer to run it yourself, outside of Emacs: #+BEGIN_SRC sh rdm & rc -J $PROJECT_ROOT # loads PROJECT_ROOT's compile_commands.json #+END_SRC * Configure ** Compile settings By default, a set of default compile settings are defined in ~+cc-default-compiler-options~ for C, C++ and Objective C. Irony, rtags and flycheck will fall back to these. To make these tools aware of project specific build settings, you need a JSON [[https://sarcasm.github.io/notes/dev/compilation-database.html#ninja][compilation database]] present (i.e. a ~compile_commands.json~ file). There are [[https://sarcasm.github.io/notes/dev/compilation-database.html][many ways to generate one]]. I use [[http://www.cmake.org/][CMake]] and [[https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear][bear]]: #+BEGIN_SRC sh # For CMake projects cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON . # For non-CMake projects make clean bear make #+END_SRC #+begin_quote Use ~M-x +cc/reload-compile-db~ to reload your compile db in an already-open C/C++/ObjC buffer. #+end_quote