;;; core-vars.el (defvar doom-leader "," "Prefix for bindings") (defvar doom-localleader "\\" "Prefix for bindings") (defvar doom-unreal-buffers '("^ ?\\*.+" image-mode dired-mode reb-mode messages-buffer-mode tabulated-list-mode comint-mode magit-mode) "A list of regexps or modes whose buffers are considered unreal, and will be ignored when using `doom:next-real-buffer' and `doom:previous-real-buffer' (or killed by `doom/kill-unreal-buffers', or after `doom/kill-real-buffer').") (defvar doom-ignore-buffers '("*Completions*" "*Compile-Log*" "*inferior-lisp*" "*Fuzzy Completions*" "*Apropos*" "*Help*" "*cvs*" "*Buffer List*" "*Ibuffer*" "*NeoTree*" "*NeoTree*" "*esh command on file*" "*WoMan-Log*" "*compilation*" "*use-package*" "*quickrun*" "*eclim: problems*" "*Flycheck errors*" "*popwin-dummy*" ;; Helm "*helm*" "*helm recentf*" "*helm projectile*" "*helm imenu*" "*helm company*" "*helm buffers*" "*Helm Css SCSS*" "*helm-ag*" "*helm-ag-edit*" "*Helm Swoop*" "*helm M-x*" "*helm mini*" "*Helm Completions*" "*Helm Find Files*" "*helm mu*" "*helm mu contacts*" "*helm-mode-describe-variable*" "*helm-mode-describe-function*" ;; Org "*Org todo*" "*Org Links*" "*Agenda Commands*") "List of buffer names to ignore when using `winner-undo', or `winner-redo'") (defvar doom-cleanup-processes-alist '(("pry" . ruby-mode) ("irb" . ruby-mode) ("ipython" . python-mode)) "An alist of (process-name . major-mode), that `doom:cleanup-processes' checks before killing processes. If there are no buffers with matching major-modes, it gets killed.") (defvar doom-project-root-files '(".git" ".hg" ".svn" "rebar.config" "project.clj" "SConstruct" "pom.xml" "build.sbt" "build.gradle" "Gemfile" "requirements.txt" "package.json" "gulpfile.js" "Gruntfile.js" "bower.json" "composer.json" "Cargo.toml" "mix.exs" "tsconfig.json") "A list of files that count as 'project files', which determine whether a folder is the root of a project or not.") (defvar doom-unicode-font (font-spec :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :size 13) "Font to fall back to for unicode glyphs.") (provide 'core-vars) ;;; core-vars.el ends here